Sabrina Krogh Schmidt

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science
Department of Sports, Physical Education and Outdoor Studies
Campus Bø


  • 2018: Ph.D. candidate in program Person-centred healthcare. Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway – Norway.                      Ph.D thesis, title: Classroom-based physical activity as a means to promote health, well-being and learning in secondary school. A study on health changes and students’ and teachers’ perspectives in secondary school
  • 2017: Master in sports, physical education and outdoor life. Department of Sports, Physical Education and Outdoor Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway – Norway
    Master thesis, title: Motivation to maintain lifestyle changes in patients with type 2 diabetes after an intensive lifestyle intervention (The U-TURN Trial): A longitudinal qualitative study.
  • 2016: Bachelor in outdoor life, Department of Sports, Physical Education and Outdoor Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway – Norway
  • 2014: Bachelor in Sports, physical activity and health, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark – Denmark