Aud Johannessen

Professor emerita
Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Department of Health, Social and Welfare Studies
Campus Vestfold


Present posts

2012 –             Researcher, Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Ageing and Health (Ageing and Health), Vestfold Hospital Trust

2018 –             Professor, University of South-Eastern Norway USN, Tønsberg

2018 –             National Researche School PROFRES, University of Stavanger, University of South-Eastern Norway

2017 –  2018   Associate Professor, University of South-Eastern Norway USN, Tønsberg, Norway

Academic qualifications

2012                Doctor of Public Health, Nordic School of Public Health NHV (240 ECTS)

2008                Diploma in Public Health, Nordic School of Public Health NHV (60 ECTS)

2006                Master of Public Health, School of Public Health NHV (75 ECTS)

1996                Registered Psychiatric Nurse, University of South-Eastern Norway USN (60 ECTS)

1988                Nettstudier NKI (web studies), Leadership School ( 6 months)

1985                Registered Nurse, University of South-Eastern Norway USN (120 ECTS)

 Pedagogical qualifications

2017                Postdoctoral Programme at the Faculty of Medicine, UiO: Research Management and Academic Supervision (4 days)  

2000                University of South-Eastern Norway USN, Nurse Supervisor (30 ECTS)

1999                Nurse Supervisor, Norsk Sykepleierforbund [Norwegian Nurse Association] (Part time over a period of three years)

Post-graduate course

2004                University of Oslo UiO, Statistical course with the use of SPSS  Software (1 ECTS)

Postdoctoral education/course         

2014                Intervention in Dementia INTERDEM Academy for doctoral and postdoctoral students (1 week)                              

Professional qualifications

2006 – 2012    Nordic School of Public Health NHV, Education and academic supervision of master’s and doctoral students in course

2015 – 2017    Associate Professor, VID Specialized University College, Oslo   

2017 – 2018    Associate Professor, University of South-Eastern Norway USN

2018                Professor, University of South-Eastern Norway USN                    


Summary of scientific production


Master’s thesis

Johannessen, A. (2006). Pårørende til personer med demens—Evaluering av en psykoedukative interventsjon rettet mot pårørende [Caregivers of people with dementia—evaluation of an psychoeducative intervention]. Master’s degree, 2006:12. Gothenburg: Nordic School of Public Health NHV.

Doctoral thesis

Johannessen, A. (2012). Dementia and Public Health—with focus on access to society. Doctoral degree, Report 2012: 6. Gothenburg: Nordic School of Public Health NHV.

Scientific production

International Refereed Journals—Articles

Research Area I: Psychiatric Medicine and Care

Johannessen, A., Engedal, K., & Helvik, A.-H. (2017). Assessment of elevated alcohol and psychotropic drug use among old age psychiatric patients in Norway: Experiences from the perspective of health professionals. Nordic Studies on Alcohol & Drugs, 34(3), 243-254.

Johannessen, A., Engedal, K., Stelander, L., Larsen, M., Lillehovde, E. J., & Helvik A.-S. (2017). Alcohol and psychotropic drug use and misuse among patients in old age psychiatric hospital units: A Norwegian survey study. Nordic Studies on Alcohol & Drugs, 34(1), 57–71.

Johannessen, A., Helvik, A.-S., Engedal, K., & Sørlie, V. (2015). Older people’s narratives of   use and misuse of alcohol and psychotropic drugs. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 30(3), 586–593.

Johannessen, A., Helvik, A.-S., Engedal, K., Ulstein, I., & Sørlie, V. (2015). Prescribers’ of psychotropic drugs experiences and reflections on use and misuse of alcohol and psychotropic drugs among older people: A qualitative study. Quality in Primary Care Journal, 23(3), 134–140.

Johannessen, A., Engedal, K., & Helvik, A.-S. (2015). Use and misuse of alcohol and psychotropic drugs among older people: Is that an issue when services are planned for and implemented? Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 29(2), 325–332.

