Inessa Laur

Inessa Laur

Associate Professor
Department of Business and IT
USN School of Business
Campus Bø
Associate Professor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Teaching courses in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Organisation, Business models and Qualitative methods.

Participate in research and development projects externally supported focused on renewable energy, tourism sector and transfromations in construction industry.

Reseacrh interests are focused on conflict management, change processes and strategic orientation of hybrid organisations.



PhD in Entrepreneurship och hybrid organsations, Sweden

Master in innovation and business creation

Magister in Corporate law



Latest publications:

Inessa Laur & Lasse Berntzen, 2023 (September). Change patterns in innovative business models in renewable energy sector: Catalyzing factors and patterns of change. International Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 14657503231194727.

Laur, I., & Mignon, I. (2021). Match or mismatch between gazelle companies’ challenges and the support provided by intermediary actors–an empirical example of the construction industry. European Planning Studies, Vol 29, Iss. 10, pp. 1845-1849. 

Laur, I., & Danilovic, M. (2020). Enabling change within new forms of organisations: an empirical investigation of change patterns and stakeholder influence on core intermediary activities. Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 33, Iss. 6, pp. 1047-1070

Inessa Laur, Magnus Klofsten & Dzamila Bienkowska, Joakim Wincent & Håkan Ylinenpää. (2019). Development of European cluster initiatives: stakeholders’ contribution and enrolment. Global Business and Economic Review, Vol 21, N6,p. 685-711.