Randi Semb

Associate Professor
Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Department of Health, Social and Welfare Studies
Campus Drammen
My research interests are directed towards inclusion and citizenship, and in particular social conditions affecting experiences of identity and sense of belonging.


• Research group “Mental health and substance abuse”

• Further education in mental health and substance abuse work

• Perspectives on disability in the master's program "Society and health"


• 2022: Associate professor in mental health and substance abuse work, University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)

• 2022: Ph.D. in person-oriented health care, USN

• 2011: Master's degree in sociology, University of Oslo (UiO)

• 1991: Cand. Scient in limnology, UiO


Semb, R. (2022). Mellom idealisme og realisme: Om fremming av samfunnstilhørighet for unge voksne med samtidige rus-og psykisk helseproblemer. PhD thesis nr. 112, University of South-Eastern Norway.

Semb, R., Sælør, K. T. & Borg, M. (2021). Resist or adapt? A narrative analysis of endeavors for belonging among young adults with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health problems. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40737-021-00221-z

Semb, R., Bekken, W. & Borg, M. (2020). Narrow normality or inadequate services? Supporting citizenship for young adults in challenging situations. Journal of Recovery in Mental Health, 4(1), 20-34.  

Semb, R.,Tjora, A. & Borg, M. (2019). Communal invalidation of young adults with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health issues. Disability & Society, 34(6), 926-944.

Semb, R., Borg, M. & Ness, O. (2016). Tilpasning eller tilbaketrekning? Tilhørighetsstrategier blant unge voksne med rus- og psykiske helseproblemer. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 19(3), 204-220.

Semb, R. (2011). Hvordan bør rikdommen fordeles? En analyse av et bidrag til norsk fordelingspolitikk. Masteroppgave i sosiologi, Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi. Oslo.

Semb, R. & Volden, O. (2013): En introduksjon til strukturell empati,   i  T. Mesel og P. Leer-Salvesen (red.) Makt og avmakt - etiske perspektiver på feltet psykisk helse, s 157 - 171,  Kristiansand: Portal Akademisk

Ness, O., Kvello, Ø., Borg, M., Semb, R., & Davidson, L. (2017). “Sorting things out together”: Young adults’ experiences of collaborative practices in mental health and substance use care. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 20(2), 126–142

Sælør, K. T., Ness, O. & Semb, R. (2015) Taking the plunge. A qualitative study of hope within mental health- and substance abuse services". Scandinavian Psychologist (http://psykologisk.no/sp/)

Ness, O., Borg, M., Semb, R., & Karlsson, B. (2014) “Walking Alongside:” Collaborative Practices in Mental Health and Substance Use Care. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 8:55.