Research Area II: Geriatric Medicine and Care

Johannessen, A., Engedal, K., Haugen, P. K., Dourado, M. C. N., & Thorsen, K. (2019). Coping with transitions in life: A four-year longitudinal narrative study of single younger people with dementia. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 28(12), 479-492. DOI: 10.2147/JMDH.S208424

Baptista, M. A., Santos, R. L., Kimura, N., Marinho, V., Simões, J. P., Laks, J., ... & Dourado, M. C. (2019). Differences in Awareness of Disease Between Young-onset and Late-onset Dementia. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 33(2), 129-135.

Kimura, N. R., Neto, J. P. S., Santos, R. L., Baptista, M. A. T., Portugal, G., Johannessen, A., & Dourado, M. C. (2019). Resilience in Carers of People with Young-Onset Alzheimer Disease. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 32(2), 59-67.

Thorsen, K., Dourado, M. C. N., & Johannessen, A. (2018). Developing dementia: The existential experience of quality of life with young-onset dementia. A longitudinal case study. Dementia, DOI: 10.1177/1471301218789990

Thorsen, K., & Johannessen, A. (2018). Personsentrert omsorg i praksis: Fire perspektiver på støttekontakttjenesten i demensomsorgen. [Person centered care in practice: Four perspectives on the support contact service in dementia care] Nordisk tidsskrift for Helseforskning [Nordic Journal of Health Research], 14(2): online. DOI: 10.7557/14.4323.

Johannessen, A., Engedal, K., Haugen, P. K., Dourado, M. C. N., & Thorsen, K. (2018). “To be, or not to be”: Experiencing deterioration among people with young-onset dementia living alone. Journal of Qualitative Studies on health and well-being, 13(1), DOI: 10.1080/17482631

Trindade, P. G. E., Santos, R. L., Lacerda, I. B., Johannessen, A., & Dourado, M. C. N. (2018). Awareness of disease in Dementia: What do patients realize about their own condition? Aging and Mental Health, DOI:10.1080/13607863.2018.1488945.

Kimura, N. R. S., Baptista, M. A. T., Santos, R. L., Portugal, M. G., Johannessen, A., Barca,M. L., Engedal, K., Laks, J., & Dourado, M. C. N. (2018). Caregivers’ perspectives of quality of life in people with Young- and Late Onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Geriatric Pschychiatry, 3(2), 76-83.

Baptista, M. A. T., Santos, R. L., Kimura, N., Lacerda, I. B., Johannessen, A., Barca, M. L., Engedal, K., & Dourado, M. C. N. (2016). Quality of life in young onset dementia: An updated systematic review. Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 38(1), 6–13.

Dröes R.-M., Chattat, R., Diaz, A., Gove, D., Graff, M., Murphy, K., Verbeek, H., Vernooij-Dassen, M., Clare, L., Johannessen, A., Roes, M., Verhey, F., & Charras, K., & the INTERDEM Social Health Task Force. (2016). Social health and dementia: A European consensus on the operationalisation of the concept and directions for research and practice. Journal of Aging & Mental Health, 21(1), 4–17.

Millenaar, J., Hvidsten, L., Engedal, K., Selbæk, G. Bruun Wyller, T. Johannessen, A., Haugen, P. K., Bakker, C., van Vliet, D., Pijnenburg, Y. A. L., Koopmans, R.,Verhey, F. R. J., & de Vugt, M. E. & Kersten, H. (2016). Determinants of quality of life in young onset dementia—results from a European multicenter assessment. Ageing & Mental Health, 27(1), 24–30.

Johannessen, A., Möller, A., Haugen, P. K., & Biong, S. (2014). A shifting sense of being: A secondary analysis and comparison of two qualitative studies on young-onset dementia. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 11(9), 24756.

Johannessen, A., Bruvik, F., & Hauge, S. (2015). Family carers’ experiences of attending a multicomponent psychosocial intervention program for carers and persons with dementia. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 12(8), 91–9.

