• Research group “Mental health and substance abuse”
• Further education in mental health and substance abuse work
• Perspectives on disability in the master's program "Society and health"
• 2022: Associate professor in mental health and substance abuse work, University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)
• 2022: Ph.D. in person-oriented health care, USN
• 2011: Master's degree in sociology, University of Oslo (UiO)
• 1991: Cand. Scient in limnology, UiO
Semb, R. (2022). Mellom idealisme og realisme: Om fremming av samfunnstilhørighet for unge voksne med samtidige rus-og psykisk helseproblemer. PhD thesis nr. 112, University of South-Eastern Norway.
Semb, R., Sælør, K. T. & Borg, M. (2021). Resist or adapt? A narrative analysis of endeavors for belonging among young adults with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health problems. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health.
Semb, R., Bekken, W. & Borg, M. (2020). Narrow normality or inadequate services? Supporting citizenship for young adults in challenging situations. Journal of Recovery in Mental Health, 4(1), 20-34.
Semb, R.,Tjora, A. & Borg, M. (2019). Communal invalidation of young adults with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health issues. Disability & Society, 34(6), 926-944.
Semb, R., Borg, M. & Ness, O. (2016). Tilpasning eller tilbaketrekning? Tilhørighetsstrategier blant unge voksne med rus- og psykiske helseproblemer. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 19(3), 204-220.
Semb, R. (2011). Hvordan bør rikdommen fordeles? En analyse av et bidrag til norsk fordelingspolitikk. Masteroppgave i sosiologi, Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi. Oslo.
Semb, R. & Volden, O. (2013): En introduksjon til strukturell empati, i T. Mesel og P. Leer-Salvesen (red.) Makt og avmakt - etiske perspektiver på feltet psykisk helse, s 157 - 171, Kristiansand: Portal Akademisk
Ness, O., Kvello, Ø., Borg, M., Semb, R., & Davidson, L. (2017). “Sorting things out together”: Young adults’ experiences of collaborative practices in mental health and substance use care. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 20(2), 126–142
Sælør, K. T., Ness, O. & Semb, R. (2015) Taking the plunge. A qualitative study of hope within mental health- and substance abuse services". Scandinavian Psychologist (
Ness, O., Borg, M., Semb, R., & Karlsson, B. (2014) “Walking Alongside:” Collaborative Practices in Mental Health and Substance Use Care. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 8:55.