Kian Mehdi Azadmehr

Department of Microsystems
Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences
Campus Vestfold
Kian M. Azadmehr received his master and Ph.D. degree in Nanoelectronics from the University of Oslo, Norway, in 2006 and 2009 respectively. His Ph.D. work aimed at designing bi-directional circuit for use as interface for resonating sensors. He then worked as assistant professor in 2 years at Vestfold University College and is now employed as full professor at University of South-Eastern Norway. Main research areas are low power analog electronic design with focus on interface circuits, inductive and subsea wireles power transfer.



Microelectronics, Sensor interface, Fysics.


ASIC For MEMS, Ultra Low Power Circuits, Wireless Power Transfer


Work group leader "Advanced Piezoelectric Systems" 


  • Microelectronics
  • Low power analog circuits
  • Sensor front-End
  • Oscillator design



” Vindfanger for montering på tak forproduksjon av elektrisk energi ” patent nr: 20111646

Work Experience:

2009 - ​        , Asscciate Professor, University of Southeastern Norway, Norway

2018- 2019, Guest Scholar, University of Illinois at Chicago, Il, USA


List of selected Peer reviewed publications:

M. Azadmehr, I. Paprotny, Q-Loading of Colpitts-Based Mass-Sensing Oscillators in Resonator-based MEMS Airborne Particulate Matter (PM) Sensors. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 11-13 Jan2019, Las Vegas, USA.

M. Azadmehr, A. Schreyer-Miller, I.Paprotny and Y. Berg.   A New Differential Oscillator with T-type Feedback, 2018 9th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON),  8th-10th November 2018, New York city, USA.

M. Azadmehr, M. Haridim, Deposition of Anthracene by Low Pressure Organic Vapor Phase Deposition, 2018 15th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE)

M. Azadmehr, I. Paprotny, Y. Berg. A Differential Complementary Colpitts Oscillator based on Common Drain Topology. 2018 International Conference on circuits and systems (ICCS'18), USA, 23-25 October, California, USA

Y. Zhaksylyk, M. Azadmehr, Comparative Analysis of Inductive and Capacitive feeding of Magnetic Resonance Wireless Power Transfer, 2018 IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wireless Power, WOW2018, Montreal, Canada

L. Marchetti; Y. Berg; M. Azadmehr, A bidirectional front-end for ultrasonic pulse-echo measurements, 2018 IEEE 15th International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC)

 F. Dell’ Anna, T. Dong, P. Li, Y.Wen, M. Azadmehr, M. Casu, and Y. Berg, Lower-Order Compensation Chain Threshold-Reduction Technique for Multi-Stage Voltage Multipliers, Sensors (Basel). 2018 Apr; 18(4): 1245. Published online 2018 Apr 17. doi: 0.3390/s18041245

 L. Marchetti; Y. Berg,  M. Azadmehr, A Self-Cascode Pseudo Floating Gate Front-End for Resonating Sensors. ECTI NCON 2018 (Winner of the best paper Award)

 M. Haridim, O. Keren, A. Amitt and M. Azadmehr, "A novel implantable printed dipole with improved gain," 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Paris, 2017, pp. 2256-2258.

 F. G. Dell'Anna; T. Dong; P. Li; Wen Yumei; M. Azadmehr; Y. Berg, Low-power voltage multiplier synthesis tool for preliminary topology identification, 2017 International Conference on Open Source Systems & Technologies (ICOSST)

A. Roy; F. Ender; M. Azadmehr; Bao Q. Ta; K. E. Aasmundtveit, Design considerations of CMOS micro-heaters to directly synthesize carbon nanotubes for gas sensing applications, 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO)

 F. G. Dell'Anna; T. Dong; P. Li; W. Yumei; M. Azadmehr; Y. Berg, Low-power voltage multiplier synthesis tool for preliminary topology identification, 2017 International Conference on Open Source Systems & Technologies (ICOSST)

 M. Azadmehr; L. Marchetti; Y. Berg “A low power analog voltage similarity circuit “, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) Year: 2017, Pages: 1 - 4 Baltimore, USA

 M. Azadmehr, L. Marchetti, M. S. Elkharashi and Y. Berg, "A virtual Wheatstone bridge front-end for resistive sensors," 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), Calabria, 2017, pp. 368-371.

 L. Marchetti , Y. Berg, M. Azadmehr “Design and Modelling of a Bidirectional Front-End for Resonating Sensors based on Pseudo Floating Gate Amplifier” Journal of Electronics (ISSN 2079-9292), Volume 6, Issue 3, 2017

Luca Marchetti *, Yngvar Berg, Mehdi Azadmehr “Analysis of the effect of channel leakage on design, characterization and modelling of a high voltage pseudo-floating gate sensor-front-end” Journal of Electronics (ISSN 2079-9292), 2017

 Fernandes, A. L.; Azadmehr, M., Johannessen, E.  A. ; Häfliger, P. "An osmotic pressure sensor for monitoring the level of hydration in biological fluids” IEEE Sensors Journal 2016 ;Volume 16.(11) s. 4331-4337


 M. Azadmehr, B. Khakpour, Y. Berg  A Self Sensing circuit for Actuation and read-out of resonating sensors, IEEE FTFC 2015, Taipei, Taiwan

 Marchetti, L. Mirmotahari, O.; Berg, Y.. Azadmehr, M. Bidirectional front-end for piezoelectric resonator. IEEE ICNSC 2016; Mexico City, Mexico

 Mirmotahari, O; Dadashi, A; Azadmehr, M; Berg, Y. Novel high-speed dynamic differential ultra low IEEE (ICECS). 2015                           

