Senter for kvinne-, familie- og barns helse

Publikasjoner fra senter for kvinne-, familie- og barns helse

Utvalgte publikasjoner de siste fem år


Røseth I, Sommerseth E, Lyberg A, Sandvik BM, Dahl B. No one needs to know! Medical abortion: Secrecy, shame, and emotional distancing. Health Care for Women International. 07.07.2022. DOI: 10.1080/07399332.2022.2090565

Sommerseth, E., Sandvik, B.M., Dahl, B., Røseth, I. & Lyberg, A. (2022). Kvinners erfaringer med helsetjenestetilbudet ved medikamentell abort. Sykepleien Forskning 2022;17(89883):e-89883.

Espejord S, Auberg SH, Kvitno TK, Lukasse M. Experiences of Norwegian community midwives with caring for vulnerable pregnant women - A national cross-sectional study. Sex Reprod Healthc. 2022 Mar;31:100693. doi: 10.1016/j.srhc.2021.100693. Epub 2021 Dec 23.

Rishal P, Devi Pun K, Schei B, Bhandari B, Kumar Joshi S, Swahnberg K, Infanti JJ, Lukasse M, The Advance Study Group. Improving Safety Among Pregnant Women Reporting Domestic Violence in Nepal-A Pilot Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Mar 27;17(7):2268. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17072268.

Dahl, B.M., Glavin, K., Teige, A-M., Karlsen, A-G., Myhrene Steffenak, A.K. (2022). Norwegian public health nurses’ competence areas. Public Health Nurs. 2022;1–10. DOI: 10.1111/phn.13083

Ljungblad, L.W., Skovdahl, K., McCormack, B. & Dahl, B. (2022). ‘Keep it simple’ – Co-creation of a tailored newborn resuscitation course for midwifery students. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 2022;13 81-93.

Renberg, H., Sommerseth, E. & Johannessen, A. (2022). Hvorfor velger ikke flere menn jordmoryrket? – en kvalitativ studie med mannlige sykepleierstudenter. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning nr. 1–2022, 18. årgang.


Flaathen, E.M., Lukasse, M., Småstuen, M.C., Garnweidner-Holme, L., Henriksen, L. (2021) Intimate partner violence and the association of pregnancy intendedness – A cross-sectional study in southeastern Norway Sex Reprod Healthcare 2021 Sept (29)

Fladeby, L.K.L., Raunedokken, M., Fonkalsrud, H., Hvidtjørn, D. & Lukasse, M. (2021). Midwives’ experiences of using the Obstetric Norwegian Early Warning System (ONEWS): A national cross-sectional study. European Journal of Midwifery,

Fredriksen, M.F., Nevland, L., Dahl, B. & Sommerseth, E. (2021). Norwegian midwives’ experiences with screening for violence in antenatal care – a qualitative study. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare

Helmersen M, Lukasse M, Laine K, Garnweidner-Holme L Women’s Experience with Receiving Advice on Diet and Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Qualitative Study Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. 2021 Mar;39(1):44-50. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2021.1882077

Henriksen L, Kisa C, Lukasse M, Flaathen EM, Mortensen B, Karlsen E, Garnweidner-Holme L Cultural Sensitivity in Interventions Aiming to Reduce or Prevent Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy: A Scoping Review 2021 Trauma Violence Abuse Jun doi: 10.1177/15248380211021788

Hjorth, S., Rytter, D., Forman, A., Kirkegaard, H., Olsen, J. & Nøhr, E.A. (2021). Menstrual pain and sexual health in mothers - A cross-sectional study in the Danish National Birth Cohort. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021; 100: 2157-2166.

