Halvor Inge Bjørnsrud

Professor Emeritus
Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science
Department of Educational Science
Campus Vestfold (C2-5)
Halvor Bjørnsrud, professor dr.polit. in education. His doctoral degree (2004) was a case study from a primary school based on action research and action learning related to adapted teaching and inclusion. Important research performed after my doctoral degree is included in the list of selected publications below. His research work in schools deals with both the development of theory and the development of practice. The books and articles relate to school development, inclusive schooling, adapted education, school leaders and teachers’ work with reforms in Norway over about a 30-year period.


Participation in committees

Since obtaining professor competence in 2006 I have been involved in twelve adjudication committees for critical input to disputations of education:

  • University of Oslo, Faculty of Educational Sciences (2),
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Education (4),
  • University of Bergen, Department of Education (2),
  • Aarhus University, Danish School of Education (2)
  • University of Agder, Department of Education(1)
  • University of South-Eastern Norway, Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science (1) 

In the same period, I have been member of seventeen committees for evaluating professor and senior lecturer positions. The evaluations were related to school development, school leadership, inclusive schooling, adapted education and teachers’ work.


Higher education:

2004 - Dr.polit. in education, University of Oslo, Faculty of Education

1982 - Cand.polit., Master in education, University of Oslo, Faculty of Education                                   

1977 - Social studies, University of Trondheim

1976 - Social studies, methodology, University of Trondheim      

1975 - Teacher education, Telemark University College            


2018-2019 - Professor dr.polit. in education, University of Southeast - Norway

2006-2017 - Professor dr.polit. in education, University College of Southeast - Norway

2010-2014 - Professor 2 (20%), Department of Special Needs Education Faculty of Education, University of Oslo

2007-2009 - Professor 2 (20%), Educational Leadership, Buskerud University College

1993-2006 - Assistant Professor, Vestfold University College                            

1991-1993 - Project Manager, Ministry of Education and Research

1985-1991 - Primary school headmaster

1977-1985 - Primary and lower secondary school teacher



The selected publications list is based on my research covering a period of almost fifthteen years. The books and articles relate to school development, inclusive schooling, adapted education, school leaders and teachers’ work with reforms in Norway over about a 30-year period. Through my work with University of Southeast-Norway I have adapted projects on assignment from national and local authorities

Selected publications

Bjørnsrud, H. (2019) Skoleeiers ledelse av kompetanseutvikling – om handlingsrom, møter I delingskultur og praksisfellesskap. (School owner leadership of professional development –freedom of action, sharing culture and communities of practice). In Bjørnsrud, H. & Gjems, L. Praksisfellesskap for læring og profesjonsutvikling. (Communities of practice for learning and professional development.) Oslo: Universitetsforlaget – Open access https://www.idunn.no/praksisfellesskap_for_laering_og_profesjonsutvikling

Bjørnsrud, Halvor & Hedegaard Hansen, Janne.
Inclusion as a right and a obligation in a neoliberal society. I: Testing and Inclusive Schooling: International Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge 2018 ISBN 9781138701489. s. 135-151 https://www.routledge.com/Testing-and-Inclusive-Schooling-International-Challenges-and-Opportunities/Hamre-Morin-Ydesen/p/book/9781138701489

Bjørnsrud, Halvor Inge & Nilsen, Sven.
Joint reflection on action – a prerequisite for inclusive education? A qualitative study in one local primary/lower secondary school in Norway. International Journal of Inclusive Education 2018 s.1 - 18 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/13603116.2018.1427153?needAccess=true

Bjørnsrud, H. (red) 2015. Skolebasert kompetanseutvikling. Organisasjonslæring for delingskultur. (School-based competence development. Organizational learning of the sharing culture.) Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk

Bjørnsrud, H. 2015. Skolebasert kompetanseutvikling for læring og utvikling. School based competence development for learning and developmentI Bjørnsrud, H. (red). Skolebasert kompetanseutvikling. Organisasjonslæring for delingskultur. (School-based competence development. Organizational learning of the sharing culture) Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk

