You have several options if you fail a subject while on exchange. It depends on if you fail a compulsory subject or an elective.
It is always wise to contact your academic advisor if you have failed a subject. Remember that you are responsible for submitting your Transcript of Records to your academic advisor after the exchange semester for registration.
If you fail a compulsory subject
These are your options if you fail a compulsory subject:
1. Retake the subject at the school where you took it - This depends greatly on the timing of the retake exam and whether you can take it online or in person.
2. Take the compulsory subject at USN.
If you fail an elective subject
1. Retake the subject at the school where you took it - This depends greatly on the timing of the retake exam and whether you can take it online or in person. This vary from university to university, but it is an option.
2. Take the elective subject at USN - If USN have the same subject or something similar, you can retake the subject at USN or just choose a new elective subject that you replace with the one you took during the exchange.
NB! It is important to note that these are solutions for getting your bachelor's/master's degree approved. However, if you fail a subject on exchange and choose to retake it or take a new subject at USN, this may have financial consequences in terms of converting loans to grants. The conversion of loans to grants depends on the number of credits you complete, so it does not necessarily have such consequences. Contact the student loan office (Lånekassa) if you are unsure or encounter problems.