Eva Merete Bjerkholt

Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science
Department of Educational Science
Campus Notodden
Dr. Eva Bjerkholt - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9159-5470 Eva Bjerkholt (PhD) is a teacher educator and researcher at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). She is the leader of the Norwegian Network for mentoring Newly Qualified Teachers (Directorate of Education and Training), the leader of the Network Newly Qualified Teachers and Induction: A Nordic Cross-sectorial Network - NTI (Nordplus Horizontal), the convener of the Nordic Educational Research Association Network 25: Guidance, Counselling and Mentoring (NERA), and the leader for the research group at USN, “Professional mentoring in higher education and in the teacher profession”. Her research interests are research in higher education: Supervision, guidance and mentoring, teacher education as a continuum of professional learning from teacher education to being a professional teacher in schools and kindergartens, and research on the phenomenon doctorateness and how to become a professional researcher. She is one of the leaders of the research programme “You will become a teacher…” USNs strategical research programme on professional learning in teacher education.


Dr. Eva Bjerkholt is professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) and the leader and coordinator of the Norwegian Network for mentoring Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) .  The participants in the network are teacher educators and researchers from universities in Norway working with mentoring education and developing school based mentoring for NQTs in kindergartens and schools. (The Directorate of Education and Training have financed the network since 2003).

Bjerkholt is the leader and coordinator of the network Newly Qualified Teachers and Induction: A Nordic Cross-sectorial Network. - a network financed by Nordplus Horizontal (2017-2022). The members in this network are researchers on mentoring NQTs from universities and representatives from the teacher unions in the different Nordic countries and Estonia.

Bjerkholt is the convener of the Nordic Educational Research Association’s (NERA) network 25; Guidance, Counselling and Mentoring.  At the University of South-Eastern Norway

Bjerkholt Eva and Knut Rune Olsen are the leaders of the research group “Supervision, guidance and mentoring in education” at the Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science U. University of South-Eastern Norway

Her doctoral thesis is a case study on the content and dialogues in mentoring NQTs. One of her research projects is USNs strategical research project on learning environment and partnership in teacher education.

Bjerkholt is Associate Professor II at the University College Innland, Hamar, Norway

2021-2017 Member of program committee of The PhD-program Pedagogical Resources and Learning processes in kindergarten and school (PEDRES), HIU, USN, Norway.

2020-2017 Representing The faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science (HIU) in the Committee of Quality in Education, USN, Norway



  • 2013-2006 PhD: Disputation date: 04.03.2013. Faculty of Educational Science, Department of Education, University of Oslo, Norway.
  • 1996-1993 Masterdegree (120 credits), Faculty of Education and International Studies, Department of Early Childhood Education, University College of Oslo (HiO) and Akershus (HIOA), Norway.
  • 1986-1985 Further education for pre-school teachers, Nature Environment Education for Children from 1-6 years (30 credits), Telemark Teacher Education (TLH), Notodden, Norway.

  • 1985-1984 Further education for pre-school teachers, Kindergarten Management Education (30 credits), TLH, Notodden, Norway.

  • 1982-1980 Further education for teachers – Children with special Needs, I and II (60 credits). TLH, Notodden, Norway.

  • 1980-1978 Early childhood Education, Department of Preschool Education, (120 credits) TLH, Notodden, Norway. Ph.D. from the Department of Pedagogy, Faculty of Educational Science, University of Oslo, Norway


From 2021  Permanent position as professor, Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science. (100 %) Department of Educational Science, University of South-Eastern Norway.

  • 2021-2024 Professor II (20 %) at The University College of Innland, Hamar, Norway.
  • 2013-1996 Assistant professor in Pedagogy, (100 %), Faculty of Art, Folk culture and Teacher Education, Telemark University College (from 2016 University of South-Eastern Norway).
  • 2004-1996 Vice Dean and leader of the Department of Further Education and project development EVU, Faculty of Art, Folk culture and Teacher Education, Telemark University College (from 2016 University of South-Eastern Norway). 
  • 1994-1990 Head of the Department for Early Childhood Education, Telemark Teacher University College, Notodden - TLH (University of South-Eastern-Norway). Norway.
  • 1996-1983 Lecture in Educational Science, Early Childhood Education, TLH, Notodden, Norway. Lecture Teacher in Pedagogy

