Spring 2023:
Mandatory course for all PhD candidates at USN
Theory of Science and Research Ethics (5 ECTs)
This course addresses advanced questions concerning the theory of science and research ethics. Based on a selection of topics set out in the course plan, candidates will acquire insight into key and contemporary understandings of how science is being thought of and practised in a variety of fields (Theory of Science), combined with thoughts related to scientific research (Research Ethics). The course will enable participants to focus on relevant questions in chosen academic fields and research traditions, and on research that crosses disciplinary boundaries.
The following book will be used as a key reference during the course, and will be supplemented by a series of articles etc. (specified in the course plan):
Peter Godfrey-Smith, 2021. Theory and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science, University of Chicago Press, Second Edition.
In addition, all candidates must become familiar with their disciplinary ethical guidelines, which can be accessed via the following link: https://www.forskningsetikk.no/en/guidelines/
The course will be held at Eidene, Tjøme from: 13 to 17 March 2023.
(Applications may be made from 1 February 2023)
Contact information: ae@usn.no
PEDRES courses
Course registration via StudentWeb for PhD candidates at USN
Others may register using this form.
You can register from 15 January 2023
PHDLMSC - Literature Management and Scholarly Communication (5 ECTs)
- Course administrator: Senior Librarian and PhD Shea Allison Sundstøl
- Monday and Tuesday, 6–7 March
- Monday and Tuesday, 20–22 March
- Monday and Tuesday, 24–25 April
- Course plan
- Lecture plan
- The course will be held on Zoom
PH-MMP9600 – Multimodal educational resources in schools and kindergartens (5 ECTs)
- Course administrators: Associate Professors Kari Anne Rustand and Kirsten Linnea Kruse
- Application deadline: 15. March
- Course dates: 26, 27 and 28 April
- Deadline for essay submission on 5 June
- Course plan
PHDAAL – Assessment and Learning (5 ECTs)
Due to few applicants, the course has been cancelled. The course will probably be offered next academic year.
- The course is arranged in May and will be conducted digitally
- It will run from 9 a.m. to 12 mid-day on the 2, 3, 9, 10, 15 and 16 May
- The application deadline is 1 March
- Professor Tony Burner (course leader), USN
- Professor Dina Tsagari, OsloMet
- Professor Kari Smith, NTNU/NAFOL
- Professor Siv Måseidvåg Gamlem, HVO
- Professor Sigrun Svenkerud, USN
- Course plan
PH-PRL9100 – Pedagogical resources and learning processes (10 ECTs)
- Course administrators: Associate Professors Magnus Hontvedt and Iben Brinch
- 1st seminar: 14–16 June
- 2nd seminar: 15–16 August
- The application deadline is 15 May
- Campus: Vestfold
- Course plan
PHDNAP - Narrative Possibilities: Human Rights and the Art of Storytelling, 2,5 ECTS
- Instructors: Prof. James Dawes (Macalester College), Dr. Lotta Strandberg (USN), and Dr. Tom Z. Bradstreet (USN).
- Dates: Thursday 22 June – Friday 23 June 2023
- Campus Drammen
- The application deadline is 14. April
- Course plan
PhD course in Conversation Analysis (SPRÅK8886), 28-30 March 2023
- PhD course in Conversation Analysis at NTNU
- This is a continuation of the collaboration between Professor Karianne Skovholt and USN, but on this occasion without the CAPP conference.
- The application deadline is 16 January 2023: Read more about the course here: https://forms.gle/SyN1PbUQnwuJFiAs6