Johannessen, A., Povlsen, L., Bruvik, F., & Ulstein, I. (2013). Implementation of a multicomponent psychosocial programme for persons with dementia and their families in Norwegian municipalities: Experiences from the perspective of healthcare professionals who performed the intervention. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Science, 28(4), 749–56.

Mahler, M., Sarvimäki, A., Clancy, A., Stenbrock-Hult, B., Simonsen, N., Liveng, A., Zidèn, L., Johannessen, A., & Hörder, H. (2014). Home as a health promotion setting for older adults. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 42(36), 36–40.

1Johannessen, A., & Möller, A. (2013). Experiences of persons with early-onset dementia in everyday life: A qualitative study. Dementia, 12(4), 410–24.

Research Area III: Family Medicine and Care

Dourado M. C. N., Laks, J., Kimura N. R., Baptista M. A. T., Barca, M. L., Engedal, K.,Tveit, B., & Johannessen, A. (2017). Young-onset dementia: A comparison of Brazilian and Norwegian carers’ experiences and needs for assistance. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 32(5). DOI: 10.1002/gps.4717

Johannessen, A., Helvik, A.-S., Engedal, K., & Thorsen, K. (2017). Experiences and needs of   spouses of persons with young-onset frontotemporal dementia during the progression of the disease. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. DOI: 10.1111/scs.12397

Johannessen, A., Engedal, K., & Thorsen, K. (2016). Family carers of people with young-onset dementia: Their experiences with the supporter service. Geriatrics, 1(4), 28.

Johannessen, A., Engedal, K., & Thorsen, K. (2016). Coping efforts and resilience among adult children growing up with a parent with young-onset dementia: A qualitative follow-up study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 8(11), 30535.

Johannessen, A., Engedal, K., & Thorsen, K. (2015). Adult children of parents with young-onset dementia narrate the experiences of their youth through metaphors. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 8, 245–254.

Hvidsten, L., Engedal, K., Selbæk, G., Bruun Wyller, T., Høgh, P., Snaedal, J., Johannessen, A., Haugen, P. K., & Kersten, H. (2015). Young onset dementia study: A prospective cohort study of quality of life and specific needs in persons with young onset dementia and their families. Journal of Clinical Trials, doi: 10.4172/2167-0870.1000204.

Barca, M. L., Thorsen, K., Engedal, K., Haugen, P. K., & Johannessen, A. (2014). Nobody asked me how I felt: Experiences of adult children of persons with young-onset dementia International Psychogeriatric, 26(12), 1939–44.

(Thesis) Johannessen, A., & Möller, A. (2012). Why do administrators employ or not employ support contacts? A qualitative study. Nordic Journal of Social Research, 3, 1–15.

(Thesis) Johannessen A., Hallberg, U., & Möller, A. (2013). Motivating and discouraging factors with being a support contact in the dementia care sector: A grounded theory study. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 15(1), 70–81.

(Thesis) Johannessen, A., Haugen, P. K., Ulstein, I., Kirkevold, Ø., & Möller, A. (2012). The value of integrating carers’ view when evaluating and developing interventions for families of people with dementia: A qualitative and quantitative study. Report 2012: 6. Gothenburg: Nordic School of Public Health NHV.

Pedagogic research publications

Krohne, K., Døble, B., Johannessen, A., & Thorsen, K. (2018). “We feel included.” Education  and inclusion of people with minority language in elder care: Experiences of the ABC program. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 2019(12), 9-19.

Books and Popular Scientific Contributions

Editor of anthology

Johannessen, A., Askeland., Jørgensen, I. B., & Ulvestad, J. 2018 (eds.), Døden i livet [Death in life]. Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing (NOASP): Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Editor of books

Johannessen, A., Barca, L. M., Engedal, K., Haugen, P. K. (2017). (eds.), Yngre personer med demens—en lærebok [Young people with dementia—a textbook]. Tønsberg: Forlaget Aldring og helse [Publisher Ageing and Health].

