Gillian Warner-Søderholm

Head of Department
USN School of Business
Department of Business, Strategy and Political Sciences
Campus Drammen
Dr. Gillian Warner-Søderholm is head of the department. She also holds the position of Professor, and teaches on a number of programs in intercultural communication, international business, Scandinavian culture, study strategies, negotiations, and presentations at BI Norwegian Business School.


Some Highlights and Awards
 GLOBE Project: Excellence in Cross Cultural Data Collection 2020
 International Committee evaluation: Professor Competent, 2018
 EFMD award: Top Masters Program 2017: Cultural Understanding and Security Management
 Nominated top 10 international women in business in Norway 2016 (and 2013)
 Top Symposium award at AOM Vancouver, Canada, 2015
 Distinguished top 3 paper award at IAB conference, Washington, USA, 2012
 Distinguished top 10 doctorate thesis award: EDAMBA 2011
 2009/2010 lecturer of the year: Norwegian School of Management BI Drammen
 2003/2004 & 2009, lecturer of the year: Norwegian School of Management BI Buskerud
 2003/2004 National lecturer of the year: Norwegian School of Management BI
 2004 lecturer of the year: Norwegian school of trade and management


Publications: (i) Scientific journals:
Warner-Søderholm, Minelgaité and Littrell (2020). From LBDQXII to LBDQ50: Journal of Management Development.
Grenness, T. & Warner-Søderholm, G. (2018) Project GLOBE differences in values and practices
scores - mind the gap: the case of the Nordics. Journal of International Doctoral Research
2018; Vol 7. (1) s. 116-142.
Warner-Søderholm, G., & Søderholm, A. (2018). Ansattes preferanser for lederkommunikasjon:
Finnes det regionale forskjeller i Norge? MAGMA 0418.
Warner-Søderholm, G., Bertsch, A., & Søderholm, A. (2018). Data on social media use related to age,
gender and trust constructs of integrity, competence, concern, benevolence and identification.
Data-in-Brief. 696-699.
Paik, Y., Warner‐Søderholm, G., & Huse, M. (2018). In search of an institutional framework for
anticorruption: Lessons from Scandinavia. Thunderbird International Business Review.
Littrell, R. F., Warner-Søderholm, G., Minelgaite, I., Ahmadi, Y., Dalati, S., Bertsch, A., & Kuskova,
V. (2018). Explicit preferred leader Behaviours across cultures: Instrument development and
validation. Journal of Management Development, 37(3), 243-257.
Warner-Søderholm, G., Bertsch, A., Sawe, E., Lee, D., Wolfe, T., Meyer, J., ... & Fatilua, U. N.
(2017). Who trusts social media? Computers in Human Behavior, 81, 303-315.
Nguyen, H, Bertsch, A, Warner-Søderholm, G., Ondracek, J. (2017). Understanding cultural factors which affect women serving on boards of Directors. International Research Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences. Vol. 4, Issue 1.
Warner-Soderholm, G., & Cooper, C. (2016). Be Careful What You Wish for: Mapping Nordic Cultural Communication Practices & Values in the Management Game of Communication. International Journal of Business and Management, 11(11), 48.
Seierstad, C., Warner-Søderholm, G., Torchia, M., & Huse, M. (2017). Increasing the number of women on boards: The role of actors and processes. Journal of Business Ethics, 141(2), 289-315.
Warner-Søderholm, G., Kriger, M. (2014). The Art of Dealing with Religious and Cultural Diversity in the Classroom. International Journal of Business and Management. Volume 9. (10) s. 149-160
Warner-Søderholm, G., Bertsch, A., Saeed, M., & Abdullah, ABM (2014) Doing Business in Norway: An International Perspective. International Journal of Economics and Management Science.
Bertsch, A., Warner-Søderholm, G. (2013) Exploring Societal Cultural Values and Human Rights & Development, Sage Open, July-September 2013: 1–12, *Sage, ISSN: 2158-2440 .
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2013). Beyond a Literature Review of Hall’s Context Dimension: Scale Development, Validation & Empirical Findings within a Norwegian Study. International Journal or Business and Management.
Bang, T. & Warner-Søderholm, G. (2013). The role of PR in Norway today: How far have we come? (2013) Communication Director.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2012). Culture Matters: Norwegian Cultural Identity within a Scandinavian Context. Sage Open. DOI: 10.1177/2158244012471350.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2012). Was the Grass Trampled When the Two Elephants Fought?
Measuring Societal Cultures: Project Globe vs. Hofstede. Journal of International Doctoral Research. 1 (1).
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2012). Understanding Perceptions of Cultural and Intracultural Societal Practices and Values of Norwegian Managers. EDAMBA Journal. 2012
Warner-Søderholm (2012). But we're not all Vikings! Nordic societal cultural practices. Journal of Intercultural Communication. 29.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2010). Cultural Mindfulness in the Business English Classroom. Språk og Språkundervisning 43 (1). 30-36.
Warner-Søderholm, G (2010). Kommunikasjon og Kultur: Regionale Forskjeller i Foretningskultur i Norge. MAGMA 13 (3).
