Course leader: Philosophy of Science and Research Methods in Midwifery (10ECTS). Campus Vestfold, 2014- to date.
Course leader: Master’s Thesis (30ECTS). Campus Vestfold, 2014- to date.
Participant research projects: Life after the loss/ Midwifery Models of Care – mapping the scene/ Metasynthesis Antenatal Care/ Disturbed Maternal Affection and Mother-Child Interaction.
Areas of interest:
My main research interests involve increasing equity in midwifery care for marginalized and disadvantaged groups of women and their families. This includes developing knowledge about lesbian women’s maternity care experiences and different ways of developing parental identity in de-novo families. I am also interested in authoritative midwifery knowledge and midwifery models as a means to strengthen the art of midwifery.
Teaching/ subject areas:
Qualitative methods (phenomenological-hermeneutical/ thematic analysis/ metaethnography), philosophy of science/theoretical perspectives in midwifery.
Academic qualifications:
2015 Philosophiae Doctor (PhD), Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bergen
2006 Master of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo
1995 Candidata Magisterii (Cand.Mag), Faculty of Social Sciences/ Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo
Pedagogical qualifications:
2018 Developing doctoral supervision. University College of South-Eastern Norway.
2008 Postgraduate Certificate Teaching in Professional Education, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
1995 Pedagogy, intermediate subject, University of Oslo
Professional qualifications:
1991 Midwifery Certificate, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
1988 General Nursing Certificate, Vestfold College of Higher Education
Work experience:
Pedagogical posts:
2015 – to date Associate Professor, USN
2014 – 2015 Assistant Professor, USN
2011 – 2015 Research Fellow, University of Bergen UiB, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care
2007 – 2014 Assistant Professor, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Science
Clinical posts:
2012 – to date Nurse specialist
1992 - 2007 Clinical midwife/ Professional development midwife/ Assistant head of department
1988 - 1990 Clinical nurse