2016- Coordinator of the Mentoring Team . /The Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science /The Institute of Pedagogy/ The University College of Southeast Norway.
2014-2019 Leader of the Mentoring of Newly Qualified Teacher Team /The Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science /The Institute of Pedagogy/ The University College of Southeast Norway.
2018-2019 Main teacher and Course Coordinator – Master course Ethics and Professional Responsibility, 15 stp., The University College of Southeast Norway/ The Institute of Pedagogy /Norway
2017 Main teacher and Course Coordinator – Master course Knowledge Management and Mentoring, 15 stp., The University College of Southeast Norway/ The Institute of Pedagogy /Norway
2010- Teacher /Main teacher and Course Coordinator – Ground course in Practical Mentoring, 15 stp., The University College of Southeast Norway/ The Institute of Pedagogy /Norway
2012- Teacher /Main teacher and Course Coordinator – Extended course in Professional Mentoring, 15 stp., The University College of Southeast Norway/ The Institute of Pedagogy /Norway
2014- Teacher /Main teacher and Course Coordinator – Extended course in Interdisciplinary Mentoring, 15 stp., The University College of Southeast Norway/ The Institute of Pedagogy /Norway
2016 Main teacher and Course Coordinator – Course in Assessment for Learning, 30 stp. for teachers in College. The University College of Southeast Norway/ The Institute of Pedagogy /Norway
2013-2015 Teacher, Mentor /Main teacher and Course Coordinator – Course in The follow-up of young unemployed people in the age 15-21. 30 stp.
The Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science /The Institute of Pedagogy/ The University College of Southeast Norway (120 credits)
The Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science /The Institute of Pedagogy/ The University College of Southeast Norway (30 credits)
The Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science /The Institute of Pedagogy/ The University College of Southeast Norway (10 credits)
The Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science /The Institute of Pedagogy/ The University College of Southeast Norway (60 credits)
Norwegian School of Theology, Religion, Theology and Society/Norway (390 credits)
2010- Assistant Professor / Candidate for Associated Professor
The Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science /The Institute of Pedagogy/ The University College of Southeast Norway
1997-2011 Lecturer
Menstad secondary School/Norway
2004-2012 Mentor for Newly Qualified Teachers
Skien Municipality /Norway
2011-2016 Mentor for workers at a psychiatric day care. Villa Aktiv/Skien Municipality /Norway
2006-2007 Mentor for Phone Helpers within mental care. Mental Health Help Phone/ Skien Municipality /Norway
Wikstøl, E.A., Krogen, T.D. & Schøien, K.S. (2020). Om loggskriving, bruk av stillhet og systematisk arbeid med fagtekst i et veiledningsstudium. Rapport. Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge: Skriftserien (70). USN Open Archive.
Wikstøl, E.A. (2018). Åpen dør. Arbeid med grunnleggende ferdigheter i videregående skole. Sluttrapport. Universitet i Sørøst-Norge: Skriftserien (70). USN Open Archive.
Wikstøl, E. A. & Schøien, K. S. (2017). På hvilken måte kan veiledning som metode bidra til utvikling av en forskende tilnærming til egen praksis? Paper presentation at Nordic Guidance Conference, 15.-16.03. Drammen, Norway.
Schøien, K. S., Hegna, H., Sannes, A. & Wikstøl, E. A. (2017). Colleague mentoring for Assistant Professors. Paper presentation at The 45th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association – NERA, 23.-25.03. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Wikstøl, E.A. (2014). Å ikke gå seg blind i egen tanke. En kvalitativ studie av systematisk veiledning av personale i barnehage. Notodden: Høgskolen i Telemark. Masteroppgave.
Wikstøl, E. A. (1997). Kropp, mat og kristentro. En kvalitativ studie av spiseforstyrrelser i kristne miljøer. Oslo: Menighetsfakultetet. Hovedfagsoppgave.