Anna Rigmor Moxnes

Anna Rigmor Moxnes

Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science
Department of Educational Science
Campus Drammen (12007)
Anna R. Moxnes is associated Professor at the department of Pedagogy at the University of Southeastern Norway. Moxnes research interest is feminism and new materialist perspectives. Her recent projects involve both higher education, mentoring and early childhood practices; e.g. children and animals, children and esthetics in ECEC-institutions, but also classroom teaching and materiality in Early Childhood Teacher Education and research connected to education of mentors for students in teacher education. The research interest brought her in contact with international researchers, which have expanded her professional network and her writing experiences. In 2019, she was honored with a Norwegian national prize for teaching.



2019: Doctoral Thesis: Sensing, Thinking and Doing Reflection in Early Childhood Teacher Education. University of South-Eastern Norway, 01 March 2019.

2014 – 2017      Research program NAFOL (The Norwegian National Research School in Teacher Education)

2013 – 2018      Research program of Pedagogical learning processes in ECEC organisations and school, USN

2006 – 2010      Master in Early Childhood pedagogy, from Oslo University College.

2002 – 2003      Interdisciplinary Guidance, level 2, 30 credit-points. Telemark University College.

2000 – 2001      Pedagogical Guidance, level 1, 30 credit-points. Telemark University College

1998 – 1999      Storytelling, 30 credit-points. Oslo University College.

1988 – 1991      Early Childhood teacher Education, Telemark University College.


Work experience:

2010- d.d: Barnehagelærerutdanningen USN (2010-2013 – HiT, 2013-2016 – HiV/HiBV, 2016-2019 – USN)

2005-2010: Pedagogisk leder(Kindergarten Teacher), Gamlegrendåsen barnehage, Kongsberg

1995-2005: Pedagogisk leder (Kindergarten Teacher), Skavanger barnehage, Kongsberg

1995-1994: Norges vel/4H Norge: 4H-volunteer, The Gambia

1992-1994: Pedagogisk leder (Kindergarten teacher) Kragsgt. Barnehage, Kongsberg

1991-1992: Pedagogisk leder/styrer (Kindergarten teacher and leader) Hovin barnehage, Oslo

1987-1988: Praktikant i Skavanger barnehage (Practitioner-year), Kongsberg


Lindquist, H. & Moxnes, A. R. (2021). Abduksjon og improvisasjon i forskning. I Ø. Elle & M. Nyhus (Red.), Kunstmøter og estetiske prosesser med de yngste barna (0-3 år). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Moxnes, A. R., Bjelkerud, A. W., Gulpinar, T., Lafton, T., Myrvold, H. B. & Odegard, N. (2021). Lydkomposisjoner fra en småbarnsavdeling. I Ø. Elle & M. Nyhus (Red.), Kunstmøter og estetiske prosesser med de yngste barna (0-3 år). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Eik, L.T., Moxnes, A.R. & Vala. H.Ø. (2021). Spenning mellom ulike stemmer – læringsmuligheter i veiledning. Nordisk tidsskrift i veiledningspedagogikk. 6(1), 1-14.

Aslanian, T.K. & Moxnes, A.R. (2021). Slaughtering a cow in early childhood education: Pedagogic    meetings with destruction as change. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 12(1), 14-29. Hentet fra

Aslanian, T.K. & Moxnes, A.R (2020). Making 'cuts' with the Holstein cow in the nursery: the joys of representation. Journal of Childhood Studies.

Osgood, J., Taylor, C., Andersen, C. E., Benozzo, A., Carey, N., Elmenhorst, C., … Otterstad, A. M. (2020). Conferencing Otherwise: A Feminist New Materialist Writing Experiment. Cultural Studies-Critical Methodologies.

Moxnes, A. R. (2019). Sensing, Thinking and Doing Reflection in Early Childhood Teacher Education University of South-Eastern Norway, Drammen. Hentet fra:

Moxnes, A. R. (2019). Working Across/Within/Through Academic Conventions of Writing a Ph. D.: Stories About Writing a Feminist Thesis. I Strategies for Resisting Sexism in the Academy (s. 247-265). Springer.

Moxnes, A. R. & Osgood, J. (2019). Storying Diffractive Pedagogy. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 10(1), 1-13. Hentet fra

Zarabadi, S., Taylor, C., Fairchild, N. & Moxnes, A. R. (2019). Feeling Medusa: Tentacular troubling of academic positionality, recognition and respectability. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology. 10(2-3), 87-111.

Moxnes, A. R. & Osgood, J. (2018). Sticky stories from the classroom: From reflection to diffraction in Early Childhood Teacher Education. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 19(3), 297-309.

Moxnes, A. R. (2017). "Det er alltid ulike perspektiver": En studie av hvordan undervisere i pedagogikk arbeider med refleksjon i høgskoleklasserommet. I L. Frers, K. Hognestad & M. Bøe (Red.), Metode mellom forskning og læring: Refleksjon i praksis. Oslo: Cappelen Damm akademiske.

Moxnes, A. R. (2016). Refleksjon i barnehagelærerutdanningen. Tidsskrift for Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 12, 1-13. doi:10.7577/nbf.1563

Olsen, K. & Moxnes, A. R. (2016). Den inkluderende barnehagens tilbud til barn med diagnoser. Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid, 13(1-2), 163-166.

Rhedding-Jones, J., Bjelkerud, A. W., Giæver, K., Røkholt, E. G., Holten, I. S., Lafton, T., … Pope, L. A.  (2014). Critical methodologies: early childhood research studies in Norway. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 5(2).

Blogg contribution: Taylor, Fairchild, Zarabadi, Moxnes (2021). The Promise of Donna Haraway’s Philosophy: Knotting Together Better Educational Futures. Emerging Researchers' GroupNW 13 Philosophy of EducationNW 33 Gender and Education                                                         


Other publications:

Moxnes, A. R. (2012). Pedagogisk ledelse = Å gjøre demokrati? Barnehagefolk, 1(28), 30-35.

Moxnes, A. R. (2012). Bevegelser i mellomrommene mellom fest og hverdag. I A. Aicher (Red.),             Høytider, rammer og muligheter - samarbeid barnehage-kirke. IKO-Forlaget AS.

Hognestad, K., Moxnes, A. R., Frogh, C., Bøe, M., Jørgensen, Å. & Kimrud, A. T. (2012). Barnehagen       som læringsarena - for ettåringen. Barnehagefolk, 3(28), 66-71.

Book: Furu, A., Granholt, M., Moxnes, A., & Thoresen, M. (2014). Å arbeide i barnehagen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget