RNI Scandinavia

RNI Scandinavia is the community of researchers that forms the Research Network on Innovation. RNI was founded in 2006 in France. Resarchers in our group are members of RNI Scandinavia.

RNI aims at developing a better understanding of:

  • the knowledge based economy
  • the university-industry linkages
  • intellectual property rights issues

RNI Scandinavia aims to bring together researchers and experts on innovation and entrepreneurship from Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. Researchers from RNI and especially RNI Scandinavia work on innovation capacities, innovation strategies and policies, the evolution of national systems of innovation, entrepreneurship in the public/private sectors/civil society conciliating competitiveness and sustainability. RNI Scandinavia support proposals and submissions of research projects, the design of partnerships and consultancy, and research contributions to specialized journals.


To know more about RNI activities: https://rrien.univ-littoral.fr/

To become a member of RNI: https://rrien.univ-littoral.fr/become-member/

Contact information RNI Scandinavia: Birgit Leick, USN School of Business Birgit.Leick@usn.no

Agora (workshops, conferences): https://rrien.univ-littoral.fr/our-event-2021-2022/

Call for papers Journal of Innovation Economics & Managementhttp://i-jiem.cairn.info/call-for-papers/

Read some articles from Journal of Innovation Economics & Managementhttps://www.cairn-int.info/journal-of-innovation-economics.htm