Anfinnsen, E., Johannessen, A., Westergård, B.-E., & Andersen, A. E. (2008). (eds), Dagene mine: Å lage en livsfortellingsbok i samarbeid med personer med kognitiv svikt [My days: to create a life story book in collaboration with people suffering from cognitive impairment]. Tønsberg: Forlaget Aldring og Helse [Publisher Ageing and Health]. 

Author of book chapters

Johannessen, A., & Askeland, N. (2018). Metaforer om døden—i munnen på pasienter, pårørende og helsepersonell. [Metaphors about death—in the words of patients, caregivers and healthcare personnel]. In A. Johannessen, J. M. N. Askeland., Jørgensen, & J. Ulvestad. (eds.), Døden i livet [Death in life]. (pp. 153-169). Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing (NOASP): Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Johannessen, A. (2017). Å leve med demens [To live with dementia]. In A. Johannessen, M. L. Barca, K. Engedal, & P. K. Haugen (eds.), Yngre personer med demens—en lærebok [Young people with dementia—a textbook] (pp. 92–99). Tønsberg: Forlaget Aldring og Helse [Publisher Ageing and Health].Taranrød, L. B., Strandli, A. E., & Johannessen, A. (2017).

En aktiv hverdag [Activity in daily life]. In A. Johannessen, M. L. Barca, K. Engedal, & P. K. Haugen (eds.), Yngre personer med demens—en lærebok [Young people with dementia—a textbook] (pp. 139–153). Tønsberg: Forlaget Aldring og Helse [Publisher Ageing and Health].

Johannessen, A., & Helvik, A.-S. (2016). Bruk og overforbruk av alkohol blandt elder [Use and misuse of alcohol among older people]. In B. Stenbock-Hult & A. Sarvimäki. (eds.), Healthy Ageing—a Nordic perspective (pp. 41–49). Arcada Working Papers: 2/2016.

Johannessen, A. (2016). Demens [Dementia]. In B. Stenbock-Hult & A. Sarvimäki (eds.), Healthy Ageing—A Nordic perspective (pp. 49–53). Arcada Working Papers: 2/2016. Helvik, A.-S., & Johannessen, A. (2016). Rus i elder år [Misuse in old age]. In

Eldreomsorgens ABC, Psykiske sykdommer i eldre år [Care for old people ABC, Psychiatric disorders among old people], Studiehefte nr. 9, Forlaget Aldring og helse [Publisher Ageing and Health].

Engedal, K., Haugen, P. K., Johannessen, A., Thorsen, K., Barca, M. L. (2014). Erfaringer fra voksne barn til yngre foreldre med en demenssykdom. Barn i Norge 2014. Når barn er pårørende. Årsrapport om barn og unges psykiske helse Voksne for barn, (pp. 86–97)

Rosness,T., & Johannessen, A. (2013). Services for young onset dementia—Norway. In H. de Waal, C. Lyketsos, D. Ames, & J. O’Brien (eds.), Designing and Delivering Dementia Services (pp. 41–42). West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley Blackwell.

Johannessen, A. (2008). Pårørende til yngre personer med demens—læring og mestring i en ny livssituasjon [Caregivers to young people with dementia—learning and coping in a new life situation]. In R. M. E. Krüger, P. K. Haugen, Ø. Kirkevold, A.-M. Nygård, & T. E. Utne (eds.), Å leve med demens—Erfaringsbasert utvikling av tilbud [To live with dementia—experience-based development of services]. Tønsberg: Forlaget Aldring og helse [Publisher Ageing and Health].