Holm-Hansen, E., Sandvik, B.M., Teige, A.M., Konstantinos, A., Guttormsen, L.S. & Næss, K.A. (2021). Tidlig identifisering av barn som stammer – en spørreundersøkelse av helsesykepleieres erfaringer. Sykepleien Forskning 2021 16 (83692) (e-83692) DOI: 10.4220/Sykepleienf.2021.8369

Ljungblad, L.W., Skovdahl, K., McCormack, B. & Dahl, B. (2021). An exploration of midwives' perceptions of newborn resuscitation programmes for student midwives. Midwifery, 2021 Sep;100:103021., doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2021.103021. Epub 2021 May 5.

Lukasse, M., Baglo, M.C.G., Engdal, E., Lassemo, R. & Forsberg, K.E. (2021). Norwegian women’s experiences and opinions on contraceptive counselling: A systematic text condensation study. European Journal of Midwifery,

Myhre, E.L., Lukasse, M., Reigstad, M.M., Holmstedt, V. & Dahl, B. (2021). A qualitative study of Norwegian first-time mothers’ information needs in pre-admission early labour. Midwifery,

Myhre, E., Garnweidner-Holme, L., Dahl, B., Reigstad, M.M. & Lukasse, M. "Development of and Experiences with an Informational Website on Early Labor: A Qualitative User Involvement Study". (2021). JMIR Formative Research. 2021 Sep 27;5(9) :e28698. doi: 10.2196/28698.

Oommen, H., Ranjan,K., Murugesan,S., Gore, A., Sonthalia,S., Ninan,P., Bernitz,S., Sorbye,I. & Lukasse, M. (2021). Implementation of the Moyo fetal heart rate monitor in district hospitals in Bihar, India: a feasibility study. BMJ Open, 1;11:e041071. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041071

Tøkje, I. K., Kirkeli, S.L., Løbø, L. & Dahl, B. (2020). Women’s experiences of treatment for mastitis. A qualitative study. Eur J Midwifery. 2021 Jun 29; 5:23. doi: 10.18332/ejm/137356. eCollection 2021.

Waldum, Å.H., Staff, A.C., Lukasse, M., Sørum Falk, R., Krarup Sørbye, I. & Flem Jacobsen, A. (2021). Intrapartum pudendal nerve block analgesia and risk of postpartum urinary retention: a cohort study. International Urogynecology Journal,

Walter B, Indreboe, H., Lukasse M, Henriksen L, Garnweidner-Holme L. (2021). Pregnant Women’s Attitudes Toward and Experience With a Tablet Intervention to Promote Safety Behaviors in a Randomized Controlled Trial: Qualitative Study. JMIR Form Res 2021 Jul 20;5(7):e28680 doi: 10.2196/28680

Aasen, H.M., Solberg, B., Stangenes, K.M., Nøhr, E.A. & Eggebø, T.M. (2021). Trisomi 21 – insidens, diagnostikk og svangerskapsavbrud 1999 - 2018. Tidsskrift for Den norske Legeforening, DOI: 10.4045/tidsskr.21.0221


Dahl, Heinonen & Bondas (2020). From midwife-dominated to midwife-led personalized care - a meta-ethnography. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 8946;

Aamlid, I.B., Dahl, B. & Sommerseth, E. (2020). Women’s experiences with information before medical abortion at home, support during the process and follow-up procedures – a qualitative study. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 100582,

Garnweidner-Holme LM, Henriksen L, Torheim LE, Lukasse M. Effect of the Pregnant+ Smartphone App on Dietary Behavior of Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, Vol 8, No 11 (2020): November.

Thorbjörnsdottir, K.E., Karlsen, I.E., Dahl, B. & Røseth, I. (2020). “Talk to me, not at me”. Obese women’s experiences of birth and their encounter with birth attendants – a qualitative study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health & Well-being, 15(1), 1845286, DOI: 10.1080/17482631.2020.1845286  .

Reiso, M., Langli, B., Sommerseth, E. & Johannessen, A. (2020). A qualitative study of the work experiences of midwives performing obstetric ultrasound in Norway. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, Oct 21;20(1):641.doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-03333-9.

