- Teaching the course "Geologi og landskap 4009/4009N"
- Teaching the course "Georesouces and groundwater 4324"
- Quaternary geology
- Deglaciation reconstructions
- Glacial sediments and stratigraphy
- Cosmogenic surface exposure dating
Anjar, J., Akçar, N., Lakeman, T., Larsen, E. A. Seiler, M. 2020: 10Be surface exposure dating of the deglaciation of northernmost Norway and Finland. Boreas, in press.
Lyså, A., Larsen, E., Anjar, J., Akçar, N., Ganerød, M., Hiksdal, A., Van Der Lelij, R. & Vockenhuber, C. 2020: The last glaciation of the Arctic volcanic island Jan Mayen. Boreas, in press.
Möller, P., Alexanderson, H., Anjar, J., Björck, S. 2020: MIS 3 sediment stratigraphy in southern Sweden sheds new light on the complex glacial history and dynamics across southern Scandinavia. Boreas, in press.
Möller, P., Benediktsson, Í. Ö., Anjar, J., Bennike, O., Bernhardson, M., Funder, S., Håkansson, L. M., Lemdahl, G., Liccardi, J. M., Murray, A. S., Seidenkrantz, M.-S. 2019: Glacial history and palaeo-environmental change of southern Taimyr Peninsula, Arctic Russia, during the Middle and Late Pleistocene. Earth-Science Reviews 196, 47pp.
Möller, P., Benediktsson, Í. Ö., Anjar, J., Bennike, O., Bernhardson, M., Funder, S., Håkansson, L. M., Lemdahl, G., Liccardi, J. M., Murray, A. S., Seidenkrantz, M.-S. 2019: Data set on sedimentology, palaeoecology and chronology of Middle to Late Pleistocene deposits on the Taimyr Peninsula, Arctic Russia, Data in Brief 25, 35pp.
Anjar, J., Alexanderson, H., Larsen, E. & Lyså, A., 2018: OSL dating of Weichselian ice-free periods at Skorgenes, western Norway. Norwegian Journal of Geology 98, 19-31.
Seiler, M., Anjar, J., Værnes, E., Nadeau, M.-J. & Scognamiglio, G. 2018: First 10Be measurements at Trondheim 1 MV AMS. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B, in press.
Anjar, J., Larsen, N. K., Håkansson, L., Möller, P., Linge, H., Fabel, D. & Xu, S. 2013: A 10Be based reconstruction of the Fennoscandian ice sheet's deglaciation in southern Sweden. Boreas 43, 132-148.
Anjar, J., Adrielsson, L., Larsen, N. K., Möller, P. & Barth, K. 2014: Weichselian history of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet in southern Sweden and the southwestern Baltic Basin. Boreas 43, 608-626.
Möller, P., Anjar, J. & Murray, A. S. 2013: An OSL-dated sediment sequence at Idre, westcentral Sweden, indicates ice-free conditions in MIS 3. Boreas 42, 25-42.
Anjar, J., Adrielsson, L., Bennike, O., Björck, S., Filipsson, H. L., Groeneveld, J., Knudsen, K. L., Larsen, N. K. & Möller, P. 2012: Palaeoenvironments in the southern Baltic Sea Basin during Marine Isotope Stage 3: a multi-proxy reconstruction. Quaternary Science Reviews 34, 81-92.
Andrén, T., Björck, S., Andrén, E., Conley, D., Lambeck, K., Zillén, L. & Anjar, J. 2011: The development of the Baltic Sea basin during the last 130 ka. In: Harff, J, Björck, S. & Hoth, P. (eds.): The Baltic Sea Basin as a natural laboratory. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 75-97.
Anjar, J., Larsen, N. K., Björck, S., Adrielsson, L. & Filipsson, H. L. 2010: MIS 3 marine and lacustrine sediments at Kriegers Flak, southwestern Baltic Sea. Boreas 39, 360-366. Accepted_manuscript.pdf