Aud Mette Myklebust

Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Campus Drammen
Vice Dean Faculty of Health and social sciences


  • Vice Dean aculty of Health and social sciences
  • Projectmember  USN Profesjon
  • Externel interaction 
  • Prosject leader DigSam  DigSam (



  • Educational  managemnent
  • 15 year experience in education/ supervising in higher education
  • Personell management
  • 20 year experience as radiographer/ radiotheraphy/hospital management
  • Prosjectleader for development projects in education and collaboration

Teaching experience in radiotheraphy, mammography, breast cancer, hospital management
Reserch areas: organisation of radiological services in rural areas, skill-mix


(7) Aud Mette Myklebust | LinkedIn


2016: Professional Doctorate, Glasgow Caledonian University.

2007: Master degree, clinical health work, University Collage of Buskerud – medical radiation.

1993: Health management, University Collage of Sogn and Fjordane

1987: Postgraduate study in radiation therapy, University Collage of Oslo.

1985: Bachelor degree in radiography, University Collage of Bergen.Radiographer, diagnostic imaging and therapy. Health management, Master in Clinical Health

2003-d.d. Different possitions and roles at Hibu, HBV, HSN and USN: Teacher, lecturer, Associate Professor, head of deaprtment, group leader and programmeleader

Now: Vice Dean  and Associate Professor, University of South-Eastern Norway.

1985-2019: radiographer, radiotherapist, different leader positions; leader radiographer, head of department at Aust- Agder Sentralsykehus, Det Norske Radiumhospital, Gjøvik Fylkessykehus, Drammen Sykehus, Brystdiagnostisk Senter OUS

Projects: education in image interpretation for radiographeres

Radiological services in rural areas


Doctoral work:

Thesis: A Critical Evaluation of Decentralisation of Radiological Services in Rural Norway.

Master work:

Thesis: Women’s experience with mammography screening.


Myklebust AM., Eide H., Ellis B., Beattie R. Experiences from decentralized Radiological Services in Norway-a rural case study. BMC Health Services Research (2019) 19, 959.

Kjelle E., Lysdahl KB., Olerud HM., Myklebust AM. Managers’ experience of success criteria and barriers to implementing mobile radiography services in nursing homes in Norway: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research (2018) 18, 301.

Andersen ER., Eilertsen G., Myklebust AM., Eriksen S. Women’s experience of acute skin toxicity following radiation therapy in breast cancer. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2018; Volum 11. s. 139-148

Myklebust AM., Seierstad T., Stranden E., Lerdal A.Level of Satisfaction during mammography screening in relation to discomfort, service provided level of pain and breast compression. European Journal of Radiography (2009) 1, 66-72.


Publications in Cristin