Jarneid, H., Gjestad, K., Røseth, I. & Dahl, B. (2020). Fathers’ experiences of being present at unplanned out-of-hospital birth: A qualitative study. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare,13:1235-1244,

Jarneid, H., Gjestad, K., Røseth, I. & Dahl, B. (2020). Fathers’ experiences of being present at unplanned out-of-hospital birth: A qualitative study. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare (accepted).

Liew Z, Luo J, Nohr EA, Bech BH, Bossi R, Arah OA, Olsen J. (2020). Maternal Plasma Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Miscarriage: A Nested Case-Control Study in the Danish National Birth Cohort.  Environ Health Perspect., 128(4):47007. doi: 10.1289/EHP6202.

Pedersen P, Momsen AH, Andersen DR, Nielsen CV, Nohr EA, Maimburg RD. (2020), Associations between work environment, health status and sick leave among pregnant employees.  Scand J Public Health, 28:1403494820919564. doi: 10.1177/1403494820919564.

Ljungblad, L.W., Skovdahl, K., Mc Cormack, B. & Dahl, B. (2020). Balancing life and death during the Golden Minute – Midwives’ experiences of performing newborn resuscitation. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 13, 943-952.

Eri, T., Berg, M., Dahl, B., Gottfreðsdóttir, H., Sommerseth, E. & Prinds, C. (2020). Models for midwifery care: A mapping review.  European Journal of Midwifery, 4(July), 30.

Røseth, I., Austenå, H., Sommerseth, E., Dahl, B., Lyberg, A. & Bongaardt, R.  (2020). Fleeting boundaries and moving targets: midwife leaders’ perspectives on continual professional education. Sage Open, 10(2), 1-9. doi: 10.1177/2158244020933610

Garnweidner-Holme, L., Henriksen, L., Flaathen, E.M., Klette, T. & Lukasse, M. (2020). Midwives’ Attitudes toward and Experience of a Tablet Intervention to Promote Safety Behaviors for Pregnant Women of Different Ethnic Backgrounds Reporting Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, May 20;8(5):e16828 doi:10.2196/16828

Flaathen, E.M., Lukasse, M., Garnweidner-Holme, L., Angelshaug, J. & Henriksen, L. User-involvement in the development of a culture-sensitive intervention in the Safe Pregnancy study to prevent intimate partner violence Violence Against Women, Sep 28;1077801220954274. doi: 10.1177/1077801220954274.

Rishal, P., Devi Pun, K., Schei, B., Bhandari, B., Kumar Joshi, S., Swahnberg, K., Infanti, J. & Lukasse, M. (2020). Improving safety among pregnant women reporting domestic violence in Nepal – A pilot study. Int J Environ Res Public Health,17(2268) doi: 10.3390/ijerph17072268

Gaudernack, L., Melbye Michelsen, T., Egeland, T., Voldner, N. & Lukasse, M. (2020) Does prolonged labor affect the birth experiences and subsequent wishes for cesarean section among first-time mothers? BMC Preg & Childbirth Oct 8;20(1):605.doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-03196-0.

Lukasse, M., Hovda, I., Borg Thommessen, S.A., McAuley, S. & Morrison, M. (2020). Oxytocin and emergency Caesarean Section in a medium-sized hospital in Pakistan – a cross-sectional study. European Journal of Midwifery 2020;4(August):33 DOI:

Waldum, Å.H., Jacobsen, A.F., Lukasse, M., Staff, A.T., Falk, R.S, Vangen, S. &Sørbye, I.K. (2020). The provision of obstetric analgesia according to maternal birthplace: a Norwegian register study. BMC Preg & Childbirth, 20(1) 321-10

Jacobsen, K., Vik, E.S. & Dahl, B. (2020). Solo Mothers After Assisted Conception and Their Experiences with Postnatal Care. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 13, 53 – 61.

Rönnerhag, M. (2020) Safe Maternity Care- The Perspectives of Childbearing Women and Healthcare Professionals. Doctoral dissertation, University of South-Eastern Norway, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences.