Johannessen, A. (2007). Pårørende som en del av miljøbehandlingen—individuelt og i gruppe [Caregivers as a part of the treatment—individually and group based]. In R. M. E. Krüger, B. Lillesveen, M. Nåvik, A.-M. Rokstad, K. Wogn-Henriksen, & A. Øvereng (eds.), Det går an! Muligheter i miljøbehandling [Everything is possible! Possibilities in treatment] (pp. 313–21). Tønsberg: Forlaget Aldring og Helse [Publisher Ageing and Health].

Popular science contributions

Krohne, K., Døble, B. S., Johannessen, A., & Thorsen, K. (2019). ABC-opplæringen som redskap for inkludering av minoritetsspråklige helsefagarbeidere. Demens & Alderspsykiatri [Dementia & Old Age Psychiatry], 23(1), 33- 37.

Thorsen, K., Engedal, K., Haugen, P. K., & Johannessen, A. (2018). Eksistensielle opplevelser hos enslige yngre personer med demens – en forløpsstudie [Eksistensial experiences of young people with dementia – a longitudinal study]. Demens & Alderspsykiatri [Dementia & Old Age Psychiatry], 22(3), 34- 39.

Thorsen, K., & Johannessen, A. (2017). Støttekontakttjenesten i demensomsorgen: et viktig individualiserende tilbud om bistand [The personal support contact service in the dementia care: an important individualizing offer of assistance Støttekontakttjenesten i demensomsorgen; et viktig individualiserende tilbud om bistand]. Demens & Alderspsykiatri [Dementia & Old Age Psychiatry], 21(3), 29- 32.

Mahler, M., Sarvimäki, A., Clancy, A., Stenbrock-Hult, B., Simonsen, N., Liveng, A., Zidèn, L., Johannessen, A., & Hörder, H. (2016). Hjemmet er afgørende for ældre menneskers opplevelse af uafhængighed [Home as a health promotion setting for older adults]. Fag & Forskning [Science & Research], 02.

Thorsen, K., Engedal, K., & Johannessen, A. (2015). «En sentrifuge i hue». Metaforbruk i oppvekstfortellinger fra voksne barn av yngre personer med demens [«A centrifuge in my head.” Use of metaphors among adult children of people with dementia]. Demens & Alderspsykiatri [Dementia & Old Age Psychiatry], 19(3), 21–24.

Johannessen, A., Engedal, K., & Helvik, A.-S. (2015). Bruk og misbruk av alkohol og psykofarmaka blant elder [Use and misuse of alcohol and psychotropic drugs among older people]. Demens & Alderspsykiatri [Dementia & Old Age Psychiatry], 19(1), 15–7.

Barca, M. L., Johannessen, A., Engedal, K., Haugen, P. K., & Thorsen, K. (2014). Erfaringer fra voksne barn til yngre foreldre med en demenssykdom [Adult children’s experiences of having a parent with young-onset dementia]. Demens & Alderspsykiatri [Dementia & Old Age Psychiatry], 18(1), 12–16.

Johannessen, A., Hallberg, U., & Møller, A. (2013). Å benytte støttekontakter i Demensomsorgen [The use of supporters in the care of people with dementia]. Demens & Alderspsykiatri [Dementia & Old Age Psychiatry], 17(3), 27–9.

Johannessen, A., Haugen, P. K., & Möller, A. (2012). Å leve med demens midt i livet [Living with dementia in midlife]. Demens & Alderspsykiatri [Dementia & Old Age Psychiatry], 16(3), 28–32.

Ulstein, I. & Johannessen, A. (2008). Effekt av strukturert problemløsning i familier med Demens [Effects of structured problem solving in families with dementia]. Demens & Alderspsykiatri [Dementia & Old Age Psychiatry], 12(2), 35–8.

Johannessen, A. (2007). Pårørende til yngre personer med demens: samarbeid og tjenestetilbud på kryss og tvers i tidligere Helse Sør [Carers of people with early onset dementia: Service collaboration crisscross the former Health South]. Demens & Alderspsykiatri [Dementia & Old Age Psychiatry], 11(3), 10–11.



Publications in Cristin