Mesay Moges Menebo

Institutt for økonomi og IT
USN Handelshøyskolen
Campus Bø
Mesay Moges studerer individuell beslutningsprosess for forbrukerne og den sosiale psykologien av forbrukeradferd innen helsevesenet.



  MSM4203 Sustainability Marketing 

  MSM 4204 Methodology and Research Design 

  MAR 1000 Markedsføring 

  MKO2000 Markedskommunikasjon 



  • Amharisk (Morsmål) 
  • Engelsk (Dyktig)
  • Norsk(mellomnivå)  


  • AMOS, SPSS, R -statistikk analyse programvare 
  • SAP ERP 


  • Consumer decision making 
  • Health consumption behaviour
  • Health supply chain  



PhD (University of South Eastern Norway, Norway)

Thesis title; 'Causal attribution and perseverance on health remedies' 

  • Principal supervisor: Professor Kåre Sandvik, USN School of Business
  • Associate supervisorProfessor Luk Warlop, BI Norwegian Business School
  • First opponent: Professor Caroline Goukens-Mertens, Maastricht University
  • Second opponent: Professor Vesna Žabkar, Ljubljana University
  • Chair: Professor Einar Breivik, NHH Norwegian School of Economics / USN School of Business

PhD internship (Cornell University, USA) 

  • Mentor: Professor Thomas Gilovich 

Msc (Molde university college, Norway)

  • Supervisor; Associate professor Bjørn Jæger 

Bpharm (Jimma University, Ethiopia) 


News Articles 

Skjelbred, G. E. (2022). Studie: Vi gir ikke opp alternativ behandling selv om effekten uteblir. NRKStudie: Vi fortsetter med alternativ behandling selv om effekten skulle utebli – NRK Vestfold og Telemark – Lokale nyheter, TV og radio

Kulberg, J.-H. (2022). Folk slutter ikke med alternative legemidler og behandlinger, selv når de ikke virker. ForskningFolk slutter ikke med alternative legemidler og behandlinger, selv når de ikke virker (

Journal Articles

Menebo, M. M., Kvale, H. E. H., Bajracharya, M., & Burrill, J (2023). Social exclusion and green consumption: The multi-motive theory approach. Sustainable Development (NSD=2).

Hassen, H. D., Welde, M., & Menebo, M. M. (2022). Understanding determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy; an emphasis on the role of religious affiliation and individual’s reliance on traditional remedy. BMC Public Health22(1), 1-11.(NSD=1)

Sata M and Menebo, M. (2021). ‘When and How Trust in Government Leads to Compliance Towards Covid-19 Precautionary Measures’. Journal of business research (NSD=2).

Menebo, M. M (2021). ‘Smart advertising in prescription only medication; aligning it with prescriber’s or consumer’s behavior’. International Journal of pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing (NSD=1).

Menebo, M. (2021). ‘COVID-19 is viewed as severe as Tumor and HIV; Perceptions towards Covid-19’. Psychology, Health and Medicine (NSD=1)

Menebo, M. M. (2020). ‘Temperature and precipitation associate with Covid-19 new daily cases: A correlation study between weather and Covid-19 pandemic in Oslo, Norway’. Science of The Total Environment (NSD=2), 139659.

Bjørn J., Menebo. M and Arvind (2020). ‘Identification of environmental supply chain bottlenecks: A case study of the Ethiopian Health Supply Chain’. Management of Environmental quality (NSD=1)

Papers in Peer - Reviewed Conference Proceedings

Menebo,M., & Warlop, L., & Sandvik K (2020). ‘Sticking to alternative medicine: the role of psycho-immunology’. Competitive paper, California, USA, AMA marketing and public policy conference.

Menebo,M., & Warlop, L., & Sandvik K (2019). ‘When a credence health product’s failure is not enough to turn-off consumers: the role of psycho-immunology.’ Competitive paper, Hamburg, Germany, EMAC 32nd Doctoral Colloquium.

Menebo, M., & Bjørn J (2017) ‘Quantitatively measuring supply chain visibility: application of a novel approach – along the pharmaceutical supply chain’. HHL competitive poster, Kobenhavn, Denmark, 9th Annual Conference on Health & Humanitarian Logistics.

Menebo, M., & Bjørn J (2017). ‘Mitigating supply chain challenges through the application of a new, sequential assessment tool - MIAAF –developed based on a case study of a pharmaceutical supply chain’. HHL competitive paper, Kobenhavn, Denmark, 9th Annual Conference on Health & Humanitarian Logistics.

Invited academic conferences

Menebo,M., & Warlop, L., & Sandvik K (2018). ‘Pharma - consumer behavior’. Vilnius, Lithuania. Groningen - BI - ISM Research Camp in Consumer Behavior.

Menebo,M., & Warlop, L., & Sandvik K (2019).’Sticking to alternative medicine: the role of belief in psycho-immunology (BPI)’. Vilnius, Lithuania. Groningen - BI - ISM Research Camp in Consumer Behavior.

Working Papers

Menebo, M., & Warlop, L., & Sandvik K. ‘A scale development for belief in psycho-immunology (BPI)’ Target Journal: Journal of business research

Menebo, M., & Warlop, L., & Sandvik K & Gilovich,T. ‘Strong loyalty to ineffective health substances: the role of credence and belief in psycho-immunology’. Target Journal: Journal of consumer behavior.

Menebo, M. ‘Product names, perceived effectiveness bias and intention to buy’. Target journal: Journal of business research.

Menebo, M. & Sata,M. ‘Ethnic incongruency and performance evaluation bias’.  Target journal: Journal of advertising.



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