Arvid Siqveland

Department of Process, Energy and Environmental Technology
Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences
Campus Porsgrunn
Professor in mathematics


Teaching and tutoring in all curicullas in mathematics and statistics at HSN, Kongsberg


Area of interests: Algebra and algebraic geometry

Teaching areas: Mathematical analysis and statistics, engineering mathematics

Subject areas: Mathematics and statistics


Education: Dr. Scient.

Projects: Noncommutative deformation theory, derived schemes, noncommutative algebraic geometry


Formelle moduli til torsjonfrie moduler, moduler over E6 og endomorfier.

                Hovedoppgave, Universitetet i Oslo 1990.


Matric Massey Products and Formal Moduli, Modules over E6.

                Kompendium utdelt ved sommerskolen i Thurnau. 1991.


Deformation Theory: Ideas and examples.

                Forelesninger utdelt ved stipendiattreffet i Oslo 1995.


Matric Massey Products and Formal Moduli, Local and Global.

                Thesis presented for the degree of Doctor Scientiarum,

                Universitetet i Oslo, Matematisk institutt, avdeling for matematikk 1995.


Computing Formal Moduli in Singular.

                Arbeidsnotater fra Høgskolen i Buskerud, nr. 02, Kongsberg 1996.


An Introduction to Obstruction Theory. Lectures Given in Berlin, Germany 26/8-6/9 1996.

                Arbeidsnotater fra Høgskolen i Buskerud, nr. 03, Kongsberg 1996.



Implementing The Algorithm for Computing Formal Moduli.

                Preprint series, Institute of Mathematics, university of Oslo, no. 1. 1997.


Kompenium i matematiske metoder 2.

                Kompendium brukt i undervisningen ved Høgskolen i Buskerud, avdeling for ingeniørutdanning, 1996.


Global Matric Massey Products and the Compactified Jacobian of the E6-Singularity.

                Preprint series, Institute of Mathematics, university of Oslo, no. 9. 1997


The method of computing formal moduli.

                Journal of Algebra , 241:292-327,2001


Global matric Massey products and the compactified Jacobian of the E6 Singularity.

                Journal of Algebra, 241:259-291,2001


The Non Commutative Moduli of rk3 Endomorphisms

Report series, Buskerud College, nr.26. 2002, 132pp.


The non commutative compactification of r-bundles,

Rapporter fra Høgskolen i Buskerud ; nr 41, 2003, 36 pp.


Lie Algebras of dimension 3,

Report No. 06, 2003/2004, Insitut Mittag-Leffler.


Generalized Matric Massey Products for Graded Modules (2006).

ArXiv math. AG/0603425, 22pp.

A standard example in noncommutative deformation theory.

J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl., 2 (2008), No 3, pp 251 – 255


On moduli spaces of 3d Lie algebras,

 J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl. 3 (2009), no. 1, , 61--75.


Group actions, orbit spaces and noncommutative deformation theory,

Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 2010, 59, 4, 364-369


Geometry of noncommutative k-algebras,

J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl., Vol 5.(2011), 12 pp


Generalized Matric Massey Products for Graded Modules,

J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl., Vol 5.(2011), 15 pp


Geometry of  noncommutative algebras, Eivind Eriksen and Arvid Siqveland

Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Banach Center Publications, Volume 93, Institute of  Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsawa 2011


Deformation of diagrams, ArXiv math submitted 15.04.12


Holmboeprisen 2012. Gina Onsrud

Tangenten 3/2012


Holmboeprisen 2013. Anne-Mari Jensen

Tangenten 3/2013


Noncommutative varieties, Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics

AGMP, Mulhouse, France, October 2011

Makhlouf, A;Paal, E; Silvestrov, S.D.; Stolin, A (Eds.)

2014, XVIII, 684 p. 69 illus. in color, Hardcover

ISBN: 978-3-642-55360-8


Deformation of diagrams II, Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics

AGMP, Mulhouse, France, October 2011

Makhlouf, A;Paal, E; Silvestrov, S.D.; Stolin, A (Eds.)

2014, XVIII, 684 p. 69 illus. in color, Hardcover

ISBN: 978-3-642-55360-8


Introduction to Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry.

J Phys Math 6:133 (2015). doi: 10.4172/2090-0902.100013


Physical Interpretation of Noncommutative Algebraic Varieties.

J Phys Math 6:132. (2015) doi: 10.4172/2090-0902.1000132