Pai Lu

Pai Lu

Associate Professor
Department of Microsystems
Campus Vestfold
Pai Lu is an Associate Professor (Principle Investigator) at USN, and his research interests include (1) Electrochemical energy storage (Li-, Na-batteries, Supercapacitor); (2) Electrochemical energy conversion (Green H2 production pathway (Water electrolysis), CO2 electrolysis ); (3) Micro- and nano-scale inorganic functional materials. Previous experience includes more than 10 years within the fields of material chemistry, electrochemistry, and energy relevant research focusing on both the academic research, and industrial R&D (Product and process development, 3 years).


Project management:

(1) National Research Project (352896) funded by Research Council of Norway, 2024-2028 (Project Manager at USN, WP Leader)

(2) International Research Project-EEA Grant (2021/336905) funded by Innovation Norway, 2022.01-2023.12 (Project Manager-Norway, WP Leader)

(3) Regional research project (346083) funded by Regional Research Fund Vestfold and Telemark, 2024.04-2027.03. (Project Manager at USN)

(4) Regional research project (332879) funded by Regional Research Fund Vestfold and Telemark, 2022.01-2022.12. (Project Manager)

(5) Regional research project (319169) funded by Regional Research Fund Vestfold and Telemark 2021.01-2021.12 (Project Manager)


  • Electrochemistry energy storage and conversion
  • Industrial electrochemistry
  • Design and fabrication of advanced micro-/nano-functional materials


Overall ~50 Publications (Google Scholar: