Randi Toreskås Holta

Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Maritime Sciences
Campus Porsgrunn
I work with educational quality and strategic study portfolio development in the fields of technology, natural sciences, and maritime sciences with a special focus on the engineering programs. In my job, I work with strategies and plans in order to realise the overarching goals of our educational programs .


Among my responsibilities are;

Follow- up on the results from Studiebarometeret and other evaluations of courses and programs, and to be the Faculty's representative in  UFU (Utvalg for utdanningskvalitet).

Facilitate collaboration among the academic staff on research based study programs 

Planning and dimensioning of study portfolio

Ensure that the Faculty operates according to the QA system, and reporting on quality

Life long learning



1987 - pedagogical training

1988 - Cand. scient. Physics

1996 - Dr.ing. Theoretical Physics

2008 - NHO's leadership development, Female Future

2008 - Handelshøyskolen BI, BIK24011 Styrekompetanse I 

2013 - Leadership developent program at TUC

Work experience

1999-2001 Senior Systems Engineer, Cardiac AS

2002-2011 Associate professor at HiT, lecturing and supervising 

2011-2016 Head of department, Department of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Cybernetics, TUC

2017- dd    Vice-Dean educational affairs, Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences, and Maritime Sciences, USN