Project management experience

  • 2025-2021 Leader of the research project: UPV: Education for professional mentoring
  • 2025-2021 Leader of the partnership and research project STEP: Partnership for Sustainable Transition from Teacher Education to Profession. Becoming a professional teacher (The Research Council og Norway) 
  • 2024-2020 Leader of a new project in the Network. NTI-SEM: Sustainable eco-system of induction and mentoring Newly Qualified Teachers in the Nordic countries and Baltic (2020-2024) (USN -Project funder Nordplus Horizontal)
  • 2020-2017 Leader of the research group in the network: Newly Qualified Teachers and Induction: A Nordic Cross-sectorial Network (NTI) – Establishing the network and organizing conferences. (Financed by Norplus Horizontal)
  • from 2014 Leader of the faculty of HIUs research group: Supervision and mentoring in teacher profession and in teacher education –ViPU (earlier named VelFy), USN. 
  • 2022-2018 Research leader: Professional supervision, facilitating learning environment and coherence in Teacher Education. One of the research projects in USNs’ strategical research program “You will become a teacher…”, HIU-USN.
  • 2019-2014 Leader of the Nordic research project: Professionalization through mentoring – ProV,

    Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway (Financed by Nordplus Horizontal)

  • 2019-2016 Leder of Center for Professionalisation at HIU, USN

  • 2016-2014 Researchleder together with Ødegård, E. Leader of the project: Revitalization of mentoring competences. Financed by the county of Telemark. Center of Professionalization, EFL, HiT/IPED-HIU-USN

Supervision of students master- and phd-thesis

  • from 2013: 6 students master thesis
  • from 2019: 2 PHD candidates  




Reviewer in scientific journals (tot 5 pr. Year): Norwegian Pedagogical Journal-NPT https://www.idunn.no/npt ; ActaDidactica https://www.journals.uio.no/index.php/adno ; University educational Journal- UniPed https://www.idunn.no/uniped; Nordic Journal of Supervision and Mentoring-NordVei (since 2016) https://boap.uib.no/index.php/nordvei/issue/current); International Journal of Mentoring and coaching in education- IJMCE (since 2017) http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/journals.htm?id=ijmce


International peer reviewed publications:

Attard-Tonna, M., Bjerkholt, E., & Holland, E. (2017). Teacher mentoring and the reflective practitioner approach. International Journal of Mentoring and Couching in Education. Vol 6(3), pp.210-227    DOI: 10.1108/IJMCE-04-2017-0032

Bjerkholt, E. & Heedegaard, E. (2008). Systems Promoting New Teachers’ Professional Development. In G. Fransson & C. Gustafsson (Eds.), Newly Qualified Teachers in Northern Europe. pp. 45-77. Teacher Education: Research publication 4, University of Gävle, Sweden.

Shanks, R., Attard Tonna, M., Krøjgaard, F., Paaske, K., Robson, D., & Bjerkholt, E. (2020). A comparative study of mentoring for new teachers. Professional Development in Education. pp. 1-15 DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2020.1744684


Norwegian peer reviewed publications:

Bjerkholt, E. (2017). Profesjonsveiledning. Fra praktisk virksomhet til teoretisk felt. (Monography) Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202482886. (Transl. to Swedish by. Henrik Gundenäs, Lund: Studentlitteratur 2019).

Bjerkholt, E. (2015): Veiledning og lærende dialoger. In E. K. Høihilder & O. A. Gulbrandsen (Eds.) Pedagogy and student knowledge in teacher education. Gyldendal Academic: Oslo. Norway.

Bjerkholt, E. (2013): Åpning av lukkede rom. En kvalitativ studie av innholdet og dialogene i veiledningssamtaler mellom nyutdannede lærere og lokale veiledere (a monography - PhD). Faculty of Educational Science, Department of Education, University of Oslo, Norway. ISSN 1501-8962.

Bjerkholt, E. & Stokke, H. S. (2017): Et forskende fellesskap - Forskningssirkler på tvers av læringsarenaene i lærerutdanningene. Norwegian Pedagogic Journal, Vol. 101.(2), pp. 157-168. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Doi: 10.1826/issn.1504-2987-2017-02-05.

Bjerkholt, E., Ødegård, E., Søndenå, K., & Hjardemaal, F. (2014): Hvordan kan veiledningssamtaler åpne for kritisk tenkning? Uniped No. 37(4), pp. 1-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/uniped. Vol. 37.23814 Norway.