Rönnerhag M., Severinsson E., Haruna M. & Berggren I. (2019) Risk management-evaluation of healthcare professionals’ reasoning about the understanding of maternity care. Journal of Nursing Management 27:1098-1107. https://doi:10.1111/jonm.12778 


Rönnerhag M., Severinsson E., Haruna M. & Berggren I. (2019) A qualitative evaluation of healthcare professionals’ perceptions of adverse events focusing on communication and teamwork in maternity care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75, 3, 585-593. https://doi:10.1111/jan.13864

Ljungblad, L.W., Sandvik, S.A. & Lyberg, A. (2019). The impact of skilled birth attendants trained on newborn resucitation in Tanzania: A literature review. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 11.

Selmer-Olsen, T., Aagaard-Nohr, E., Tappert, C. & Eggebø, T. (2019). Incidence and risk factors for obstetric anal sphincter ruptures, OASIS, following the introduction of preventive interventions. A retrospective cohort study from a Norwegian hospital 2012–2017. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 22,

Vagle, H., Haukeland, G.T., Dahl, B., Aasheim, V. & Vik, E. S. (2019). Emergency medical technicians’ experiences with unplanned births outside institution: a qualitative interview study. Nursing Open, 6(4), 1542-1550.

Lorentzen, I., Andersen, C. S., Jensen, H. S., Fogsgaard, A., Foureur, M., Lauszus, F. & Nohr, E. A. (2019). Study Protocol for a randomized trial evaluating the effect of a «birth environment room» versus a standard labour room on birth outcomes and the birth experience. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, Volume 14, June 2019, 100336,

Dahl, B., Røseth, I., Lyberg, A., Bongaardt, R. & Sommerseth, E. (2019). Education is a private matter – Clinical midwives’ experiences of being part-time master students in midwifery. Nurse Education in Practice, DOI:10.1016/j.nepr.2019.07.002

Forsberg, K. E., Lassemo, R. & Lukasse, M. (2019).Contraceptive consultations: A cross-sectional study of Norwegian women's experiences and opinions. European Journal of Midwifery, 3(12). DOI:

Tobiasson M. & Lyberg A. (2019) Fear of Childbirth from the Perspective of Midwives Working in Hospitals in Norway- A Qualitative study. Journal of Nursing Open, DOI/ epdf/10.002/9844366nop.2.304.

Jølstad A.L., Røsnæs E.R., Severinsson E., Lyberg A. (2019) Nurse Specialist Clinical Supervisor Paradigm Shift- Implementation of a Competence Program in Norway. Journal of Nursing Research and Practice, 5: 1-10 DOI: 10.1177/237796081.

Nilsen Mørch, M., Sommerseth, E. & Dahl, B. (2019). Kvinners barselerfaringer etter akutt keisersnitt – en kvalitativ studie. Sykepleien Forskning 14(76793) (e-76793). DOI:10.4220/Sykepleienf.2019.76793

Stavdal, M.N., Skjævestad, M.L.L. & Dahl, B. (2019). First-time parents´ experiences of proximity and intimacy after childbirth - a qualitative study. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, (20) 66-71.

Lyberg A. Dahl, B., Haruna M., Matsuzaki M. & Severinsson E. (2019) Links between patient safety and fear of childbirth-A meta-study of qualitative research. Nursing Open 6;18-29.



Karanikola M., Lyberg A., Holm A.L. & Severinsson E. (2018) The Association between Deliberate Self-Harm and School Bullying Victimization and the Mediating Effect of Depressive Symptoms and Self-Stigma: A Systematic Review. Bio Med Research International, 4745791 DOI: 10.1155/2018/4745791.

