Byermoen, Kirsten Røland; Brembo, Espen Andreas; Egilsdottir, Hugrun Ösp; Eide, Tom; Heyn, Lena Günterberg; Moen, Anne & Eide, Hilde (2023). Newly graduated nurses use and further development of assessment skills—An in-depth qualitative study. Journal of Advanced Nursing. DOI:
Eide, Hilde & Tom Eide (2022). eHealth and technology for older patients. Evelyn Ho, Carma Bylund & Julia van Weert (eds): The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication, Wiley-Blackwell.
Eide, Tom, Monika K. Gullslett, Hilde Eide, Janne H. Dugstad, Brendan McCormack & Etty R. Nilsen (2022). Trust-based service innovation of municipal home care. A longitudinal mixed methods study. BMC Health Services Research, 22: 1250.
Byermoen, Kirsten Røland; Eide, Tom; Egilsdottir, H. Ösp; Eide, Hilde; Heyn, Lena; Moen, Anne & Brembo, Espen Andreas (2022). Nursing students’ development of using physical assessment in clinical rotation—a stimulated recall study. BMC Nursing, 21: 110.
Eide, Tom (2021). Hva slags motstand kan forventes mot en tillitsreform i offentlig sektor? [What kinds of resistance to a trust reform in public sector should be expected?]. Stat og styring, 3 (31), s. 4-7.
Eide, Tom (2021). Etikk [Ethics]. In: Kristin Standal, Cecilie Karlsen & Janne Dugstad (Eds.): Velferdsteknologiens ABC [The ABC of Welfare Technology], pp. 5-23. Oslo: KS.
Eide, Tom & Einar Aadland (2020). Etikkhåndboka. Refleksjon, organisasjon, ledelse [The Ethics Handbook. Reflection, orgnanization, leadership]. 3rd edition. (Oslo: Kommuneforlaget). Translated into Sami: Etihkkagiehtagirji - refleksuvdna, organisasuvdna, jodiheapmi (Oslo: KF, 2020), and Swedish: Etikhandboken för socialt arbete. Reflektion, organisation, ledning (Stockholm: Liber).
Eide, Hilde & Tom Eide (2020). Digital helse - læring og mestring [Digital health - learning and coping]. Chapter 8 in: André Vågan (ed.): Helsepedagogiske metoder - teori og praksis (Oslo: Gyldendal, pp. 159-187).
Syse, Henrik & Tom Eide (2020). I etikkens tjeneste. Dagfinn Føllesdal, Etikkprogrammet og etisk argumentasjon [In the Service of Ethics. Dagfinn Føllesdal, the Ethics Programme, and ethical argumentation]. Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift, 1 (55), 34-45.
Dugstad, Janne, Tom Eide, Etty R. Nilsen & Hilde Eide (2019). Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Services Research, 19 (366).
Aadland, Einar & Tom Eide (2019). Den lille etikkveilederen. Oslo: KS.
Eide, Tom, Monika K. Gullslett, Etty R. Nilsen, Janne Dugstad, Brendan McCormack & Hilde Eide (2018). Towards trust-based management in healthcare – the complexity of a value-driven innovation process in municipal homecare. Paper at the The NEON Conference 2018 - Innovation in organizations – challenges and potentials, Lillehammer, November 22, 2018.
Eide, Tom, Monika K. Gullslett, Etty R. Nilsen, Janne Dugstad & Hilde Eide (2018). Tillitsmodellen – hovedpilotering i Oslo kommune 2017-18. Skriftserien fra Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, nr. 4/2018. Drammen: USN/Vitensenteret Helse og Teknologi.
Fauskanger, Eivind Arne & Tom Eide (2018). DREAM hjemmerehabilitering – verdistrømkartlegging og tjenesteutvikling i Drammen HSO. Skriftserien fra Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge, nr. 29/2018. Drammen: HSN/Vitensenteret Helse og Teknologi.
