Sinem Acar-Burkay

Associate Professor
Department of Business, Marketing and Law
USN School of Business
Campus Hønefoss




Master and doctoral thesis supervision


Experimental Research, Research Design, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Negotiation, Trust, Personality, Consumer Privacy



2014 Ph.D. in Marketing, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway

  • Supervisors: Prof. Luk Warlop (BI and KU Leuven) and Prof. Vidar Schei (NHH)
  • Committee members: Richard Bagozzi (University of Michigan) and Bianca Beersma (VU University of Amsterdam)

2009 M.Sc. in Business Administration and Economics, NHH, Norway

2006 B.A. in Psychology, Koc University, Turkey

2006 B.A. in International Relations, Koc University, Turkey


Consumer privacy, Language use , Need for closure, Personality-Situation interaction, Relational outcomes in negotiation, Social motives, Stress, Trust


2016 - 2017 Assistant Professor, IÉSEG School of Management, France

2009 - 2015 Teaching and Research Scholar, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway


Marketing Strategy (Masters)

Business game, Grande ecole

Negotiation research methodology, Grande ecole

Negotiation strategy and company observation, Grande ecole

Practical negotiation skills, Grande ecole

Master thesis supervision, Grande ecole

Interorganizational Relationships and Negotiations, Bachelor

Cooperation, Alliances, and Networks, Masters


Papers in refereed journals:

Acar-Burkay S., Fennis B., Warlop L., (2014), Trusting others: The polarization effect of need for closure, Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 107(4), pp. 719-735


2011 Best Doctoral Dissertation Proposal, Johan Arndt Conference, Norway

2012 Academy of Management Conflict Management Doctoral Colloquium Fellow, Academy of Management, USA

2012 European Marketing Academy Doctoral Colloquium Fellow


Academy of Management (AOM)

American Psychological Association (APA)

American Marketing Association (AMA)

Association for Consumer Research (ACR)

The International Association for Conflict Management (IACM)

The European Marketing Academy (EMAC)

Ad-hoc Reviewer

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, EMAC, ACR


Peer-reviewed articles:

Acar-Burkay, S., Schei, V., Beersma, B., & Warlop, L. (2021). You can't ‘fake it till you make it’: Cooperative motivation does not help proself trustees. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology92, 104078.

Acar-Burkay, S., Schei, V., Warlop, L. (2020) The Best of Both Worlds? Negotiations Between Cooperators and Individualists Provide High Economic and Relational Outcomes. Group Decision and Negotiation29(3), 491-522.

Ramirez-Marin, J. Y., Diaz, A. B., & Acar-Burkay, S. (2020). Is stress good for negotiation outcomes? The moderating effect of social value orientation. International Journal of Conflict Management.

Acar-Burkay S., Fennis B., Warlop L., (2014), Trusting others: The polarization effect of need for closure, Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 107(4), pp. 719-735,

PhD Dissertation:

Acar-Burkay S., (2014), Essays on relational outcomes in mixed-motive situations, Series of Dissertation, BI Norwegian Business School, ISSN: 1502-2099, ISBN: 978-82-8247-091-9

Conference Presentations:

Acar-Burkay, S., Schei, V., Warlop, L., Beersma, B. (2019). Do Not Fake It Till You Make It: Cooperative Motives Do Not Help Proself Trustees. Academy of Management (AOM) Conference Proceedings. 

Barragan Diaz, A., Ramirez Marin, J., Acar-Burkay, S. (2019) Is stress helping or hurting negotiation outcomes? An evaluation of social motivation. International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) Conference.

Acar-Burkay S., Fennis B. (2017). Let it go: The effect of stress on consumers' private information disclosure. Working Paper presented at Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, San Diego, USA.

Acar-Burkay S., Schei, V., & Warlop, L. (2014). When do we trust cooperators? The effect of trustees’ trait social motives and state social motives on trust. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management, Leiden, Netherlands.

Acar-Burkay S., Fennis B., & Warlop, L. (2013). Trusting others—the polarization effect of need for closure. Paper accepted for presentation in a Divisional Paper session at the Academy of Management Conference, Orlando.

Acar, S. (2013). The Effect of Negotiators’ Own Social Motives and Their Counterparts’ Social Motives on Trust. Paper accepted for presentation in European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.

Acar, S. (2012). The Effect of Negotiators’ Own Social Motives and Their Counterparts’ Social Motives on Trust. Paper presented in a Divisional Roundtable Paper Session at the Academy of Management Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.

Acar, S. (2012). The Effect of Negotiators’ Own Social Motives and Their Counterparts’ Social Motives on Trust. Paper accepted for presentation in an oral presentation session at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management, South Africa.

Acar, S. (2012). The Effect of Negotiators' Own Social Motives and Their Counterparts’ Social Motives on Trust. Paper presented at Doctoral Colloquium, European Marketing Academy Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

Acar, S. (2012). The Effect of Negotiators’ Own Social Motives and Their Counterparts’ Social Motives on Trust. Paper presented at Johan Arndt Conference, Bergen, Norway.

Publications in Cristin