Associate Professor in Cultural Studies - BA Cultural Management and MA in Cultural Studies, campus Bø.
Research interests:
- aesthetics, society and power
- the relationship between art and the institution of art
- management as cultural expression
- qualitative methods
- the relationship between humans and animals
- cultural analysis
- visual culture
- contemporary art and its audiences
- communication and creativity
- cultural management
2021 - Ph.d. i Cultural Studien (USN) Title thesis: Gjennom museene - møter mellom publikum og kunst.
1995 - Cand.philol, History of Ideas (University of Oslo). Title: Velferdens kultur. Statens kulturbegreper i etterkrigstiden.
1992 - Cand.mag. (University of Oslo): Litteratury Studies, History of Ideas and Eastern Europe Studies.
2005 - Theory and method in Counselling (Diakonhjemmets Høgskole).
2004 - Videreutdanning i psykisk helsearbeid, fordypning i psykososialt arbeid (Høgskolen i Buskerud).