Eide, Hilde & Tom Eide (2017): Kommunikasjon i relasjoner. Personorientering, samhandling, etikk [Interpersonal Communication. Person-centredness, co-operation, ethics] 3rd edition. (Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk). Swedish transl. (2019): Omvårdnadsorienterad kommunikation (Lund: Studentlitteratur).
McCormack, Brendan, Sandra van Dulmen, Hilde Eide, Kirsti Skovdahl & Tom Eide (eds. 2017). Person-Centred Healthcare Research (Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell).
McCormack, Brendan, Sandra van Dulmen, Hilde Eide & Tom Eide (2017). Person-centredness in Healthcare Policy, Practice and Research (McCormack et al 2017, Chapter 1, p. 3-17).
Dewing, Jan, Brendan McCormack & Tom Eide (2017). Philosophical perspectives on person‐centredness for healthcare research (McCormack et al 2017, Chapter 2, p. 19-29).
Dulmen, Sandra van, Brendan McCormack, Hilde Eide, Kirsti Skovdahl & Tom Eide (2017). Future Directions for Person-centred Research (McCormack et al 2017, Chapter 18, p. 209-218).
Eide, Tom & Shaun Cardiff (2017). Leadership Research – a person-centred agenda (McCormack et al 2017, Chapter 8, p. 95-115).
Eide, Hilde, Andrea Nes & Tom Eide (2017). Nett-basert smertemestring og -behandling. Smertepsykologi [Psychology of Pain] (red. Egil A. Fors & Tore C. Stiles). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, s. 209-220.
Eide, Tom, Etty R. Nilsen, Monika K. Gullslett, Anja H. Olafsen, Amund H. Aaberge & Hilde Eide (2017). Tillitsmodellen – erfaringer med mini-pilotering av selvstyrende team. Drammen: Vitensenteret Helse og Teknologi.
Brembo, Espen A, Heidi Kapstad, Tom Eide, Lukas Månsson, Sandra van Dulmen & Hilde Eide (2016). Patient information and emotional needs across the hip osteoarthritis continuum: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research 16 (1), pp. 1-15.
Hafskjold, Linda, Tom Eide, Inger K. Holmström, Vibeke Sundling, Sandra van Dulmen & Hilde Eide (2016). Older persons’ worries expressed during home care visits: Exploring the content of cues and concerns identified by the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences. Patient Education and Councelling, 99 (12), pp. 1955–1963 (DOI:
Eide, Tom, Sandra van Dulmen & Hilde Eide (2016). Educating for ethical leadership through web-based coaching. A feasibility study. Nursing ethics, 23 (8), 851-865.
Nilsen, Etty R., Janne Dugstad, Hilde Eide, Monika K. Gullslett & Tom Eide (2016). Exploring resistance to implementation of welfare technology in municipal healthcare services – a longitudinal case study. BMC Health Services Research (16:657).
Eide, Tom, Bjørg Landmark & Thor Martinsen (2015). Refleksjonshåndboka for etisk lederskap i helse- og omsorgstjenestene. Oslo: KS.
Earlier books
Eide, Tom og Hilde Eide (2004): Kommunikasjon i praksis. Relasjoner, samspill og etikk i sosialfaglig arbeid [Communication in practice. Relationships, co-operation, ethics] (Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk). Swedish transl. (2006): Kommunikation i praktiken (Stockholm: Liber). Danish transl. (2007): Kommunikation i praksis (Århus: Klim).
Tom Eide (2001): Ibsens dialogkunst. Etikk og eksistens i Ibsens "Når vi døde vågner" [Ibsen's Art of Dialogue. Ethics and existence in When we dead awaken] (Oslo: Scandinavian Universities Press).
Tom Eide (1991): Outsiderens posisjoner. Axel Jensens tidlige forfatterskap [The Outsider's Position. Axel Jensens early oeuvre] (Oslo: Scandinavian Universities Press).
Moxnes, Halvor & Tom Eide (Eds. 1990). Forskning om etiske normer og verdier [Research on Ethical Norms and Values] (Oslo: The Research Council of Norway).
Full publication list, see the research database Cristin