Tiril Smerud Finnanger

Tiril Smerud Finnanger

Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Science
Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science
Campus Vestfold
Assistant professor in Educational Science, mainly interested in research on curriculum and education policy. Currently working on a PhD thesis on the development of the LK20 curriculum, focusing on teacher involvement in curriculum reform.



Teaching and supervision:

  • Instruction in the course Education policy and reform (MA level).
  • Supervisor, Master in pedagogy.
  • Supervisor, teacher education, MA level.

Organizational development:

  • Member of the board for the PhD program Pedagogical resources and learning processes in kindergarten and school (PEDRES). (2020-2024).
  • Member of the organizational committee for the annual Åsgårdstrand seminar (2020-2024).
  • Member of two groups working to develop the faculty's new PhD program (2022-2023).



2024- : Assistant professor, University of South-Eastern Norway.

2020-2024: PhD fellow in Educational Science, University of South-Eastern Norway.

2015-2020: Teacher, Færder municipality.



2014-2015: Social Science, Hawaii Pacific University.

2009-2014: Teacher Education Program, Master in English Didactics, University of Oslo.


Finnanger, T. S. (2024). Teachers as macro curriculum makers: Mandate and influence in the Norwegian LK20. The Curriculum Journal, 00, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1002/curj.310

Finnanger, T.S. & Prøitz, T.S. (2024). Teachers as national curriculum makers: does involvement equal influence? Journal of Curriculum Studies.  https://doi.org/10.1080/00220272.2024.2307450

Finnanger, T.S. & Sundberg, R.A. (2023). Bokmelding: Tine S. Prøitz (red.): Forskningsoversikter i utdanningsvitenskap - systematikk og kreativitet. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrifthttps://doi.org/10.18261/npt.107.3.9

Mausethagen, S., Prøitz, T.S., Fekjær, S., Stenersen, C.R. & Finnanger, T.S. (2021). «En fot i begge leire hadde vært ypperlig» - En studie av offentlig ph.d. i utdanningsfeltet. Oslo Metropolitan University Report.