Impaired vision and blindness leads to reduced quality of life and reduced opportunity to learn, work and live independently. In this study, the researchers will use advanced methods to investigate anatomical, physiological and functional changes in the photosensitive neural tissue in the back of the eye (retina) in healthy subjects and people who have eye diseases that affect central vision (the part of vision that we are so dependent on to read and drive) .AI D will employ machine learning techniques to combine datasets and analyze them to develop more sensitive methods for earlier diagnosis and better follow-up of treatment. The results could also help patients suffering from other eye diseases, neurological (eg Alzheimer's disease) or systemic diseases (eg diabetes) all of which affect the retina. AI D is an interdisciplinary consortium of internationally renowned researchers at three institutions in Europe and USN who have extensive expertise in the subject. The project is funded by ERA-NET NEURON.
Responsible at USN: Rigmor C. Baraas, Department of Optometry, Radiography and Lighting Design.