Classification and storage spaces (Students)

Information about saving and storing files and documents in the right way.

The classification is developed on the basis of Uninett's guidance for classification of information.

Storage spaces and where data should be saved.

Open or for all access (Green)

The green category contains information that may or should be available to anyone without special access permissions.

Most of the information the university manages is open, either as a consequence of the aims and intent of the university's activities or as a result of orders for transparency in law, regulations and other regulations governing public administration and activities. Other parts of the information have no claim for protection even if it is not openly available.

  • This class is used if it does not cause any harm to the institution, individuals or partners if the information becomes known to unauthorized persons.
  • Examples of such information may be
  • a web page that presents a department, course or unit that’s openly posted on the Internet
  • open source study material that is marked with a given license and / or copyright
  • research data that needs no protection (the researcher is responsible for this assessment)
  • teaching materials that do not need any protection (the teacher is responsible for this assessment)

Please note that while some of this information should be accessible to everyone, the integrity of the information must still be ensured by allowing only persons and users with the right permissions to change the information. Also note that while the information may be open, you are not free to do anything you want with it.

Exchange area are storage spaces that are used by groups of people to store data that is of common interest to the entire group. In addition to the organizational file folder, employees can order their own folder for group work.

The storage space is used by subject teachers to share information with students. This is especially true in cases where the teaching material is extensive in size.


Spaces for the respective organizational units are automatically created by the IT department. Organizational breakdown is only used to make it easier to find stored data, and it does not provide any permission restriction. All students can read everything, and employees can create / delete files anywhere, regardless of the folder the files are stored in.

Employees got all the permissions on the folder, while students have read-only access. Students can thus quickly and easily copy data to a local disk in their student workspace for further local processing.

  • O: Exchange space between staff and students
  • Employees have read and write permissions. Students have read-only permission.
  • W: Storage space for web and files
  • It’s an own web and file storage space. Access to the service is currently restricted and is only available to create new files for those who already have this access.
  • W: is being replaced by a web service (Linux platform with PHP and MySQL support),
  • MS Teams. Cloud storage service

Internal (Yellow)

This is information that does not fall within the legal requirements or other rules that require transparency to the public. All the information that is not classified as open, confidential, or strictly confidential.

The information must have some protection and may be accessible to both external and internal, with controlled access permissions. This class is used if it may cause some harm to individuals, the university or partners if the information becomes known to unauthorized persons. The information is only relevant to or aimed at a limited user group either at the university or at institutions and organizations which the university cooperates with.

Examples of such information may be

  • certain working documents (not classified as "Confidential" or "Strictly Confidential")
  • information that’s excluded from the public
  • many types of personal data
  • grades
  • student work
  • exam answers
  • unpublished research data and -work


  • Project space, L: USN-Project
    Project space for staff / students that do not contain sensitive data
  • MS Teams. Cloud storage service

Confidential  (Red)

This is information that the University is required to restrict access to in law, regulations and agreements. This corresponds to the degree of confidentiality in the Public Protection Instructions (Beskyttelsesinstruksen). "Confidential" is used if it will cause harm to public interest, the university, individuals or partners if the information becomes known to unauthorized persons.

Students do not have access to storage spaces at USN that meet the requirements for red (confidential) information. Such information must be stored securely on your own private equipment.

Strictly Confidential (Black)

This category includes the same type of information as Confidential (red), but where special considerations make you wish to protect the data further. Orders for protection and security beyond the statutory provisions must be stipulated in agreements or otherwise documented in writing.

This corresponds to the degree strictly confidential in the public Protection Instructions (Beskyttelsesinstruksen). "Strictly Confidential" is used if it can cause significant harm to public interests, the university, the individual or a partner to make the information known to unauthorized persons. The information shall have the strictest access permissions.

Examples of such information are

  • large amounts of sensitive personal information
  • large amounts of health information
  • research data and data sets of great economic value
    • TSD,
      Tjenester for Sensitive Data (Sensitive Data Services) (Provided by UiO).
    • NorStore,
      Tjenester for lagring og bevaring av vitenskapelige data (Scientific data storage and preservation services) (Uninett-Sigma).
      See storage

Where can you store research data?

Researcher support and information about Research data

Researcher support and information about Research data