Burner, T., Bjerkholt, E., Gaathaug, A., Ljoså, T.M. & Kleiven, S. Doctorateness across higher education institutions in Norway. Uniped. Vol. 43(01), pp. 3-18. https://doi.org/10.18261/issn.1893-8981-2020-01-02

Stokke, H.S. & Bjerkholt, E. (2019). Forskningssirkler som praksisfellesskap. In L. Gjems & H. Bjørnsrud (Eds.), Learning environment in Education. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. https://www.idunn.no/npt/2017/02/et_forskende_fellesskap_-_forskningssirkler_paa_tvers_av_laer?languageId=2


Invited presentations to peer-reviewed national or international conferences:


Bjerkholt, E. (2019). Milestones in the History of Induction and Mentoring New Teachers in Norway. (90 participants). At the 5th International Conference on the Professional Development for Pedagogical staff:  Beginning Teacher II, Aspects and Problems of Future Teacher Training and Adaptation Process from the Perspective of Czech and Foreign Education Systems. Autoclub of the Czech Republic, Opletalova 29, Prague, 03-04.12.2019 (Invited keynote).

Bjerkholt, E. (2019). Invited Workshop-leader: Workshop I: Footholds in Induction and Mentoring Programmes for NQTs, a Short presentation and discussion. International perspectives (20 participants). Workshop IV: Principles for Induction and Mentoring – the Norwegian National Framework, a short presentation and discussion. The Norwegian perspective. At the 5th International Conference on the Professional Development for Pedagogical staff:  Beginning Teacher II, Aspects and Problems of Future Teacher Training and Adaptation Process from the Perspective of Czech and Foreign Education Systems. (90 participants) Autoclub of the Czech Republic, Opletalova 29, Prague, 03-04.12.2019

Bjerkholt, E. (2019). Expert in an international panel on induction and mentoring NQTs. At the 5th International Conference on the Professional Development for Pedagogical staff:  Beginning Teacher II, Aspects and Problems of Future Teacher Training and Adaptation Process from the Perspective of Czech and Foreign Education Systems. (90 participants) Autoclub of the Czech Republic, Opletalova 29, Prague, 03-04.12.2019 (Invited international expert).

Bjerkholt, E. (2019). The short history of teacher mentoring in Norway. A roadmap to a national agreement, Finnish Verme network; National Conference on Induction Newly Qualified Teachers, (100 participants). Jyväskylä University, Finland, 3.10.2019 (Invited keynote).

Bjerkholt, E. (2019). Profesjonsveiledning. Den nasjonale veiledningskonferansen 2019, (100 participants) Høgskolen Innlandet, Hamar, 7.02.2019 (Invited keynote).

Bjerkholt, E. (2019). Conferencier at the conference: Teacher Development Summit: Is there a future for Nordic Teacher Induction (NTI)? Newly Qualified Teachers and Induction: A Nordic Cross-sectorial Network. – (NTI), (120 participants) 11-12.11.2019, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Bjerkholt, E., & Thommesen, T.M. (2019). National framework for guidance of newly qualified teachers in kindergarten and school. (120 participants) Teacher Development Summit: Is there a future for Nordic Teacher Induction (NTI)? Newly Qualified Teachers and Induction: A Nordic Cross-sectorial Network. – (NTI) (120 participants), (Invited Keynote) 11-12.11.2019, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Fellowships, awards and prizes:

2010 National Award for Quality in Higher Education (ranks as number one, Ministry of Education, Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), Norway.


2016-2019 Scholarship for professor qualification, Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science, Department of Educational Science, University College of Southeast Norway.       









Burner, T., Bjerkholt, E., Gaathaug, A., Ljoså, T.M. & Kleiven, S. Doctorateness across higher education institutions in Norway. Uniped. Vol. 43(01), pp. 3-18. https://doi.org/10.18261/issn.1893-8981-2020-01-02

Shanks, R., Attard Tonna, M., Krøjgaard, F., Paaske, K., Robson, D., & Bjerkholt, E. (2020). A comparative study of mentoring for new teachers. Professional Development in Education. pp. 1-15 DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2020.1744684


Stokke, H.S. & Bjerkholt, E. (2019). Forskningssirkler som praksisfellesskap. (kap. 6, s. 89-110). (Fagfellevurdert). I L. Gjems & H. Bjørnsrud (Red.) Praksisfellesskap for læring og profesjonsutvikling. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Doi: 10.18261/9788215032290-2019

Bjerkholt, E. (2019). Profesionshandledning för lärare (oversatt til svensk av H. Gundenäs). Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Attard-Tonna, M., Bjerkholt, E., & Holland, E. (2017). Teacher mentoring and the reflective practitioner approach. International Journal of Mentoring and Couching in Education. Vol 6(3), pp.210-227    DOI: 10.1108/IJMCE-04-2017-0032

Bjerkholt, E. (2017). Profesjonsveiledning. Fra praktisk virksomhet til teoretisk felt. (Fagfellevurdert)Oslo: Cappelen Damm. ISBN 978-82-02-48288-6

