- Project manager "MOTIVATION" and "REMOTE" (Norwegian Research Council-funded projects)
- Oroject member "REMOTE-FLEX (NordForsk-funded project)
- Leader of the research group in Work Motivation and Optimal Functioning
- Coordinator of the master's program "Strategy and knowledge management" at the Master's programme in Business Administration
- Member of program board, Master's in Business Administration
- Member of program board, PhD in Management
- Member of the publication commitee at USN
- Organizer of the yearly Conference on Motivation
- Supervison of PhD students and post docs
- Supervision of master students
I hold a PhD in Strategy and Management from the Norwegian School of Economics (2016). I have teaching experience in various subjects related to HRM, leadership, organizational behavior, and research methods, and have supervised over 70 bachelor's and master's theses on these topics. I have been heavily involved in the development of study programs and courses at the master's and PhD levels and have served on various program boards for such programs over an extended period.
I have extensive research experience in leadership, work motivation, organizational behavior, and work-related health and regularly publish in reputable international journals. I have experience in securing and managing externally funded projects, research leadership, and editorial and peer review work in a wide range of international journals. I have international experience from various exchange stays and a large international network with ongoing collaborations.
Formal education:
- University of South-Eastern Norway, Teaching and learning in a digital era. 10 ECTS.
- University of South-Eastern Norway, Teaching and learning in higher education. 10 ECTS.
- Norwegian School of Econmics, PhD in Strategy and Management
- Buskerud University College, Master of Science in Business and Economics
- Buskerud University College, Master of Science in Strategy and Knowledge Management
- Buskerud University College, Bachelor in Law and Management
- University of Oslo, Ex. Phil and Ex. Fac
Relevant work experience:
- Visiting Professor, Future of Work Institute, Curtin University (current)
- Professor, University of South-Eastern Norway (current)
- Lecturer and supervisor, University of Oslo (current)
- Associate Professor, University of South-Eastern Norway
- PhD scholar, University of South-Eastern Norway
- Visiting scholar, UQAM
Stay abroad:
- Future of Work Institute, Curtin University
- Queensland University of Technology
- Texas Tech University
- Project manager MOTIVATION and REMOTE (funded by the Research Council of Norway)
- Project member REMOTE-FLEX (funded by NordForsk)
- Member of SIOP International Affairs Committee
- Member Advisory Committee on "The Science of Motivation at Work", Center for Self-Determination Theory
- Member of the international faculty of Self-Determination Theory (see
- Member of expert committee evaluation reaccreditation of program in Strategic Human Resource Management (60 ECTS) at Buskerud and Vestfold University College
- Student representative of the R&D committee at Buskerud University College
Editorial roles:
- Associate Editor, Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
- Editorial board member, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
- Human Resource Management
- Personnel Review
- Stress & Health
- Motivation and Emotion
- International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior
- Mindfulness
- Magma
- Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
- International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management
- Open Psychology Journal
- Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
- Administrative Sciences
- Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
- International Journal of Manpower
- Administrative Sciences Association of Canada
- Spanish Journal of Marketing
- International Journal of Psychology
- The International Journal of Human Resource Management
- Journal of Personality
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes
- Performance Enhancement & Health
- The Journal of Creative Behavior
- Journal of Personnel Psychology
- Organizational Psychology Review
- Journal of Environmental Psychology
- Journal of Workplace Learning
- Søkelys på arbeidslivet
- Current Psychology
- Psychology Research and Behavior Management
- Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
- Heliyon
- Human Performance
- Motivation Science
- Journal of Health Psychology
- Computers in Human Behavior
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public health
- Nature Reviews Psychology
- Journal of Business Research
- Social Science Journal
- Human Resource Management Journal
- Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment
- Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
- Financial Planning Review
- Behavioral Sciences
- Journal of Happiness Studies
- Management Decision
- International Journal of Stress Management
- BMC Public Health
PhD thesis
- Olafsen, A. H. (2016). Work motivation through the lens of self-determination theory. PhD Doctoral Thesis, Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Strategy and Management, Bergen. NO 2016/04 ISBN: 978-82-405,0331-4.
Peer-reviewed published articles, conference presentaions, popular science presentations
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