Ole Jacob Thomassen

Associate Professor
Department of Business, History and Social Sciences
USN School of Business
Campus Vestfold
I am a sociologist engaged in research and teaching, primarily focusing on organizational sociology, changes in the governance of the public sector, and the inclusion of immigrants in the labor force. I hold the position of the leader for the strategic focus area titled 'Democracy, Social Organization, and Governance' from 2023 to 2026, and I am also the leader of the research group 'Societal Analysis"


  • Leading the strategic focus area 'Democracy, Societal organization, and Governance' at the University of Southern Norway (USN), from 2023 to 2026.
  • Leading the research group 'Societal Analysis' at the Business School.
  • Serving as work package leader in a research project funded by the Norwegian Research Council (NFR) at USN, known as 'Migrant Work Inclusion (MWI), 2021 to 2025.
  • Teaching courses on organizational sociological perspectives and qualitative research methods.
  • Providing guidance and supervision to undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. students.


My research primarily revolves around the fields of sociology, labor, and labor inclusion, with a particular emphasis on Bourdieu's sociological perspectives. I hold a Ph.D. earned in 2013, which specifically focuses on workplace environments and the Norwegian labor market. My research areas encompass the realm of labor and organization, drawing primarily from sociological perspectives. Moreover, my research is also more broadly linked to changes in governance mechanisms within the public sector, including research on changes in the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV).

Within the ongoing research project MWI, I am investigating how improved collaboration among various stakeholders, often referred to as 'co-creation,' can facilitate better employment opportunities for immigrants in Norway. Methodologically, my work is grounded in qualitative research methods, and I also provide instruction in this domain.


-Stray, K.N. & Thomassen, O.J. (2023) Frontline discretion from a Bourdieu-inspired field perspective: an ethnographic case study of a Norwegian activation measure for sick-listed employees, European Journal of Social Work. DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2023.2167069

-Stray, K. N., Thomassen, O.J. & Vike, H. (2022) Assesing sick-listed clients work ability; a moral mission? Critical Social Policy. https://doi.org/10.1177/02610183221113171

-Thomassen, O.J. & Ødegård, A. (2021) Recalling or Reactivating the Past? A Habitus-based Conceptualization of Temporality in Organisations. In S. Robinson; J. Ernst; O.J. Thomassen; K. Larsen (Eds.), Pierre Bourdieu in Studies of Organization and Management: Societal Change and Transforming Fields. London: Routledge

-Robinson, S., Ernst, J., Thomassen, O.J. & Larsen, K. (2021) Introduction: Taking Bourdieu further into studies of Organizations and Management. In S. Robinson; J. Ernst; O.J. Thomassen; K. Larsen (Eds.), Pierre Bourdieu in Studies of Organization and Management: Societal Change and Transforming Fields. London: Routledge

-Larsen, K., Ernst, J., Thomassen, O.J. & Robinson, S. (2021) In the midst of a storm: forging future paths for Bourdieu inspired Organizational and Management Studies. In S. Robinson; J. Ernst; O.J. Thomassen; K. Larsen (Eds.), Pierre Bourdieu in Studies of Organization and Management: Societal Change and Transforming Fields. London: Routledge

- Saga, E. & Thomassen, O.J. (2018) The traditional doctor-patient roles may be disempowering the patient. Sykepleien Forskning. DOI: 10.4220/Sykepleienf.2018.73845en 

- Korsvold, L.A. & Thomassen, O.J. (2018) Measures to improve nurses' working environment often target individuals. Sykepleien Forskning. 21 s., Vol. 13. DOI: 10.4220/Sykepleienf.2018.71109en

- Thomassen, O.J., Strand, R. & Heggen, K.M. (2017) Exploring the Concept of Integrity – Towards a Craft Inspired Interpretation. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies. P. 39-50. Vol. 7: 2 DOI: 10.18291/njwls.v7iS2.96694

- Thomassen, O.J, Heggen, K.M. & Strand, R. (2017) Applying Principles of Sociotechnical Systems onto Working Environment Research Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies. P. 51-65. Vol. 7: 2 DOI: 10.18291/njwls.v7iS2.96690

- Thomassen, O.J. (2015) Muligheter for profesjonell kritikk. Bokkapittel. I Hennum,B. A., Pettersvold, M. Og Østrem, S. (red.) Profesjon og kritikk (s. 63-81). Oslo. Fagbokforlaget.

- Thomassen, O.J. (2015) Håndverksrasjonalitet – mellom omsorgsrasjonalitet og teknisk-økonomisk rasjonalitet (24 s). Bokkapittel. I Thagaard, T., Olsvold, N.C. & Neuman, C. (red) Omsorgsarbeidets sosiologi. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget

- Thomassen, O.J. & Larsen, K. (2015) Arbejdsmiljø og sygepleje i et magtpolitisk felt– det sygeplejefaglige arbejde i krydspres mellem gamle og nye rationalitetsformer (16 s). Bokkapittel I Bladet fra munden - mod og vilje til et godt arbejdsliv. København: DSR (Dansk sygeplejeråd)

- Thomassen, O.J. (2013) Integritet som arbeidslivsfenomen. Phd. Avhandling, Universitetet i Oslo, det Medisinske fakultet.

- Thomassen, O.J. På tide med en vending mot en ”offentlig sosiologi” i norsk arbeidslivsforskning? Sosiologisk tidsskrift, 20 (2), 160-182