Bjørnsrud, H. 2014. Den inkluderende fellesskolen. Læringskraft for elever og lærere? (The inclusive comprehensive school. The learning effect for students and teachers?)  Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk

Bjørnsrud, H. & Nilsen, S. 2014 Early educational provision - emphasised in education policy reforms in Norway? Analyses of education policy documents in Curriculum Journal. The official Journal of the British Curriculum Foundation. Volume 25 Issue 2 Routledge Taylor & Francis Group https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09585176.2013.870082

Bjørnsrud, H. & Engh, R. 2012. Teamwork for adapted teaching and formative assessment. In Policy Futures in Education, Volume 10 Number 5 2012 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.2304/pfie.2012.10.4.402

Bjørnsrud, H. & Nilsen, S. (2011) The development of intentions for adapted teaching and iclusive education seen in light of curriculum potential. A content analysis of Norwegian national curricula post 1980. In Curriculum Journal. The official Journal of the British Curriculum Foundation. Volume 22 Issue 4 Routledge https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09585176.2011.627216?needAccess=true

Bjørnsrud, H. (2010): Forskende partnerskap med skoleledere og lærere for utvikling av tilpasset opplæring. i Buli-Holmberg, J. og Nilsen, S. (red). Kvalitetsutvikling og tilpasset opplæring. Om forbedring av opplæringen for barn, unge og voksne med særskilte behov. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget s. 135-152

Bjørnsrud, H. 2009 A.  Skoleutvikling - tre reformer for en lærende skole. (School Development – three reforms for a learning school.)  Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.

Bjørnsrud, H. 2009 B. Kvalitet i lærerutdanning med skoleutvikling og tilpasset opplæring. (Quality in Teacher Training with School Development and Adapted Teaching. In Monsen, L., Bjørnsrud, H. M. Fl. (eds). Kvalitet i skolen. Forskning, erfaring og utvikling. (Quality in the School, Research, Experience and Development.) Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk

Bjørnsrud, H. (2009 C): Výzkumné partnerství prí rozvoji skol (s vyuzitím vyprávení) Forskende partnerskap med fortellinger i skoleutvikling. I Kaldestad, O.H., Pol, Milan & Sedlacek (eds) Vybrané otázky skolského managementu. Norská perspektia. Masarykova univerzita (Perspektiver på norsk skole utgitt i Tjekkoslovakia)

Bjørnsrud, H. 2008. Tilpasset opplæring Bjørnsrud, H. 2008. Tilpasset opplæring og skoleutvikling. (Adapted Teaching and School Development.) in Bjørnsrud, H & Nilsen. S (eds) Tilpasset opplæring – intensjoner og skoleutvikling. (Adapted Teaching - intention and School Development.) Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk

Bjørnsrud, H. & Nilsen, S. 2008. (ed) Tilpasset opplæring under Kunnskapsløftet – intensjoner og skoleutvikling. introduksjon. (Adapted Teaching in the Knowledge Promotion – intention and School Development – introduction). In Bjørnsrud, H. & Nilsen, S. (eds) Tilpasset opplæring – intensjoner og skoleutvikling. (Adapted Teaching – intention and School Development.) Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.

Bjørnsrud, H.2006. Forskende partnerskap med fortellinger i skoleutvikling. (Researching Partnership with narratives in School Development. In Bjørnsrud, H., Monsen, L. & Overland, B (eds). Utdanning for utvikling av skolen. (Education for Development in the School.)  Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.

Bjørnsrud, H., Monsen, L. & Overland, B (ed) 2006. Introduksjon. i Utdanning for utvikling av skolen. (Introduction. In Education for Development in the School.) Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.

Bjørnsrud, H. 2006. Om skoleledere og læreres læring. (About school leaders and teachers learning). In Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift no. 6 2006

Bjørnsrud, H. 2005. Rom for aksjonslæring. Om tilpasset opplæring, inkludering og læreplanarbeid. (Room for Action Learning. About Adapted Teaching, Inclusion and Curriculum work. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk