- PhD Fellow Project: Pedagogical aspects of face-to-face promotive interaction leading to a successful process of peer cooperation
- Teaching and supervision of students enrolled in the International Teacher Education for Primary Schools (ITEPS)
- Cooperation in Education, Inclusive and Special Needs Education,
- Social pedagogy, Cooperative learning, Peer cooperation, Promotive interactions
- Teachers’ preparation for cooperative and inclusive education
Working experience
I am a former primary school teacher, school adviser/pedagogue, and inspector (1994- 2015) Bosnia and Herzegovina. My International Master in Special Needs Education at the University of Oslo (2007) focused on cooperative learning at the primary school level, which I used to support teachers’ preparation for cooperative and inclusive education in contexts of social and cultural diversity. As a trainer and member of the International Association for Initiatives in Education "Step by step", I led workshops at the program "Child-centered education pedagogy", "Inclusion Minority and Marginalized Groups of children in the regular system of Education".
- Master of Philosophy in Special Needs Education, (2 years); University of Oslo; 2005-2007
- A year-long education in” Individualization and Inclusion in Education “, (1 year); University of Mostar “Dzemal Bijedic” in cooperation with University of Helsinki; 2004-2005
- Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo (4 years); Department of Pedagogy; 1997-2001
- ISS (International Summer School) in Special Need Education, University of Oslo, 6 weeks course, 2003
- International Association for Initiatives in Education" Step by step", Sarajevo in program "Child-centered education". "Specialization in Inclusion Minority and Marginalised Groups of Children in the regular system of Education"(1997-2003)
- Pedagogical Academy of Sarajevo, University in Sarajevo (2 years ); Primary school teacher education program 1994-1996
International project participation
- 2009 - 2010 Mapping Policies and Practices for the Preparation of Teachers for Inclusive Education in Contexts of Social and Cultural Diversity, ETF (European Training Foundation) and Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia, Kosovo, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
- 2009 - 2010 Mapping teachers` competences for inclusive and intercultural education in BiH, UNICEF and CEP (Centre for Educational Policy –Belgrade)
- 2006 - 2009 Norwegian Cooperation Program on Research and Higher Education with the countries on the Western Balkans (CPWB) 2006-2009 Development towards the Inclusive School: Practices – Research – Capacity Building Universities of Belgrade, Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Skopje, Tuzla, Zagreb
- 2003 - 2006 CES -Finish Co-operation in the Education Sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland “Systemic identification and rehabilitation of pupils in a primary school in the classroom 1st -4th with speech and languages difficulties“
- 2002 – 2004 Project SØE 02/06 (2002) Institutional Competence Building and Cooperation with Two Bosnian Universities: Special Needs Education towards Inclusion”. The Cooperation Program with South-East Europe(CPSEE) 2002-2004 between Universities Sarajevo, Tuzla, and Oslo.
- Dzemidzic Kristiansen, S. (2022). Bridging the interactional gap: Teachers’ influence on pupils’ face-to-face promotive interaction for socially responsive co-learning. I: K. Smith (Red.), Inquiry as a bridge in teaching and teacher education. NAFOL 2022 (p. 61–83). the whole book on Fagbokforlaget’s web page.
- Dzemidzic Kristiansen, S. (2021) Becoming a Socially Responsive Co-Learner: Primary School Pupils’ Practices of Face-to-Face Promotive Interaction in Cooperative Learning Groups. Education Sciences. 11(5):195.
- Zecic, S., Dzemidzic Kristiansen, S., Hadzic, S., & Cehic, I. (2020). Supporting Pupils with Speech and Language Impairments in Regular Primary Schools in Bosnia & Herzegovina- Presentation of Findings. In Johnsen, B.H. (Eds.), International Classroom Studies of Inclusive Practises: Comparing Teaching-Learning Processes, pp. 134-150. CAPPELEN DAMM AKADEMISK
- Selma Dzemidzic Kristiansen (2020) Exploring pupils’ and teachers’ perspectives on face-to-face promotive interaction in cooperative learning; Education 3-13 International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education
- Selma Dzemidzic Kristiansen, Tony Burner & Berit Helene Johnsen | Gregory Yates (Reviewing editor) (2019) Face-to-face promotive interaction leading to successful cooperative learning: A review study, Cogent Education, 6:1, DOI: 10.1080/2331186X.2019.1674067
Dzemidzic Kristiansen, S. & Sarkinovic, B. (2016). Inovativni pristup u razvijanju partnerstva porodice i skole (An innovative approach in developing family-school partnerships) The publication is in the proceedings Regional Scientific Conference "Towards New Steps in Education" held in Sarajevo, October 11 and 12, 2013 (pp.177-187)
- Sunčica Macura Milovanović, Ivana Batarelo Kokić, Selma Džemidžić Kristiansen, Ibolya Gera, Estevan Ikonomi, Lejla Kafedžić, Tamara Milić, Xhavit Rexhaj, Ognen Spasovski & Alison Closs (2014) Dearth of early education experience: a significant barrier to educational and social inclusion in the Western Balkans, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 18:1, 36-54, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2012.756948
- Zecic, S., Cehic, I., Dzemidzic Kristiansen S.& Hadzic, S. (2014).Methodology in Studies of Support for Pupils with Speech and Language Impairments in Regular Primary Schools. In Johnsen, B.H.(eds.) Theory and Methodology in International Comparative Classroom Studies. (pg: 291-297).Oslo: Cappelen Damms Akademisk
Zecic S., Cehic, I., Dzemidzic Kristiansen S.& Hadzic, S. (2013). Supporting Pupils with Language and Speech Difficulties in Regular Primary Schools. Comparative Research and Intervention in the Classroom towards Inclusion. In Johnsen, B. H.(eds.)Research Project Preparation within Education and Special Needs Education.Introduction to the theory of Science, Project Planning, and Research Plans. (pg: 264-277).Oslo: Cappelen Damms Akademisk
Dzemidzic, S. (2008). Cooperative learning in inclusive education. In Journal for teaching theory and practice, Didactic guideposts, Zenica, BiH: December 2008
Dzemidzic, S. (2007). Peer support to pupils with special needs in their learning and socio-emotional development in the inclusive classrooms of the regular school. Zivot & Down Syndrome, no. 2 –Journal number 2, Life and Down Syndrome, Bemust, Sarajevo
Dzemidzic, S (2007). Cooperation among Pupils in the Classroom. Oslo Department of Special Needs Education, University of Oslo. (Master thesis).
