Benja Stig Fagerland

Institutt for industriell økonomi, strategi og statsvitenskap
USN Handelshøyskolen
Campus Drammen
An award-winning Author, Associate Professor, commentator and international speaker. Presents frequently at national and international conferences and events. - Sustainable Leadership - Leadership - Organisation & Leadership Listed in the European Institute for Gender Equalisation (EIGE, an EU agency), "resource pool", as one of the ‘Women Inspiring Europe’. Recognition, incl. "Highly Commended" in The European Diversity Awards, in the category "Campaigner Of The Year". An experienced debater and media commentator, who makes frequent appearances in print, on radio and TV, including The New York Times, Der Spiegel, The Sunday Times Magazine, The Independent, The Guardian, International Herald Tribune, Le Figaro, ABC News, Australian Broadcasting, Canadian Business magazine and the BBC World etc. Author: SHEconomy - It´s your business, Fagbokforlaget and The Success point, Gyldendal Business (Schultz Forlag). Contributed to several international publications and articles. Blog post: Huffington Post, Management Today and Le Huffington Post etc. Former member of the Niels Brock Copenhagen Executive MBA, Advisory Board. More than 30 years of experience from a broad range of industries, such as academia, the IT, The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) and publishing. Within business strategy, organization and leadership, G&D, marketing, PR and communication. Roles as Marketing Director, Gender Equality and Diversity Advisor, Senior Executive Manager, Associate Partner and Boardmember. Associate Professor at: - Niels Brock Executive, Copenhagen: MBA. Leadership - Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University/Kristiania University College: MBA, Leadership, Theory and Practice.⁣


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