Bjerkholt, E., & Stokke, H.S. (2017). Et forskende fellesskap. Forskningssirkler på tvers av læringsarenaene i lærerutdanningene. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift Vol. 101(2). https://www.idunn.no/npt/2017/02/et_forskende_fellesskap_-_forskningssirkler_paa_tvers_av_laer?languageId=2


Bjerkholt, E. (2015). Veiledning og lærende dialoger. kap. 4, s. 55-70. (Fagfellevurdert). I Eli Kari Høihilder & Ole Alexander Gulbrandsen (Red.) Pedagogikk og elevkunnskap i grunnskolelærerutdanningen. PEL i GLU. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.


Aspfors, J., & Bjerkholt, E. (2014). National Report on Developing Continiuum on Teachers’ Professional Development throughout the Teaching Career in Finland, Norwegian part.

Bjerkholt, E., Ødegård, E., Søndenå, K., & Hjardemaal, F.R. (2014). Hvordan kan veiledningssamtaler åpne for kritisk tenkning? Uniped vol. 37. nr. 4 http://journals.co-action.net/index.php/uniped/article/view/23814

Bjerkholt, E. (2014). En kasusstudie av innholdet i veiledningssamtaler mellom nyutdannede lærere og lokale veiledere. (Fagfellevurdert) I FoU i praksis 2013. Artikkelsamling fra konferanse om praksisrettet FOU i lærerutdanning. http://tapironline.no/fil/vis/1364


Bjerkholt, E. (2013). Åpning av lukkede rom. En kvalitativ studie av innholdet og dialogene i veiledningssamtaler mellom nyutdannede lærere og lokale veiledere.(Monografi, nr. ISSN 1501-8962 Nr. 169, 558 sider). Det utdanningsvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo.

Bjerkholt, E., & Søndenå, K. (2013). Danningsreisen 2014. Rapport fra masterstudentene i pedagogikks studiereise. Notodden: HiT-EFL


Bjerkholt, E. (2010). Veiledning av nyutdannede lærere i barnehage, skole og videregående opplæring (Fagfellevurdert). kap. 1, s. 8-17. I E.K. Høihilder, & K.-R.Olsen (Red.). Veiledning av nye lærere i skole og barnehage, Oslo: PedLex.


Bjerkholt, E., & Hedegaard, E. (2008). Systems Promoting New Teachers' Prodessional Development. 3, pp. 45-75. In G. Fransson & C. Gustafson (Eds.). Newly Qualified Teachers in Northern Europe - Comparative Perspectives on Promoting Professional Development (Reviewed). Teacher Education Publication no.4, Gävle: Gävle University Press, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-974893-3-1

Bjerkholt, E., Eik, L.T., & Ødegård, E. (2008). Kompetansebygging i heterogene veiledningsgrupper (Fagfellevurdert). Del 3, s. 137-146. I Hoel, L.T., Hanssen, B., Jakhelln, R. & Østrem, S. (Red.). Det store spranget. Ny som lærer i skole og barnehage. Trondheim: Tapir akademisk forlag.


Bjerkholt, E., Eik, L.T., & Ødegård, E. (2008). Mangfold og muligheter - Om mangfold som ressurs for kompetansebygging. (Fagfellevurdert). I Når starten er god. En artikkelsamling om veiledning av nyutdannede lærere i barnehage, grunnskole og videregående opplæring s. 45-56. Oslo: Utdanningsdirektoratet. https://www.udir.no/globalassets/filer/organisasjon-kompetanse/kompetanse/art.serie_nett_07.pdf


Digitale ressurser

Digitale resurser intervjuer, presentasjoner og opptak av veiledninger

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcFx3sDSMRh87deWVm-dN1A/videosTema: Veiledning for nyutdannede lærere

Tema veiledning av nyutdannede lærere

Bjerkholt, E. (2017). Intervju med Tommy Grundt, nyutdannet lærer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnDnBddzk5g

Bjerkholt, E. (2017).  Intervju med Solveig F. Aasen, faglig ansvarlig for veiledning av nyutdannede Høgskolen Innland Del 1, Del 2, del 3, og del 4.

