Local regulations
- Regulations relating to studies and examinations at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)
- Regulations for the degree of PhD at the University of South-Eastern Norway (.pdf)
- USN Personnel Regulation
- USN Personnel Policy Guidelines
- Regulations concerning Admission to the University of South-Eastern Norway (not yet translated to english)
- Instructions for examination candidates (.pdf)
- Instructions for invigilators (.pdf)
- Instructions for examination coordinators (.pdf)
- Instructions for course coordinators related to examinations (.pdf)
- Instructions regarding examination results (.pdf)
- Instructions for examinations in law-related courses (.pdf)
- Instructions regarding permitted examination support materials in law-related courses (.pdf)
National regulations
- Act relating to universities and university colleges
- Public Administration Act
- Regulations concerning Admission to Higher Education
Policy documents and guidelines
- Guidelines for processing personal data in student and research projects (.pdf)
- Guidelines for the management of research data at University of South-Eastern Norway (.pdf)
- Guidelines for management of audio recordings in research at USN (.pdf)
- Guidelines in connection with Covid–19