Vibeke Narverud Nyborg

Associate Professor
Department of Nursing and Health Sciences
Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Campus Drammen
I am an associate professor in the history of medicine and health, mostly focusing on topics relating to medicine and health from a societal and humanist perspective in Norway from 1850 and forward.


Supervision of MA-students, teaching in history of medicine and health, humanistic perspecitves in medicine and nursing, historical pandemics, science of philosophy for MA and Doctoral students. 

Research within my areas of interest.



Work Experience:  

Associate Professor in the History of Medicine and Health, University of South Eastern Norway, 2021 - dd

PhD candidate, University of South Eastern Norway, 2017 – 2020

Director of Faculty of Health Sciences, University College of South East Norway, 2016

Director of Faculty of Health Sciences, Buskerud and Vestfold University College, 2014 - 2015

Advisor, Buskerud and Vestfold University College, 2014

Advisor, Buskerud University College, 2011 – 2013

Lecturer in Norwegian History, AOF- Drammen/ Drammen Guide Association, Autumn 2012

Advisor, Norwegian Agency of Quality Assurance (NOKUT), 2009 – 2011

Associate Lecturer, Buskerud University College, 2008 – 2009

Senior Executive Officer/ Advisor, Norwegian Agency of Quality Assurance (NOKUT), 2004 – 2008

Executive officer, University of Bergen, 2002 – 2004


Person-centred doctoral supervision, 5 ECTS, University of South Eastern Norway, 2023

Education in a digital era (pedagogics part 2), 10 ECTS, University of South Eastern Norway, 2021

Learning, teaching and assessment in higher education (pedagogics part 1), 10 ECTS, University of South Eastern Norway, 2021

PhD in the History of Medicine and Health, University of South Eastern Norway, 2020

PhD course: Social Construction: Theory and Practice, 2,5 ECTS, Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU), 2019

PhD course: History of medicine: sources, methods and historiographic questions, 3 ECTS, University of Oslo, 2018         

PhD course: Talk, text and interpretation, 7,5 ECTS, Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU), 2017

PhD course: Qualitative methods, 5 ECTS, University of South East Norway, 2017

PhD course: The Science and Practice of Person- Centred Research, 15 ECTS, University of South East Norway, 2017

Course in Organizational psychology 15 ECTS, University of Bergen, 2004

cand.philol, master in history, University of Bergen, 2003

cand.mag, specialization in history, University of Bergen, 2001

One year study in religion and humanism, University of Agder, 1998


Norwegian fluent

English fluent

German acceptable


Publications in Cristin