Car and parking
Parking is free, but requires a parking permit. Students and employees can register at the machine by the Service Center on campus.
The nearest bus stop is rv 36, just a few hundred meters from the campus.
The closest train station is Porsgrunn station, a fifteen minutes walk from the campus.
Plan your journey and buy a ticket on the train company Vy's website or the national travel planner "Entur".
Everyone parking their car at the USN carpark must register the car's identification number in a database that the parking company uses for control. This also applies to electric cars and motorcycles.
Control from 5th September 2024 till 20th of June 2025
Employees and students at campus Porsgrunn must have a parking agreement for their vehicle.
Visitors can register for a temporary parking permit via iPad outside the service square in Glassgata (directly from the main entrance). This only applies to day parking.
The parking is free for anyone who has registered the vehicle being parked.
It is important that you only park in marked spaces and do not park in spaces marked for use by users with functional and mobility impairments without permission.
It is not permitted to park at the Delta building unless you have a special agreement with the HiU faculty or Porsgrunn Utvikling A/S.
Create or renew an agreement
We do not allow overnight stays in car parks, green areas or in the university's buildings.
There are several bicycle racks on campus and easy to park.
Porsgrunn municipality has an electrical bikes rental system.