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2007). Respectful Pluralism: Appreciating the Diversity of Religious-Based Values Within a Coaching Environment. In Sprache, Kultur und Zielgruppen (pp. 325-336). DUV.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2007). To evaluate or not to evaluate (our teaching) that is the question. Inspirasjonsdag for forelesere–papers Innhold, 9.
Manuscripts under review:
Warner-Søderholm , G. Minelgaite, I., Blažytė, G. and Littrell, R. (2020). Ethnicity in Social Science Research: to ask or not to ask, that is the question: under review: Journal of Sociological Methods and Research (NSD 2)
Wong, S. Gassner, S, Bertnzen, M. Warner-Søderholm, W (2020). The negative impact of perceived isolation in distributed teams and its possible remedies. Organizational Behavior (NSD 2)
Manuscripts to be submitted February 2021:
Warner-Søderholm et al. (2019). What matter sin getting women on boards: to be re-submitted to Business and Society, post writing PDW at ESADE 2019. (NSD2).
Ljubica, J., Littrell, R., Warner-Søderholm, G. & Minelgaite I. (2020). Empower me or not: to be submitted to Employee relations.
Manuscripts under development
Monzani, L., Wong, S. Warner-Søderholm, Van Dick, R., Lipponen, J., Haslam, A. & Steffens, N. (2020). Identity Entrepreneurship, LMX, and Innovative Work Behavior
(ii) Books / book chapters/ compendia:
Warner-Søderholm, G & Grenness, I: Kommunikasjon og ytringsfrihet i organisasjoner. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2016 ISBN 9788202482237. s. 66-91 BI
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2014) Standing on the shoulders of giants or seeing the emperor’s new clothes? Project GLOBE’s place in intercultural communication theories in: Paradigm shifts in intercultural studies Cambridge Scholarly Publications.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2008). Face-Work within Interpersonal Communication. In: Spanning Cultures, Change and Challenges (A. Usluata (Ed.). T.C. Yeditepe. Istanbul: University Publications. 189-209.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2007). Diversity of Religious-Based values within a Coaching Environment. In: Sprache, Kultur og Zielgruppen. Neundorff,D and Schmidt, C. (Eds.).326-336.
(iii) Academic Conference Papers:
Warner-Søderholm, G., Minelgaite, I, Littrell, R & Ljubica, J. (2020). Are Leadership Traits Drivers
of Sustainability Values: Does National Culture Matter? AMEC Conference. HSE, St.
Littrell, R., Ljubica, J., Warner-Søderholm, G. & Minelgaite I. (2020). Response Set as a Cross-Cultural
Variable: Recent Empirical Data from Cross National Samples. AMEC Conference. HSE, St.
Castro, L., Bones, E. & Warner-Søderholm, G. (2020). How to get published in top US journals. Symposium AOM, Online.
Wong, S., Giesner, S., Berntzen, M. & Warner-Søderholm (2019). When feeling isolated working in distributed teams: its antecedents and consequences.
Castro, L., Bones, E. & Warner-Søderholm, G. (2019). How to get published in top US journals. Symposium AOM, Chicago.
Wong, S., Warner-Søderholm, G., Monzani, L. & Rolf van Dick. (2019). Identity Entrepreneurship and Innovative Behavior: A Comparison between Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon Contexts. EAWOP Conference, Turin, Italy
Littrell, R. Warner-Søderholm, G. & Minelgaité, I. (2019). Exploring gender differences in culturally preferred leadership: Northern Europe. Symposium, EURAM. Lisbon, Portugal.
Littrell, R.,Warner-Søderholm, G. & Minelgaité, I. (2018). Preferred Leadership across Cultures: Northern Europe. Symposium, EURAM. Reykjavik, Iceland
Castro, Bones & Warner-Søderholm.(2018). How to get published in top US journals. Symposium AOM, Chicago.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2017). Multiple Macro Factors and WoB. Presentation at Nordic AOM, Bodø.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2017). Driving Faculty Development. Presentation at AOM, Atlanta.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2016). Keys to managing your HoD. Presentation at AOM, Calif.
Warner-Søderholm, G., Cooper, C. (2015). Culture matters in Strategic Communication Mapping Nordic Cultural and Communication Practices, Academic Paper Presentation Euprera Conference, 2015, Oslo
Gabaldom, P., Seierstad, C. Torchia, M. Huse, M, Warner-Søderholm, G. (2016): Women on Boards: understanding mechanisms across contexts. Symposium Paper Presentation. Academy of Management, Florida, USA,
Seierstad, C. Torchia, M. Huse, M, & Warner-Søderholm, G. (2015): Increasing the Number of Women on Boards: understanding antecedents Paper Presentation. Academy of Management, Vancouver, Florida
Seierstad, C. Torchia, M. Huse, M, Warner-Søderholm, G. (2013): Increasing the Number of Women on Boards: The Role of Actors and Processes, Academic Paper Presentation. Academy of Management, Florida, USA,
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2014). Women on Boards Workshop Conference, Exploring relationships between culture and board diversity. Academic Presentation, WOB workshop, Oslo, Norway.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2014). Exploring the work of key actors in boardroom quotas.
