Ole Georg Moseng

USN School of Business
Department of Business, History and Social Sciences
Campus Vestfold (C3-114)
Professor in early modern history


  • Early modern history (c. 1500-1850)


  • Early modern history
  • History of medicine from the Antiquity to present
  • History of public health
  • History of nursing
  • Economic and social history
  • Urban history
  • Local history



  • Professor in early modern history at Department of Business, History and Social Sciences, University College of Southeast Norway (from 2012).

  • Professor II in history at Faculty of Social Sciences, Nord University (from 2012).

–   2011–2012: Professor in history at Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Nordland.

–   1990–2011: Independent researcher, contract research at e.g. The Norwegian Institute of Local history and various institutes at University of Oslo.

–   Dr. philos., University of Oslo 2006.



  1. Framvekst og profesjonalisering [The Rise of a Profession], Volume 1 of The History of Norwegian Nurses’ Organization (1912–2012), Oslo 2012.
  2. Kristiansand havns historie [The History of Kristiansand Harbor], Kristiansand 2009. Co-author: Jon Skeie.
  3. Norsk historie 1 750-1537 [History of Norway I 750–1537], Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 2007 (revised edition). Co-authors: Erik Opsahl, Gunnar I. Pettersen and Erling Sandmo.
  4. Byen i emning [The City in the Wake], History of Porsgrunn Volume 1, Porsgrunn 2006.
  5. Den flyktige pesten Vilkårene for epidemier i Norge i seinmiddelalderen og tidlig nytid [The Transient Plague: Conditions for Epidemics in Late Medieval and Early Modern Norway], doctoral dissertation, University of Oslo, Acta Humaniora no. 265, Oslo 2006.
  6. Norsk historie 2 1537–1814 [History of Norway II 1537–1814], Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 2003. Co-authors: Erik Opsahl, Gunnar I. Pettersen and Erling Sandmo.
  7. Ansvaret for undersåttenes helse 1603–1850 [The responsibility for the subjects’ health 1603–1850], Volume 1 of a general history of the Norwegian public health service 1603–2003, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 2003.
  8. Norsk historie 1 750-1537, [History of Norway I 1750–1537], TANO Aschehoug, Oslo 1999, Oslo. Co-authors: Erik Opsahl, Gunnar I. Pettersen and Erling Sandmo.
  9. Sigden og sagbladet [The Sickle and the Saw-blade], A general history of the communes of Eiker – volume II, Hokksund 1994.


Articles in journals and edited collections (selected 2007-2016):

  1. Kristen tro og innflytelsen på profesjonsdannelse – sykepleien, faget og kallet [Christian faith and the influence on professionalization – Nursing, the craft and the calling] (co-author Sigrun Hvalvik), in: Helje Kringlebotn Sødal and Knut Dørum (eds.), Mellom gammelt og nytt. Kristendom i Norge på 18-1900-tallet [Between Old and New. Christendom in 19th and 20th Century Norway]. Bergen 2016
  2. Ingen enkle veier til helse Om måter å forstå historisk utvikling av helseforhold på [No simple paths to good health: On the understanding of historical health conditions], Arr- idéhistorisk tidsskrift [Arr Journal of the History of Ideas] 2–3, 2015:
  3. Sykepleierne: Profesjonaliseringsstrategier og konstruksjon av et fagfelt [The Nurses: Professional Strategies and the Construction of a Profession], in: Slagstad, Rune og Messel, Jan (eds.), Profesjonshistorier [Professional Histories], Oslo 2014.
  4. Sykepleie: konstruksjonen av et fagfelt som feministisk prosjekt [Nursing: The Construction of a Profession as a Feminist Project], in: Dørum, Knut (ed.), Politikk, profesjon og vekkelse. Kvinner i Norge på 1800- og 1900-tallet [Politics, Profession and Christian Revival. Women in Norway in the 19th and 20th Century], Bergen 2014.
  5. "...vandt til orden og diciplin og kan optræ med autoritet ...": Om handlekraft, omsorg og reiser på havet [« … used to order and discipline and able to appear with authority …»: On Vigor, Care and Voyages at Sea], in: Ommundsen, Åslaug, Opsahl, Erik og Ugulen, Jo Rune (red.), En prisverdig historiker: Festskrift til Gunnar I. Pettersen, Oslo 2014.
  6. ”… et meget sundt land …” Noen klassiske teorier om fortidas helseforhold og ernæring [«… a very healthy country …» About Classical Theories on Health Conditions and Nutrition of the Past], Tidsskrift for kulturforskning 12, 2013: 30–39.
  7. ”… Tiggere kommer ind i Byen at gaa om oc Trøgle …” Det etterreformatoriske ansvaret for de som ikke klarte seg selv, Heimen XLVIII, 2011.
  8. Fra Sundhetskollegium til Sosialdepartement – sentralmyndighetenes kamp mot kolera, [From Collegium medicum to Ministry of Health] Michael 6, 2009.
  9. Den ritualiserte døden – meningen med livet? [The Rituals of Death and the Meaning of Life], i: P2-akademiet XLII, Oslo 2010.
  10. Climate, Ecology and Plague: The Second and the Third Pandemic Reconsidered, i: Lars Bisgaard og Leif Søndergaard (red.), Living with the Black Death, Odense 2009.
  11. ”En forstaaelsesfuld sykepleierske at arbeide sammen med” – Legen som regissør av sykepleierens rolle [A Responsive Nurse to Cooperate with – The Physician as a Director of the Character as a Nurse], Michael 5, 2008.
  12. Den komplekse pesten – revurderinger av en epidemi fra fortiden [The Complex Plague – Reevaluations of an Epidemic of the Past], Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening [Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association] 127, 2007.