Sandvik, B. M. & McCormack, B. (2018). Being person-centred in qualitative interviews: reflections on a process. International Practice Development (2), Journal, 14.11.2018, Vol 8    53 – 64. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.00341.x

Sandvik, B.M., Dybdahl, R. og Hauge, S. (2018). Helsesøstre bruker program for foreldreveiledning aktivt i praksis. Sykepleien forskning 27.June 2018. DOI: 10.4220/Sykepleienf.2018.71217 

Aanensen, E.H, Skjoldal, K., Sommerseth, E. & Dahl, B. (2018). Easy to believe in, but hard to carry out - Norwegian midwives’ experiences of promoting normal birth in an obstetric-led maternity unit. International Journal of Childbirth, 8(3), DOI: 10.1891/2156-5287.8.3.167

Rönnerhag M., Severinsson E., Haruna M. & Berggren I. (2018) A qualitative evaluation of healthcare professionals’ perceptions of adverse events focusing on communication and teamwork in maternity care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 1-9. DOI:10.1111/jan.13864.

Rönnerhag M., Severinsson E., Haruna M. & Berggren I. (2018). A qualitative study of women’s experiences of safe childbirth in maternity care. Nursing and Health Sciences, 331-337. DOI: 10.1111/nhs.12558

Røseth I., Bongaardt R., Lyberg A. & Dahl B. (2018). New Mothers’ Struggle to Love their Child. An Interpretative Synthesis of Qualitative Studies. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 13 1490621 DOI: 10.1080/17482631.1490621

Takegata M., Haruna M, Morikawa M., Yonezawa, K., Komada, M., & Severinsson, E. (2018). A qualitative exploration of fear of childbirth and preferences for mode of birth among Japanese primiparas Nursing and Health Sciences 338-345. DOI: 10.1111/nhs.12571


Viken B., Balaam M-C. & Lyberg A. (2017) Chapter 8: A Salutogenic Perspective on Maternity Care for Migrant Women. In: Berg M. & Dowe S. (eds.) New thinking on improving maternity care: International perspectives. Ashford Colour Press, UK.

Dahl, B. Hermansen, M. & Severinsson E. (2017). Lost in a Nameless Chaos-Women’s experiences of postpartum depression. A meta-ethnographic study. Open Journal of Nursing 7, 962-977.

Erland, E. & Dahl, B. (2017) Midwives’ experiences of caring for pregnant women admitted to Ebola centres in Sierra Leone. Midwifery 55, 23-28.

Dahl B., Åkenes-Carlsen S. & Severinsson E. (2017) The use and misuse of mobile phones in the maternity ward - A treat to patient safety? Open Journal of Nursing 7, 707-719.

Jacobsen K.S. & Dahl B. (2017) More than just a child – Solo mothers’ maternity experiences. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 12, 58-63.

Severinsson, E., Haruna, M., Rönnerhag, M., Holm, A.L., Hansen S., B. & Berggren, I. (2017) Evidence of linkages between patient safety and person-centred care in the maternal and obstetric context - An integrative review. Open Journal of Nursing 7, 378-398.

Adolfsson A., Hagander A., Mahjoubipour F. & Larsson P-G. (2017) How vaginal infections impact women's everydaylife: Women´s lived experiences of bacterial vaginosis and recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis.  Advances in Sexual Medicine 7, 1-19.

Vik E.S., Haukeland G.T. & Dahl B. (2017) Women’s experiences with giving birth before arrival. Midwifery 42, 10-15.

Takegata M., Haruna M, Matsuzaki M., Shiraishi M., Okano T. & Severinsson E. (2017)   Psychometric evaluation of the Japanese Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire version B. Open Journal of Nursing 7, 15-27.

Takegata M., Haruna M, Matsuzaki M., Shiraishi M., Okano T. & Severinsson E. (2017) Aetiological relationships between factors associated with postnatal traumatic symptoms among Japanese primiparas and multiparas: A longitudinal study. Midwifery 44, 14-23.


Os C. & Severinsson E. (2017) How can manual rotation reduce vacuum, forceps and caesarean deliveries - A review of the evidence. Open Journal of Nursing 7, 68-85.