MSM4203 Sustainability Marketing
MSM 4204 Methodology and Research Design
MAR 1000 Markedsføring
MKO2000 Markedskommunikasjon
- Amharisk (Morsmål)
- Engelsk (Dyktig)
- Norsk(mellomnivå)
- AMOS, SPSS, R -statistikk analyse programvare
- Consumer decision making
- Health consumption behaviour
- Health supply chain
PhD (University of South Eastern Norway, Norway)
Thesis title; 'Causal attribution and perseverance on health remedies'
- Principal supervisor: Professor Kåre Sandvik, USN School of Business
- Associate supervisor: Professor Luk Warlop, BI Norwegian Business School
- First opponent: Professor Caroline Goukens-Mertens, Maastricht University
- Second opponent: Professor Vesna Žabkar, Ljubljana University
- Chair: Professor Einar Breivik, NHH Norwegian School of Economics / USN School of Business
PhD internship (Cornell University, USA)
- Mentor: Professor Thomas Gilovich
Msc (Molde university college, Norway)
- Supervisor; Associate professor Bjørn Jæger
Bpharm (Jimma University, Ethiopia)
News Articles
Skjelbred, G. E. (2022). Studie: Vi gir ikke opp alternativ behandling selv om effekten uteblir. NRK. Studie: Vi fortsetter med alternativ behandling selv om effekten skulle utebli – NRK Vestfold og Telemark – Lokale nyheter, TV og radio
Kulberg, J.-H. (2022). Folk slutter ikke med alternative legemidler og behandlinger, selv når de ikke virker. Forskning. Folk slutter ikke med alternative legemidler og behandlinger, selv når de ikke virker (
Journal Articles
Menebo, M. M., Kvale, H. E. H., Bajracharya, M., & Burrill, J (2023). Social exclusion and green consumption: The multi-motive theory approach. Sustainable Development (NSD=2).
Hassen, H. D., Welde, M., & Menebo, M. M. (2022). Understanding determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy; an emphasis on the role of religious affiliation and individual’s reliance on traditional remedy. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1-11.(NSD=1)
Sata M and Menebo, M. (2021). ‘When and How Trust in Government Leads to Compliance Towards Covid-19 Precautionary Measures’. Journal of business research (NSD=2).
Menebo, M. M (2021). ‘Smart advertising in prescription only medication; aligning it with prescriber’s or consumer’s behavior’. International Journal of pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing (NSD=1).
Menebo, M. (2021). ‘COVID-19 is viewed as severe as Tumor and HIV; Perceptions towards Covid-19’. Psychology, Health and Medicine (NSD=1).
Menebo, M. M. (2020). ‘Temperature and precipitation associate with Covid-19 new daily cases: A correlation study between weather and Covid-19 pandemic in Oslo, Norway’. Science of The Total Environment (NSD=2), 139659.
Bjørn J., Menebo. M and Arvind (2020). ‘Identification of environmental supply chain bottlenecks: A case study of the Ethiopian Health Supply Chain’. Management of Environmental quality (NSD=1).
Papers in Peer - Reviewed Conference Proceedings
Menebo,M., & Warlop, L., & Sandvik K (2020). ‘Sticking to alternative medicine: the role of psycho-immunology’. Competitive paper, California, USA, AMA marketing and public policy conference.
Menebo,M., & Warlop, L., & Sandvik K (2019). ‘When a credence health product’s failure is not enough to turn-off consumers: the role of psycho-immunology.’ Competitive paper, Hamburg, Germany, EMAC 32nd Doctoral Colloquium.
Menebo, M., & Bjørn J (2017) ‘Quantitatively measuring supply chain visibility: application of a novel approach – along the pharmaceutical supply chain’. HHL competitive poster, Kobenhavn, Denmark, 9th Annual Conference on Health & Humanitarian Logistics.
Menebo, M., & Bjørn J (2017). ‘Mitigating supply chain challenges through the application of a new, sequential assessment tool - MIAAF –developed based on a case study of a pharmaceutical supply chain’. HHL competitive paper, Kobenhavn, Denmark, 9th Annual Conference on Health & Humanitarian Logistics.
Invited academic conferences
Menebo,M., & Warlop, L., & Sandvik K (2018). ‘Pharma - consumer behavior’. Vilnius, Lithuania. Groningen - BI - ISM Research Camp in Consumer Behavior.
Menebo,M., & Warlop, L., & Sandvik K (2019).’Sticking to alternative medicine: the role of belief in psycho-immunology (BPI)’. Vilnius, Lithuania. Groningen - BI - ISM Research Camp in Consumer Behavior.
Working Papers
Menebo, M., & Warlop, L., & Sandvik K. ‘A scale development for belief in psycho-immunology (BPI)’ Target Journal: Journal of business research
Menebo, M., & Warlop, L., & Sandvik K & Gilovich,T. ‘Strong loyalty to ineffective health substances: the role of credence and belief in psycho-immunology’. Target Journal: Journal of consumer behavior.
Menebo, M. ‘Product names, perceived effectiveness bias and intention to buy’. Target journal: Journal of business research.
Menebo, M. & Sata,M. ‘Ethnic incongruency and performance evaluation bias’. Target journal: Journal of advertising.