Online session 2

In the second online session we discussed the concepts of socio-cultural learning, tacit knowledge and co-creation.

Socio-cultural learning

We began the session by focusing on learning, both about how we learn as individuals and how we learn collectively. We introduced and discussed socio-cultural learning theory, as this is the basis of our work on this project.


Tacit knowledge

In this part of the session, Polyani’s concept of ‘Tacit Knowledge’ was introduced to consider knowledge that is learnt by experience or expertise. We use this form of knowledge in our project in order to identify those forms of learning that are difficult to identify or to write down. This ‘knowledge through experience’ forms a key part of how we work in the project.



As well as socio-cultural learning, this project is based on co-creating. We explained more “in depth” what co-creation is, and how this will work within our project.


The aims of the session: 

  • To be able to explain what co-creation and socio-cultural learning is
  • To be able to use knowledge about co-creation and socio-cultural learning for research and for professional practice
  • To be able to engage in critical discussion about co-creation and socio-cultural learning

The program for MaCE online course, Session 2

Student information about:

Socio-cultural learning 

Tacit knowledge

The Powerpoint of the session co-creation, and the padlet discussion