Annett Arntzen

USN School of Business
Department of Business, History and Social Sciences
Campus Vestfold (D3-98)
Head of Department of Business, History and Social Sciences, which include 59 employees and approximately 1300 students. A multidisciplinary department that offers sociology, history, philosophy, social geography, socioeconomics, management, accounting, auditing, organization, strategy, information systems, pedagogy, entrepreneurship, finance, business economics and innovation.


Employees responsibility

Economic responsibility

Educational- and research management


Professor in Sociology. PhD in epidemiology.

Research field social inequality and health differences. Head of the Directorate of Health's Health Council for Social Inequality in Health.

Sociology, epidemiology, social inequality in health, welfare state challenges, method.


Date of birth: 28th November 1959

Nationality: Norwegian


1985: Cand.polit (in sociology), Faculty of Social Sciences, NTNU

1985: Pedagogical seminar, Department of Education, NTNU

1996: Phd (dr.philos in epidemiology), Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo

Previous experience in directing research:

1995-1998: Research leader at the HENÆR-research center, Vestfold University College

1998-2000: Director of the Scientific Committee at Vestfold University College

1999-2005: Director of the Scientific Committee at Department of Economic and Social Science, Vestfold University College

1998-2005: Leader of different contract research projects: Health, safety and satisfaction in high schools, Information flow between doctors and patients, RGP contracts and psychiatry, Young people’s use of shopping centers, Children and youths use of  a city center, Social Pulse in Vestfold

2009-2011: Research leader for “Vestfold as a Welfare Society”, a cooperative project between the steering group for the central government, industry and trade and Vestfold University College

2004-2008: NorForsk (founded by Nordisk Ministerråd), the program Longitudinal Epidemiology, project Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health in Early Life. Executive committee, responsibility for the Norwegian part and supplying register data

2008-2011: The Research Council of Norway embarked on an evaluation of the NAV reform. The evaluation took place from 2006 to 2014. Two consortiums, seven modules, Vestfold University College contributed in module three – Local implementation, and had the leading role for the part that dealt with NAVs collaboration with the education system   

2013: Regional Research Council Oslofjordfondet. Research leader: What is happening in Sandefjord when it comes to NEET youth (not in education, employment or training)? 

Major responsibility for applications to Research Council of Norway and other funding sources. Continuous work with consortium building, both nationally and internationally.

Referee-engagements: BioMed Central Journals, International Journal of Epidemiology, European Journal of Public Health, Nordic journal of women’s studies (NORA), Tidsskrift for Norsk Lægeforening, Social Science of Medicine, Pediatrics, Public Health, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, Acta Paediatrica, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, The Open Women’s Health Journal.

Membership in academic and professional bodies:

2008-2014: Member of the Norwegian Directorate of Health’s Expert Group in Social Inequality in Health.

2015-2017: Leader of the Norwegian Directorate of Health’s Expert Group in Social Inequality in Health.

2011-d.d: Member of Østfold county councils Expert Group in Social Inequality in Health

Norwegian Sociological Association, Norwegian Epidemiological Association (NOFE), Norwegian Society of Public Health (NOPHA), European Public Health Assosiation (EUPHA), World Frederation of Public Healh Association (WFPHA) International Union in Helath Promotion (IUPH), Nordic Network on Equity and Health Research (NorChess). Birth Outcomes of Mothers in Ethnic Minorities/immigrants in Europe (BOMEME). Reproductive Outcomes And Migration: An international research collaboration (ROAM)

Present doctoral students supervised: Anita Rønningen. A user-oriented welfare administration – is there a miracle medicine? A study of inhibitory and promotion factors for young disabled people to reach Nav’s main objective: to get more people into work and activity

Selected academic and professional publications: 2 textbooks, 5 book chapters, more than 90 articles and reports

Arntzen A, Hauger B. (2002) Utfordringer i forebyggende og helsefremmende arbeid med barn og unge på skole som arena. I: Hauge HA & Mittelmark M (red) Fra monolog til dialog: kritiske og konstruktive perspektiver på helsefremmende arbeid, s.193-203. Bergen, Fagbokforlaget

Arntzen A, Samuelsen SO, Bakketeig LS,,,  Stoltenberg C. Socioeconomic status and risk of infant death.  A population-based study of trends in Norway, 1967-1998. International Journal of Epidemiology 2004;33:279-88.

Arntzen A, Mortensen L, Cnattingius S, Gissler M, Nybo-Andersen AM. Trends in Social Indicators in the Nordic Countries, 1980-2002. National Institute of Public Health, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2006.

Arntzen A. Sosial ulikhet og spedbarnsdødelighet. Sammenhengen mellom foreldres utdanning og spedbarnsdødelighet i perioden 1967-1998. Faktarapport om sosial ulikhet i helse. FHI’s rapportserie nr 3, 2007.

               Mortensen LH, Diderichsen F, Arntzen A, Gissler M, Cnattingius S, Davey-Smith G, Nybo Andersen AM. Social inequality in fetal growth. A 20-year comparative study of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2008 Apr;62(4):325-31.

Mika Gissler, Ossi Rahkonen, Annett A, Sven Cnattingius, Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen, Elina Hemminki. Trends in Socioeconomic Differences in Finnish Perinatal Health 1991-2006. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2009;63:420-5.

 Mika Gissler, Ossi Rahkonen, Laust Mortensen, Annett A, Sven Cnattingius, Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen, Elina Hemminki.  Sex differences in child and adolescent mortality in the Nordic countries, 1981-2000. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2009;37:340-6.

Sarah Fredsted Villadsen, Erika Sievers, Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen, Annett A, Marjorie Mariller, Guy Martens, Henry Ascher, Anders Hjern. One country of origin, different societies of destination. Stillbirth and neonatal mortality among offspring of Turkish migrants in northern Europe. European Journal of Public Health 2010;20(5):530-535 First published online 24.feb.2010.

Arntzen A, Bente Wahl Sandvol. Hvordan veilede om røykeslutt? Sykepleien Forskning 2010;3:182-190.

Arntzen A, Grøgaard JB. Utfordringer i samarbeidet mellom NAV-kontorene og utdanningssystemet. I: T. Alm Andreassen & K. Fossestøl (red.) NAV – organisasjonsendring som velferdsreform, s.149-169. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk 2011.

Arntzen A, Grøgaard JB. Ideals and realities in the collaboration between NAV and the follow-up service.  Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2012:4:250-262

Arntzen, A, Samuelsen, Sven Ove; Vangen, Siri; Stoltenberg, Camilla. Have immigrants in Norway higher risk of stillbirth and infant mortality? European Journal of Public Health 2012;Volum 22.(supp. 2) Suppl. 2 s. 10-11

Rønningen A., Arntzen A. User participation in NAV. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2013;3:172-184

Tor Erik Nymoen, Arntzen A, Grøgaard JB: Does social capital affect the Norwegian local government performance? Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (accepted, will be published 4/2016)