Academic Presentation, IJDR Centre Colloquium, Oslo Norway.
Seierstad, C. Torchia, M. Huse, M, &Warner-Søderholm, G. (2013): Women on to boards of directors: international consequences of the Norwegian gender balance law, Academic Paper Presentation. Academy of Management, Florida, USA,
Seierstad, C. Torchia, M. Huse, M, Warner-Søderholm, G. (2013) Women on to boards of directors: the snowball starting in Norway, Academic Presentation. Women on Boards Workshop Conference, Oslo, Norway.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2013). Exploring if culture matters in gender equality and boardroom quotas. Academic Presentation, IJDR Centre Colloquium, Oslo Norway.
Warner-Søderholm, G., Bertsch, A., Saeed, M., & Abdullah, ABM (2013) Doing Business in Norway: An International Perspective, Academic Presentation and Refereed Proceedings, 23rd International Business Research Conference, November 18 – 20, 2013, World Business Institute, Melbourne, Australia, pages 1-13, ISBN: 978-1-922069-36-8
Bertsch, A. & Warner-Søderholm, G. (2012). Updating Cross Cultural Management: Exploring the Relationships between Cultural Values and Gender Inequality Practices. Academic presentation, Conference for IAB: Association of International Business, Washington, USA
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2012). Standing on the shoulders of Giants: a critique of Hofstede, Academic Presentation, Nordic Intercultural Communication Conference, Helsinki, Finland.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2011). Exploring reliability and validity in Hofstede’s VSM08.Academic Presentation, IJDR Centre Colloquium, Oslo Norway.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2011). But We’re not all Vikings. Academic Presentation, Nordic Intercultural Communication Conference, Oslo, Norway.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2011). Culture Matters, Academic Presentation, Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2010). The End Game. Academic Presentation, IJDR Centre Colloquium, Wisconson, USA.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2009). Paradigm mapping cultural studies, Academic Presentation, Nordic Intercultural Communication Conference, Iceland,
Schmidt, C. M., & Neuendorff, D. (2007). Sprache, Kultur und Zielgruppen. Bedingungsgrößen für die Kommunikationsgestaltung in der Wirtschaft. Wiesbaden: DUV-Verlag.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2007). Uncertainty Avoidance & Face-work within Interpersonal Communication, Academic Presentation, Association of Business Communication Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2006). Diversity of Religious-Based values within a Coaching Environment. Academic Presentation, Association of Business Communication Conference, Oslo, Norway.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2006). Diversity of Religious-Based values in the classroom. Academic Presentation, Nordic Symposium Conference, Åbu. Finland
Selection of popular scientific articles /media articles
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2019).
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2019).
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2019).
Warner-Søderholm,G. (2018).
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2017).
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2017). Communication for Leaders. G10 tips til god lederkommunikasjon på tvers av kultur
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2017).#shout out!. Communication for Leaders
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2017). Welcome by the co-editor. Communication for Leaders
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2017). kan man lykkes med god lederkommunikasjon på tvers av kultur? Næringsforening, Stavanger.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2017).
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2017).10 tips til kommunikasjon.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2016). Communication for Leaders Sier du det du mener på jobben?
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2016).Ytringsfrihet på jobben. Communication for Leaders
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2016).
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2016). Welcome by the co-editor. Communication for Leaders
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2016). kommunikasjondebatt. Slik er nordlendingen, vestlendingen og østlendingen på jobb
Warner-Søderholm, G. & Joynt, P. (2015) Reflections from the editors. Journal of International Doctoral Research
Warner-Søderholm, G. & Joynt, P. (2015) Reflections from the editors. Journal of International Doctoral Research.
Warner-Søderholm, G. & Joynt, P. (2015) Reflections from the editors. Journal of International Doctoral Research
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2015). BICCI senter.Kultur Krajs på kulturtoppen
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2015). Norwegian-Finnish climate . NorskFinsk forening.
Warner-Søderholm, G. & Joynt, P. (2014) Reflections from the editors. Journal of International Doctoral Research.
Warner-Søderholm, G ( 2014). Likestilling=god for samfunnet
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2013) Finner, svensker og dansker møkk lei norsk selvskryt. Nettavisen
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2013). Be Nordmen demper seg. Dagensnæringsliv
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2013) 4 typer ledere.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2013). 4-typer sjefer. Ledelse
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2013). 3 gode grunner å jobbe i Norge. Aftenposten
Warner-Søderholm, G. & Bertsch, A.(2012). EU commission report on Gender Equality
Warner-Søderholm, G. , Farbrot, A. & Bertsch, A.(2012). Culture that promotes gender Equality. Science Nordic.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2012). Verdens Gang.å-toppkarakter-på-eksamen
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2012). P4. Norske ledere må øve på engelsk! Norske ledere må lære seg bedre engelsk for ikke å sette avtaler på spill, advarer BI-forsker.
Warner-Søderholm, G. (2011). Hvor god er norsk ledere på spark? E4

Publications in Cristin