Disputas: Svein Arne Jervell Hansen

Svein Arne Jervell Hansen holder prøveforelesning og disputas for graden philosophiae doctor (ph.d) ved campus Vestfold 11. mars.

11 Mar

Praktisk informasjon

  • Dato: 11 mars 2020
  • Tid: kl. 10.00 - 15.30
  • Sted: Vestfold, rom A1-39
  • Last ned kalenderfil
  • Bedømmelseskomité

    • Første opponent: Professor Søren Forchhammer, Technical University of Denmark.
    • Andre opponent: Førsteamanuensis Johannes Sølhusvik, UiO.
    • Administrator: Førsteamanuensis Mehdi Azadmehr, USN.


    • Hovedveileder: Professor Muhammad Nadeem Akram, USN.
    • Medveiledere: Professor Jon Yngve Hardeberg, NTNU, og ph.d. Øyvind Svensen, Barco.

Portrett av disputant Svein Arne Jervell Hansen

Svein Arne Jervell Hansen har til forsvar for graden philosophiae doctor (ph.d.) i anvendt mikro- og nanoteknologi ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, Institutt for mikrosystemer, levert avhandling med tittelen «Evaluation of resolution enhancement in shifted superimposed projection displays: Simulations and experiments».

Prøveforelesningen «Overview of current and emerging «high resolution» camera technologies» starter klokken 10:15 og disputas klokken 13:00 i auditorium A1-39 ved campus Vestfold onsdag 11. mars.   

Åpent for alle interesserte.

Om avhandlingen

In this PhD research we explore different aspects of resolution enhancement through
shifted superimposition to gain more knowledge of how this method performs, and
how to evaluate the actual resolution gain of the resolution enhancement.

Through simulations and subjective observer experiments, we have established that
the MSSSIM image quality metric is the most suitable metric to evaluate the simulated superimposed image since the results of this metric corresponds best with
our subjective view of a good image.

We also explore the actual resolution gain of the shifted superimposition method. In this study we prove that the shifted superimposition method enhance the resolution approximately 40% above the native resolution, given the desired source resolution.

Spatial resolution is one of the key performance parameters of a projected display,
and the projector industry continuously aims to increase it. Projector resolution is
traditionally based on the resolution of the spatial light modulator (SLM), and increasing the projector resolution is typically done by increasing the SLM pixel count.

Shifted superimposition is one of the popular methods for increasing the resolution of the projected image. This is commonly done by shifting every other frame spatially
on the projected screen with sub-pixel precision to form a new pixel grid with finer
pixel pitch. Even though this is an established method, there are still an open
question of how well this technique performs in comparison to native resolution,
and how high the effective resolution gain really is.

In this study we also demonstrate and evaluate the characteristics of the different categories of subframe generation methods and shifting direction.