 Marchetti, L.; Mirmotahari, O; Berg, Y. Azadmehr, M. A discrete implementation of a bidirectional circuit for actuation and read-out of resonating sensors. IEEE DTIS 2016 Istanbul, Turkey

 Mehdi Azadmehr, Truls R. Aagaard, Andre Vike, Richard A. G. Tjosvoll, David Gordon, A low pressure Organic Vapor Phase Deposition IEEE ELECO 2015,Bursa, Turkey

 A. Roy ; F. Ender ; M. Azadmehr ; Knut E. Aasmundtveit, Optimal thermal design of CMOS for direct integration of carbon nanotubes IEEE THERMINIC, 2016, Budapest, Hungry

L. Marchetti; Yngvar Berg; Omid Mirmotahari; Mehdi Azadmehr “A control system for a low power bidirectional front-end for resonating sensors” 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), Year: 2017, Pages: 322 – 326

 L. Marchetti, M. Azadmehr; Yngvar Berg “A Bidirectional Front-End with Bandwidth control for actuation and Read-out of MEMS Resonating Sensors, IEEE Mixdes 2017, Bydgocszcz, Poland

 M. Azadmehr, B. Khakpour, Y. Berg,  A Bidirectional circuit for Actuation and read-out of resonating sensors, IEEE FTFC 2014, Monaco, France, (Winner of the best paper Award)

 L. A. Fernandes, M. Azadmehr, P. Häfliger, E: A. Johannessen Low power integrated electronics system for the operation of a miniaturized hydration sensor. IEEE NEWCAS 2014Trois-Rivières, Canada

Y. Berg, M. Azadmehr.Novel ultra low-voltage and high-speed CMOS pass transistor logic, IEEE FTFC   2012Paris, France

M. Azadmehr, Y. Berg. A band-tunable Auto-Zeroing Amplifier, IEEE CSCS  2012, Barcelona, Spain

L. A. Fernandes, M. Azadmehr, P. Häfliger, E: A. Johannessen Design and Characterization of an Osmotic Sensor for the Detection of Events Associated with Dehydration and Overhydration. TEHM 2012, Houston, USA

 M. Azadmehr; Y. Berg. A bulk-controlled floating gate band pass filter, CSCS 2013

 M. Azadmehr, Y. Berg. An Ultra-Low Voltage Tunable Dual-Band Pass Filter, IEEE SSD 2014 Barcelona, Spain

 M. Azadmehr, Y. Berg. “Current-Starved Pseudo-Floating Gate filters”,  In volume 5, no. 4 of the Transactions on Systems, Signals & Devices, Issues on Sensors, Circuits & Instrumentation Systems, 2012.

 M. Azadmehr, Y. Berg.   Current-Starved Pseudo-Floating Gate amplifiers,  In WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS Issue 4, Volume 7, April 2008.

L. A. Fernandes, M. Azadmehr, P. Häfliger, E: A. Johannessen «Design and Characterization of an Osmotic Sensor for the Detection of Events Associated with Dehydration and Overhydration”. Published in Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine

M. Azadmehr, Y. Berg.An Auto-zeroing current-starved floating-gate band pass filter, IEEE ISCCSP 2010,  Limassol, Cyprus

Y. Berg, M. Azadmehr. Reconfigurable Pseudo floating-gate Analog Circuits  IEEE ICECS 2010. Athens

 M. Azadmehr, Y. Berg.A band pass Auto-Zeroing Floating-Gate Amplifier, IEEE FTFC 2011, Marrakesh

 M. Azadmehr,Y. Berg. A bi-directional auto-zeroing floating-gate amplifier.CSECS '  2011 Montreux, Switzerland

 Y. Berg, M. Azadmehr Symmetric autozeroing floating-gate transconductance amplifier for ultra low-voltage applications. CSECS   2011.Montreux, Switzerland

 M. Azadmehr, Y. Berg. An Ultra Low Votage Pseudo-Floating Gate Amplifier, IEEE FTFC   2012Paris, France

 Berg, Y. & Azadmehr M., Novel linear autozeroing floating-gate amplifier for ultra low-voltage applications    World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology: An International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology. ISSN 2010-376X.  68, s 262- 265

 M. Azadmehr, Y. Berg Current-Starved Pseudo-Floating Gate filters IEEE SSD 2009, Djerba

 M. Azadmehr, Y. Berg.A bi-directional autozeroing amplifier for designing bi-directional time-continuous frequency mixer/extractor, IEEE TENCON2009,           Singapore       

 M. Azadmehr, Y. Berg A Novel Single-Input-Single-Output multifunctional Filter Based on Current-Starved Pseudo-Floating Gate   IEEE ICECS 2008, Heraklion

 M. Azadmehr, Y. Berg.Cascade of current-starved pseudo floating-gate inverters. IEEE ICECS 2008, Malta

M. Azadmehr, Y. Berg Bi-directional current-starved pseudo floating-gate differentiator /integrator, ICECS 2008, Malta 

M. Azadmehr, Y. Berg Bi-directional band pass, band stop filter based on Current-Starved Pseudo Floating-Gate inverters IEEE Norchip 2008, Tallinn

Y. Berg, M. Azadmehr, O. Mirmotahari, S.Aunet Band Pass Pseudo floating-gate amplifier , IEEE ICECS 2007, Marrakesh

M. Azadmehr, Y. Berg. Current-Starved Pseudo floating-gate amplifier ,  IEEE CSECS 2007, Cairo

M. Azadmehr, J.P. Abrahamsen, P. Häfliger, A foveated AER imager chipIEEE ISCAS 2005,  Kobe, Japan