Dzemidzic,S.(2005).Roditelji u individualno prilagodjenom obrazovanju i rukovodjenjurazredom; (Parents in individual adapted education and classroom management ) Casopis “Naša škola” ,vanredni broj 2005,Sarajevo (The Journal “Our School”, special number 2005, Sarajevo).
- Dzemidzic, S.& Hrga, G. (2003). Identification and Observation of Children in Category of Special Needs, from Different aspects in First Grade of Primary School:” Dzemaludin Causevic”- Sarajevo. The publication is in the proceedings 2nd scientific symposium with international participation, February 24 and 25, 2003 in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina “Socio-Emotional Growth and Development of Learning Strategies “, 2003, Tuzla as part of the Project: Project SØE 02/06 (2002) Institutional Competence Building and Cooperation with Two Bosnian Universities: Special Needs Education towards Inclusion
Conference presentations
- Dzemidzic Kristiansen, S. (2021) Pedagogical tools relating to face-to-face promotive interaction for cooperative learning: Becoming a socially responsive co-learning; IAIE Conference -Intercultural Education in an Age of Information and Disinformation June 27-30
- Dzemidzic Kristiansen, S. (2020) About face-to-face promotive interaction: How do primary school pupils practice it? Paper presentation. Inquiry as a Bridge between Theory and Practice in Teaching and Teacher Education Virtual Conference for Emerging Researchers in Teacher Education; 20-22 October 2020.
- Dzemidzic Kristiansen, S. (2019) Promoting students’ face-to-face promotive interaction (FtFPI) in small cooperative groups: Academic Workshop. Another brick in the wall: IASCE Conference, Amsterdam- Rethinking education- Strand 3: Cooperative learning and other interactive learning approaches; 2019-11-15
Dzemidzic Kristiansen, S.& Sarkinovic, B. (2013). An innovative approach in developing family-school partnerships). Presentation at the Regional Scientific Conference "Towards New Steps in Education" held in Sarajevo, October 11 and 12, 2013
- Dzemidzic-Kristiansen, S. (2009). Competences for Inclusive and Intercultural education(An example of inclusive practice in a primary school in Sarajevo).Presentation on the Sarajevo Conferences: “Teachers: A Pillar for student’s successful Attainment ` Competences for Inclusive and Intercultural Education”, 23 November 2009, Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina: UNICEF & MDGIF
- Dzemidzic-Kristiansen, S., Varunek V., Sarkinovic, B., Abdulovic, A., & Kafedzic, L. (2009). Presentation of Inclusive practice with Children with Down Syndrome and their families. Regional Conference “Step by Step” Association, Fojnica Bosnia and Herzegovina, 22-25 August 2009.
- Dzemidzic Kristiansen S., & Hadzic, S. (2009) Papers presented for discussion from Sarajevo University. Presentation of research contribution to “Comparative Classroom Studies towards Inclusion“, Zagreb Workshop, 17-22 May.
- Dzemidzic, S (2008). An example of inclusive practice in a primary school in Sarajevo. Presentation on the Sarajevo conference” Education an indisputable key to a stable future,11 December 2008, Sarajevo, Bosnia, and Herzegovina: Save the children-Norway & UNICEF
- Dzemidzic, S.(2007).Cooperative learning in multicultural societies. Papers on international conference NEETRED (the University of Oslo-Institute for research in Education ) 3-5 December 2007, Beitøstolen, Norway
- Dzemidzic, S.(2007). Learning in and out of the classroom –cooperation among pupils. Presentation of papers on XIII World Congress of Comparative Pedagogues – “Live together: education and intercultural dialogue”, Sarajevo,3-7 September