- Etablering av samarbeidsprosjekter mellom industri og USN
- Videreutvikle samarbeidet mellom næringsklyngen "Electronic Coast" og USN
- Videreutvikling av USN Innovasjonssenter for mikrosystemer, nanoteknologi og elektronikk
- Assistanse innen kommersialisering av forskningsresultater fra Institutt for Mikrosystem
- Oppbygging av forskning innen mikrosystem for tidlig oppdagelse av sykdom
- Silisium sensor teknologi
- Mikrosystemer, Mikro-Elektro-Mekaniske-System (MEMS)
- Silisium komponent fysikk
- Mikroelektronikk
- Elektronikk produksjon
- Teknologibasert innovasjon og kommersialisering
- Finansiering av forskning
- Nettverksbygging
Full CV med publikasjoner på:
2012 – present
Highlight: Mentor and consultant with focus on success for partners.
- Owner and CEO, Sterna Innovation, January 2013 - present
- Professor Emeritus, June 2012 - present
2002 – 2012: Vestfold University College, Professor, Horten, Norway
Highlight: From nothing to Norway´s largest and most productive academic institution within applied microsystems in 10 years by “bottom-up” approach.
- Head of Department, Department of Micro and Nano Systems Technology (IMST), Faculty of Technology and Maritime Sciences, June 2010 – June 2012.
- Director of research, Faculty of Science and Engineering, 2008 – 2010. Manage and coordinate all research and innovation activities in the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
- Head of Department, Institute for Microsystem Technology, 2005 – 2010. Responsibility for leading and coordination the institutes education, research and innovation activities, financing and the strategic work on behalf of the university college. Developed the activity to become the largest within microtechnology in Norway and the first area with a qualified PhD-program at the University College. Initiated and acted as chairman of the board for the triple-helix project “Norwegian Centre of Expertise” (NCE) within Micro- and Nanotechnology on behalf of the regional industry cluster. The cluster was appointed NCE by the Norwegian Government with Vestfold University College as project contractor and coordinator in 2006. Elected chairman of the boards for the innovation company Microtech-Innovation AS and the network organization “Electronic Coast” in 2006 - 2011.
- Full time professor, 2003 – 2012. Developed goals and strategy for strategic area microsystem technology, including master education program, research program, cooperation with national industry and international academic institutions.
- Part time professor (20 %), 2002 – 2003, with responsibility to develop courses within micro-technology for bachelor student and to initiate research projects and cooperation with industry.
2003 – 2009: Infineon Technologies SensoNor AS, Horten, Norway
- Part time senior consultant (20 %), 2003 – 2009. Duties within research, innovation and patenting.
1985 – 2003: SensoNor AS, Horten, Norway
Highlight: Winning MEMS technologies with success in high-volume world markets and the only product “made in Norway” on the planet Mars.
- Director of research, 2001 – 2003. Managing research projects and technology development activities performed by leading research institutes and universities in Norway and Europe.
- Director of silicon wafer fabrication, 1998 – 2001, with responsibility for technology development, preproduction activities and volume manufacturing of all sensor elements for automotive microsystems and for the foundry service business area. Designed and developed the technology platform TP5 for high-stability angular-rate sensors (micro-gyro) based on Swedish patent, today manufactured by Sensonor AS.
- Director of technology development, 1985 – 1998. Developed technology for ultra-high stability silicon pressure sensor technology platform TP3, today manufactured by Memscap AS and used in numerous aircrafts all over the world. This is the only part made in Norway used in space systems on the planet Mars. The sensor is also used in artificial hearths qualified for use in humans. Developed the sensor element for the world´s first high-volume airbag acceleration sensor (1992). Designed the sensor element and developed the pressure sensor technology platform TP4 for the world´s first high-volume tire pressure sensor (TPMS), now transferredd to and manufactured by Infineon Technologies. The technology platform TP4 was offered under the European Euro-practice manufacturing service with trade name MultiMEMS.
- Co-founder of SensoNor AS in 1985.
1978 - 1985: AS Micro-Electronics (AME) Horten, Norway
Highlight: Development of first and only integrated circuit production in Norway.
- Director for the Component Division, 1980 – 1985, with full business responsibility for thin-film hybrid products, bipolar integrated circuits, silicon photo-detectors and manufacturing of sensor elements.
- Technology development manager, 1978 – 1980, with responsibility for development and preparation for production of bipolar integrated circuit technology and products. Manufacturing of IC´s for military and telephone applications.
1971 – 1977: Center for Industrial Research, Oslo, Norway (today part of SINTEF)
Highlight: Start-up of applied research projects resulting in production in Norway.
- Research manager for the Microelectronics Department, 1973 – 1977, with responsibility for industry-oriented research projects in the areas: hybrid thick-film and thin-film integrated circuits, bipolar integrated circuits, silicon photo-detectors and micro-machined silicon pressure sensors.
- Scientist, 1971 – 1973; working on developing complementary MOS-technology (CMOS).
1970 – 1971: University of California, Berkeley, California
- Visiting scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences; working on silicon-gate MOS-transistor design and process technology.
1969 – 1970: Center for Industrial Research, Oslo, Norway
- Scientist, working on developing Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) technology.
Full CV på engelsk med publikasjoner: