The EDUC Charter is signed

RECTOR AND STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING: 90 participants from EDUC participated in the meetings held at the University Paris Nanterre (France). (Photo: Knut Jul Meland)
FROM THE LEFT: Petter Aasen (USN), Eva Alcon Soler (UJI) András Komócsi (PTE), Bratislav Dancak (MU), Philippe Gervais-Lambony (UPN), Florian Schweigert (UP), Allesandra Carucci (UNICA) og Davis Alis (UR).
Tre personer i engasjert samtale i en konferansesal. Foto
THUMBS UP: (In the middle) Florian Schweigert (UP) President´s Commissioner for EDUD is flanked by (to the left) Sonia Lehman-Frisch, Vice-President / Director for International Relations Office at UPN, and (to the right) Katharaina Kloss (UP), Research Manager for EDUC.
DOWNTOWN: (From the left:) Nora R. Houidi, Ingvild M. Larsen and Petter Aasen, walking the streets of Paris. Photo: Knut Jul Meland.
To menn i djup samtale i eit stort, ope rom. Foto
WLAK AND TALK: (From the left) USN's Rector Petter Aasen and President's Commissioner for EDUC, Florian Schweigert. (Photo: Knut Jul Meland)
Petter Aasen snakker i en mikrofon i en konferansesal. Foto
OPEN MIC: USN's Rector Petter Aasen speaks up during the Steering Committee meeting. To the right: Eva Alcon Soler, Rector at UJ1. (Photo: Knut Jul Meland)
KEY NOTE SPEAKER: Professor Jacques Comby from Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 participating virtually. (Photo: Knut Jul Meland)
sirka 60 mennesker poserer for kamera i en stor trapp. Foto
STEPPING UP: Participants at the EDUC Rector and Steering Committee meteting at the University Paris Nanterre (UPN). (Photo: UPN)

The eight universities of the EDUC alliance gathered at the University of Paris Nanterre, among other things, to sign the EDUC Charter of Common Values and Good Cooperation.

On June 22nd and 23rd, the French University of Paris Nanterre (UPN) hosted meetings for the rectors and steering committee of the European Digital UniverCity (EDUC) university alliance, in which USN is one of the eight partners.

The EDUC alliance is based on pedagogical innovation through digital tools and schemes of academic openness that serve the mobility of students, teachers, researchers, and administrative staff.

The alliance partners were gathered in Paris to discuss joint activities for all students and administrative and academic staff from the eight partner universities.

A Foundation of Values

tre personer går gatelangs i Paris. FotoApproximately 90 participants were present, including USN's Rector, Petter Aasen, Vice-Rector for Education, Ingvild Marheim Larsen, and other steering committee members from the hosting institution UPN, the French University of Rennes (UR), the German University of Potsdam (UP), the Czech Masaryk University (MU), the Hungarian University of Pécs (PTE), the Spanish University Jaume I (UJI), and the Italian University of Cagliari (UNICA).

On day one, participants had the opportunity to review the results and future prospects of the EDUC alliance, as well as listen to testimonials from students who have traveled with EU funds and studied across the institutions. It was then time to celebrate a significant milestone: the signing of the "EDUC Charter of Common Values and Good Cooperation," which highlights the values on which the alliance is built.

"This is not a legally binding document, but a unifying foundation of values and a common guideline for all member institutions. The Charter sets a clear direction and ensures that we all work towards the same goals," says Petter Aasen, USN's Rector.

USN became an associated member of EDUC in 2022 and a full member when the alliance entered phase two with funding for four more years starting in 2023.

"A Lot Is Happening"

"A lot is happening in EDUC, particularly at our own institution. In the fall, employees and students at USN will truly have the opportunity to connect with the alliance. This is a good time to see what opportunities EDUC offers for you," says Heidi Tovsrud Knutsen, USN's Institutional Coordinator in EDUC.

Tovsrud participated in the steering committee meeting digitally, but her working group was represented by project advisor Kine Korsmo from USN's Unit for Analysis, Strategy, and Business Management, as well as EDUC Community Manager Knut Jul Meland from USN's Communications Department. Community management largely involves informing and assisting participants and their ecosystem of target groups.

"Meeting places like this are valuable on many levels. They drive the alliance forward and are revitalizing in their form because they provide an opportunity to meet in person in fantastic contexts. EDUC partners collaborate well digitally, but the value of face-to-face interaction is essential and irreplaceable," says Meland.

The Students' Voice

Parallel to the rectors' meeting and the steering committee meeting, a think tank was held for the EDUC Student Board. Student representatives from all eight EDUC universities participated to get to know each other, establish general guidelines, allocate roles, and determine collaboration methods and progress.

Nora Rymoen Houidi is the newly elected student leader in the Student Democracy in Southeast (SDSN) and participates in the student board on behalf of USN.

"This first meeting holds promise. All of us who are part of the student council are engaged and enthusiastic, and above all, grateful to be involved and to be able to collaborate closely with EDUC staff," says Houidi, adding that EDUC's student council is committed to being a clear and strong part of the ecosystem of international student organizations.