Del 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEzW1Emimq

Del 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQfqhuKv-LU

Del 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oc6kHvHFa4k

Del 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWPJP1zDnbc&t=13s

Bjerkholt, E. (2017). Intervju med Bjørg Herberg Gloppen, Høgskolen Innland


Bjerkholt, E. (2017). Intervju med Ingunn Øvre, Gjøvik kommune


Bjerkholt, E. (2017). Intervju med veiledere Gjøvik og Gran kommune


Bjerkholt, E. (2017). Intervju med veiledere, Ringsaker kommune


Bjerkholt, E. (2017). Intervju med veiledere, Hilde Melleby, Ringsaker kommune


Bjerkholt, E. (2017). Intervju med veiledere, Hamar kommune


Bjerkholt, E. (2017). Intervju med Ingunn Brønnstad, Kompetanserådgiver, Elverum kommune


Forskningsprosjektet Profesjonalisering gjennom veiledning 2014-2018

Bjerkholt, E. (2018). Presentasjon fra den norske forskningssirkelen – Veiledning av studenter. Prod HSN, Daria Kalashnikova


Bjerkholt, E., Hjukse, H., & Wåle, Å. V. (2013). Veiledning i praksis: Del 1. Kontrakten. (Filmprod.). Notodden: Høgskolen i Telemark.


Bjerkholt, Eva, Hjukse, Hjørdis & Wåle, Åshild V. (2013). Veiledning i praksis: Del 2. Avklare forventninger. (Filmprod.). Notodden: Høgskolen i Telemark.


Bjerkholt, Eva, Hjukse, Hjørdis & Wåle, Åshild V. (2013). Veiledning i praksis: Del 3. Innhold i veiledningssamtalen. (Filmprod.). Notodden: Høgskolen i Telemark.


Bjerkholt, Eva, Hjukse, Hjørdis & Wåle, Åshild V. (2013). Veiledning i praksis: Del 4.  Førveiledning og analyse av veiledningssamtaler. (Filmprod.). Notodden: Høgskolen i Telemark.


Bjerkholt, Eva, Hjukse, Hjørdis & Wåle, Åshild V. (2013). Veiledning i praksis: Del 5. Etterveiledning. (Filmprod.). Notodden: Høgskolen i Telemark.


Invitert innleder til fagfellevurderte konferanser

Bjerkholt, E. (2019). Milestones in the History of Induction and Mentoring New Teachers in Norway. (90 participants). At the 5th International Conference on the Professional Development for Pedagogical staff:  Beginning Teacher II, Aspects and Problems of Future Teacher Training and Adaptation Process from the Perspective of Czech and Foreign Education Systems. Autoclub of the Czech Republic, Opletalova 29, Prague, 03-04.12.2019 (Invited keynote).

Bjerkholt, E. (2019). Invited Workshop-leader: Workshop I: Footholds in Induction and Mentoring Programmes for NQTs, a Short presentation and discussion. International perspectives (20 participants). Workshop IV: Principles for Induction and Mentoring – the Norwegian National Framework, a short presentation and discussion. The Norwegian perspective. At the 5th International Conference on the Professional Development for Pedagogical staff:  Beginning Teacher II, Aspects and Problems of Future Teacher Training and Adaptation Process from the Perspective of Czech and Foreign Education Systems. (90 participants) Autoclub of the Czech Republic, Opletalova 29, Prague, 03-04.12.2019

Bjerkholt, E. (2019). Expert in an international panel on induction and mentoring NQTs. At the 5th International Conference on the Professional Development for Pedagogical staff:  Beginning Teacher II, Aspects and Problems of Future Teacher Training and Adaptation Process from the Perspective of Czech and Foreign Education Systems. (90 participants) Autoclub of the Czech Republic, Opletalova 29, Prague, 03-04.12.2019 (Invited international expert).

Bjerkholt, E. (2019). The short history of teacher mentoring in Norway. A roadmap to a national agreement, Finnish Verme network; National Conference on Induction Newly Qualified Teachers, (100 participants). Jyväskylä University, Finland, 3.10.2019 (Invited keynote).

Bjerkholt, E. (2019). Profesjonsveiledning. Den nasjonale veiledningskonferansen 2019, (100 participants) Høgskolen Innlandet, Hamar, 7.02.2019 (Invited keynote).

Bjerkholt, E. (2019). Conferencier at the conference: Teacher Development Summit: Is there a future for Nordic Teacher Induction (NTI)? Newly Qualified Teachers and Induction: A Nordic Cross-sectorial Network. – (NTI), (120 participants) 11-12.11.2019, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Bjerkholt, E., & Thommesen, T.M. (2019). National framework for guidance of newly qualified teachers in kindergarten and school. (120 participants) Teacher Development Summit: Is there a future for Nordic Teacher Induction (NTI)? Newly Qualified Teachers and Induction: A Nordic Cross-sectorial Network. – (NTI) (120 participants), (Invited Keynote) 11-12.11.2019, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Publications in Cristin