Updated: 19.9.2024
Assistant professor, computer science, campus Bø. 15 years experience from ICT-industry and large user organizations.
Teaching subjects
- MOB 3000 Application development for mobile devices devices
- DAT2000 Databases 2
- 6022 Special curriculum
- 6105N Windows Server and computer networks - online
Research projects
- 2016-17: GeoIntegration - a digital guide. Financed by The Norwegian Mapping Authority og The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities
- 2015-16: Industriell datasenterkompetanse. Financed by Innovation Norway through the program "Kompetanseutvikling i regionale næringsmiljøer". Project lead: ICT-Telemark/Powered by Telemark.
- 2013-14: National geoportal, leader of user requirements analysis workgroup. Client: The Norwegian Mapping Authority / Norge digitalt.
- 2013-14: Utvikling av nettbasert årsstudium i informasjonsbehandling. Telemark University College
- 2012-13: VRI-II Telemark. Virkemidler for regional innovasjon. Financed by The Research Council of Norway and Telemark county municipality.
- 2011-12: Cloud Computing i Sam Eydes fotspor. Investigating the possibilities for a green datacenter in Hydroparken, Notodden. Client: Notodden Energy AS og Notodden Utvikling AS.
- 2009-10: Utvikling av nytt mastergradsstudie i fri programvare. Coproject with Telemark University College, University of Agder, ICT-Telemark and DIGIN. Financed by Norgesuniversitetet and VRI Telemark.
- 2008-10: Cluster development and innovation in the ICT-industry of Telemark county. Subproject with AFI under the VRI-program (Virkemidler for regional innovasjon) financed by The Research Council of Norway and Telemark county municipality.
- 2006-09: eSenteret - kompetansesenter for elektronisk forretningsdrift. Coproject with Telemark University College and Midt-Telemark Næringsutvikling.
- 2006: Nye studietilbud i IKT. Coprosjekt with Telemark University College and ICT-Telemark.
- Application development for Android with Java, Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
- Databases and programing
- Requirement analysis/specification and software design
- UML modeling
- Computer networks and operating systems
- Windows Server
- 2018- Assistant professor, computer science, University of South-Eastern Norway
- 2016-2018 Assistant professor, computer science, University College of South-Eastern Norway
- 2006-2015 Assistant professor, computer science, Telemark University College
- 2005 Technical specialist, Microsoft Norge, enterprise & parter group
- 2003-2005 Independant consultant
- 1999-2003 Technical manager, principal consultant and boardmember, Lindorff Applications as.
- 1995-99 Principal consultant, partner and boardmember, LokalData as.
- 1993-96 Assistant professor, computer science, Telemark University College.
- 1990-93 Dataconsultant, Saga Petroleum ASA.
- 1989-90 Dataconsultant, Telemark Teacher College.
- 1987-89 Systemconsultant, partner and gründer, LokalData as.
- 1987 Dataconsultant, Telemark Teacher College.