Per Alfred Øhlckers

Professor emeritus
Department of Microsystems
Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences
Campus Vestfold
Per Ohlckers is Professor Emeritus at Department of Microsystems, University College of Southeast Norway, Borre, Norway from September 2005. He is also Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics, University of Oslo from 2014. He received his M.Sc. degree in Physical Electronics from Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH, now NTNU) in 1974. Per Ohlckers has contributed to the development of several successful commercial products and he has a large number of international publications with a focus on silicon sensor technology and micro- & nanotechnologies, including two patents. He is supervising PhD students and lecturing in a master course in semiconductor devices at Buskerud and Vestfold University College. He has co-authored a textbook on Packaging & Interconnection Technology for Electronic Systems and have earlier lectured in this field at University College of Southeast Norway and at University of Oslo. He is in the core team of Norwegian Centre of Expertise, Nano- and Microtechnology (NCE MNT), coordinating R&D activities in this industry cluster.


Professor Emeritus, Micro- and nanotechnologies

* 20% adjunct position  as USN and Norwegian project manager for the EU ECSEL project APPLAUSE


·         Micro- and Nanotechnologies/Microsystems/Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)

·         Silicon Sensor Technologies / Semiconductor Sensor Technologies / Optoelectronic Sensor Technologies

·         Packaging & Interconnection Technologies for Micro- and Nanotechnologies

·         Solid State Technology / Physical Electronics

·         Biomedical Sensors / Technical Aids for the Handicapped.

·         International Collaboration and Project Management, like EU projects

·         Innovation within Micro- and Nanotechnologies



Per Ohlckers (Øhlckers in Norwegian – pronounced Ölkers)


Professor, Micro- and Nanotechnologies, University College of Southeast Norway

Date of birth:

June 6th, 1950

Office address:

Room: G3-21, Vestfold Innovation Park, Raveien 205, N 3184 Borre, Norway.

Tel: +47 310 08 000  Dir. Call: +47 310 03 315

Mob: +47 9590 3989   E-Mail: Per.Ohlckers(at)  Web:


Per Ohlckers is Professor at Department of Microsystems, University College of Southeast Norway, Borre, Norway from September 2005. He is also Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics, University of Oslo from 2014. He received his M.Sc. degree in Physical Electronics from Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH, now NTNU) in 1974. Per Ohlckers has contributed to the development of several successful commercial products and he has a large number of international publications with a focus on silicon sensor technology and micro- & nanotechnologies, including two patents. He is supervising PhD students and lecturing in a master course in semiconductor devices at Buskerud and Vestfold University College. He has co-authored a textbook on Packaging & Interconnection Technology for Electronic Systems and have earlier lectured in this field at University College of Southeast Norway and at University of Oslo. He is in the core team of Norwegian Centre of Expertise, Nano- and Microtechnology (NCE MNT), coordinating R&D activities in this industry cluster.


1969 - 1970:

1 year College of Economics (Stud.fag.) at Oslo Handelsgymnasium, Oslo, Norway

1970 - 1972:

Schou´s Institute of Technology, Oslo, Norway (Similar to the 2 first years at NTH)

1972 - 1974:

Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH, now NTNU) M Sc in Physical Electronics)

Work Experience

2005 - :

University College of Southeast Norway, Professor, Dep of Microystems

2007 - 2013:

University of Oslo, Adjunct Professor (Professor II, 20%), Dep of Physics

2014 - :

Professor Emeritus, University of Oslo, Dep of Physics

2003 – 2005:

Vestfold University College, Asc Professor, Dep of Microsystems Technology

2005 -:2014

Part time Vice President, Microsystems, of Intex Inc, Tucson, AZ.

1993 - 2007:

University of Oslo, Asc Professor II (Førsteamanuensis II), Dep of Physics

1999 - 2003:

General Manager, Diamond Nanomachines as, earlier Fifty-four point Seven as (54.7)

2000 - 2009:

Chairman, Let’s Train as

1998 - 1999:

Vice President, Research & Product Development, DAVIS A/S

1995 - 1998:

R&D Coordinator, SensoNor asa

1994 - 1995:

SINTEF Instrumentation, Deputy Director

1995 - 1995:

SINTEF Instrumentation, Research Manager, Microsystems Section

1992 - 1994:

SINTEF Instrumentation, Research Manager, Microelectronics Section

1985 - 1992:

