Hamed Salmani

Associate Professor
Department of Microsystems
Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences
Campus Vestfold


MEM4200- MEMS Design

MEC4000- Applied mechanics

MAM4000- Applied Mathematics


Modeling and design of MEMS devices

MEMS fabrication

Acoustic wave filter analysis and design

Solid mechanics (Analytical and numerical modeling)

Finite Element Method



·         H. Salmani, E. Bodo, U. Hanke, A. Vogl, S. Jain, S. Merlo, E. Halvorsen, “Modal analysis of piezoelectrically actuated plates with built-in stress by computationally augmented interferometric experiments”, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 2022


·         H. Salmani, U. Hanke, E. Halvorsen, “Competing anticlastic and piezoelectric deformation at large deflections”, Smart Materials and Structures, Volume 30, Number 3, 2021


·         H. Salmani, G.H. Rahimi , S. S. G. Afshari, “Optimization of the shaping function of a tapered piezoelectric energy harvester using tabu continuous ant colony system”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol 30, Issue 20, 2019


·         O. Fakharian, H. Salmani, S.A. Hosseini Kordkheili, “A lumped parameter model for exponentially tapered piezoelectric beam in transverse vibration”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 33, pages2043–2048(2019), 2019


·         H. Salmani, G.H. Rahimi, “Study the Effect of Tapering on the Nonlinear Behavior of an Exponentially Varying Width Piezoelectric Energy Harvester”, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 140(6), 061004 (May 07, 2018).


·         A. Paknejad, G.H. Rahimi, H. Salmani, “Analytical solution and numerical validation of piezoelectric energy harvester patch for various thin multilayer composite plates”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, July 2018, Volume 88, Issue 7, pp 1139–1161


·         H. Salmani, Gh. H. Rahimi, “Investigation of the exponentially tapering effect on the behavior of piezoelectric energy harvester including geometric, inertial, material and damping nonlinearities”, Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 02, pp. 434-442, 2018 (in Persian)


·         S. A. Hosseini Kordkheili , H. Salmani , S. S. G. Afshari, “A stabilized piezolaminated nine-nodded shell element formulation for analyzing smart structures behaviors”, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Volume 23, 2016, 187-194


·         H. Salmani, G.H. Rahimi, S.A. Hosseini Kordkheili, “An exact analytical solution to exponentially tapered piezoelectric energy harvester”, Shock and Vibration, Volume 2015, Article ID 426876
