Ingeborg Nordbø

Associate Professor
USN School of Business
Department of Business and IT
Campus Bø
I work as an associate professor at the Department of Economics and IT, campus Bø. I teach both at bachelor and master level and also as a Ph.D. supervisor. I have extensive research and project work experience from several countries.


I am responsible for the BA-program in Internasjonal Markedsføring og Reiseliv, and a project leader of the SEEDs project (Sustainability Education in Norway, Guatemala and Colombia) and Work Package leader of the AccessTour-project financed by the Research Council. 


I hold a Ph.D. in rural tourism/entrepreneurship and a M.Sc. degree in International Economics and Business Administration from the University of Aalborg, Denmark. Field work for my doctoral thesis took place in Norway and in Chile. During my career I have had the chance to work as an advisor and manager of various projects dealing with sustainability, rural and local community development, and in a number of international settings such as Denmark, Chile, Guatemala, Colombia, Kyrgyzstan, China and Norway. My research interests center around processes related to tourism, entrepreneurship, alternative economies and rural development. I have published several articles, reports and book chapters dealing within the mentioned fields.

From 2015-2020 I was a board member of INTPART, and in 2016-2018 a member of the Board Committee of UTFORSK. In addition, I acted from 2014-2021 as a Nordic expert/external evaluator in Erasmus+, and have been an evaluator also for the Norwegian Research Council. 

Publications in Cristin