Center for Industrial Research (SI), Department Manager, Dep of Microelectronics

1986 - 1990:

Center for Industrial Research, Department Manager, Department of Liaison Services

1980 - 1984:

Center for Industrial Research, Scientist, Department of Biomedical Engineering

1983 - 1984:

6 months stay as a visiting scientist at Case Western Reserve University, Ohio

1975 - 1980:

ame, Aksjeselskapet Mikro-Elektronikk, Development of semiconductor sensors


·         Micro- and Nanotechnologies/Microsystems/MicroElectromechanical Systems (MEMS)

·         Silicon Sensor Technologies / Semiconductor Sensor Technologies / Optoelectronic Sensor Technologies

·         Packaging & Interconnection Technologies for Micro- and Nanotechnologies

·         Solid State Technology / Physical Electronics

·         Biomedical Sensors / Technical Aids for the Handicapped.

·         International Collaboration and Project Management, like EU projects

·         Innovation within Micro- and Nanotechnologies

examples of elected and honorary positions

Member of the Programme Committee of Transducers ’01, the International Conference on Solid State Sensors and Actuators including Eurosensors XV, Munich, Germany, June 10-14, 2000.

Elected member of the board of ITTF, the Technology Group of Norwegian IT Industry 1999- . Deputy chairman from spring 2000. Acting chairman from autumn 2000.

Chief Nordic Delegate at World Micromachine Summits from 2006 – 2014.

Program Committee Chairman and Organising Committee Chairman, MME2011, Micromechanics and Micro systems Europe Workshop, Toensberg, Norway, June 19-22, 2011.

Member of the Program Committee, COMS 2012, Commercialization of Micro-Nano Systems, in Toensberg, Norway, June 24 – 28, 2012.



1.        Per Ohlckers, Berit Sundby Avset, Are Bjorneklett, Lars Evensen, Jakob Gakkestad, Anders Hanneborg, Trond Hansen, Arne Kjensmo, Ernst Kristiansen, Helge Kristiansen, Henrik von der Lippe, Martin Nese, Einar Nygård, Fin Serck-Hanssen and Oddvar Søråsen: "Industrial Microelectronics toward the Year 2 000 - A Report on Objectives and Results of a Research Collaboration at the Center for Industrial Research and the University of Oslo" Invited paper, ISHM-Nordic 30th Conference, Oslo, September 20-23, 1992. Appeared as invited paper in Hybrid Circuits No. 32, September 1993, pp 4-11.

2.        Per Ohlckers and Henrik Jakobsen: “Challenges of the Emerging Microsystems Industry” Invited paper, Microelectronics Journal, 29 (1998), pp. 587 - 600.

3.        Per Ohlckers, Hannu Kattelus, Veli-Matti Airaksinen, Jussi Tuovinen, Jani Karttunen, Klas Hjort:Status of the Nordic RegionProceedings of the 14th MicroMachine Summit 2008, Daejeon, Korea, April 30 – May3, 2008.

4.        Per Ohlckers:” Education in Micro-and Nanotechnologies at Vestfold University College, NorwayProceedings of the 14th MicroMachine Summit 2008, Daejeon, Korea, April 30 – May3, 2008.

5.        Christopher Grinde, Danilo Demarchi, Per Ohlckers, Pierluigi Civera and Stein Ivar Hansen: “An approach to seminar based MEMS training” Proceedings of 7th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, Budapest, Hungary, May 29 – 30, 2008.

6.        P. Ohlckers, T. Skotheim, V. Dmitriev, G. Kirpilenko :“Advantages and Limitations of Diamond-Like Carbon as a MEMS Thin Film Material” Technical Proceedings of the 2008 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Volume 1, Chapter 1: Carbon Nano Structures & Applications, pp. 63-66.

7.        P. Ohlckers, P. Pipinys: “Phonon-assisted tunnelling mechanism of conduction in SnO2 and ZnO nanowires” Technical Proceedings of the 2008 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Volume 3, Chapter 1: Photonics and Nanowires, pp. 150-152.

8.        Luca Petricca, Per Ohlckers and Xuyuan Chen (2013). “The Future of Energy Storage Systems”, Book chapter in: Energy Storage - Technologies and Applications , ISBN: 978-953-51-0951-8, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/52413. Available from: of-energy-storage-systems