- Teaches marketing strategy issues at master level
- Teaches multivariate methods inkl machine learning at the PhD level
- Teaches Philosophy of Science at the PhD level
Marketing Management
- Marketing Strategy and profitable growth
- Marketing Finance (Return on Marketing)
- Marketing Relationships incl channels of distribution
- Digital communication and new technology
- Scenario Planning
- Innovation and NPD
Research Methods
- Survey Research and Field Experiments
- Big Data-based research
- Structural Equation Modeling with Mplus (and LISREL)
- Panel data analysis
- Philosophy of Science
Industry Monitoring
Travel industry - Accommodations, Transport, Cruise, Distribution, Experiences
Project leader REISEPOL with focus on “Return on Marketing and Digital Channels”, the largest research project in the Norwegian travel industry with a budget of 24 MNOK for 2013-2016. Reports are available at
Reviewer Services
Journal of Tourism Futures
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management
Ad hoc Reviewer Services
Journal of Marketing
International Journal of Research in Marketing
Journal of Business Research
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
Dr.Oecon (PhD) in Strategy and Management, specialization in marketing, 1998, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
MSc in Business Administration (Marketing) 1991, SLHK
Professor of Marketing at University College of Southeast Norway (2003-present)
Vice Rector at Buskerud University College (2003-2013)
Board Positions
Driv inkubator AS, Drammen, Chairman 2012-2017
Kunnandi AS, Hønefoss, Chairman, 2014-2016
Sundvolden Hotell AS, Board member 2008-2013
Papirbredden Innovasjon AS, Drammen, Chairman/Vice chairman 2006-2011
Buskerud University College, Vice Chairman 2003-2007
InnoTech (Arena Program, administered by Innovasjon Norge), Board member, 2004-2006: AS, Oslo, Gründer, owner and Board member 2000-2007
Committee Services
Nasjonal forskerskole i bedriftsøkonomi, Board member 2008-2016
National Committee of Marketing (National Council for Higher Education in Business Administration), Chairman 2009-2011
National Council for Higher Education, member of advisory board for joint degree programs and cotutelles, Member 2007
Norgesnettrådet, member of evaluation board for master programs at university colleges without equivalent programs at universities, Member 2001-2003
2003: Best Overall Conference Paper & Best paper in track award at the American Marketing Association’s Winter Conference, Orlando, Florida
2003: Research Excellence Award at Buskerud University College
2002: Education excellence award at Buskerud University College
1998: Best paper award at the National Conference of Business Administration, Bergen.
1996: Best paper award at the European Marketing Academy Conference, Budapest.
Academic Research
The National Cristin database of publications and projects can be found here
The Google Scholar profile can be found here
Selected Books and Reports
Kåre Sandvik (2016): Effektiv organisering av internasjonal profilering og markedsføring av norsk reiseliv» (
Endre Kildal Iversen, Tori Haukland Løge, Erik W. Jakobsen & Kåre Sandvik (2015): Verdiskapingsanalyse av reiselivsnæringen i Norge – utvikling og fremtidspotensial, Menon-rapport, Oslo.
Enger, Anniken, Kåre Sandvik, Erik W. Jakobsen, Endre K Iversen & Julia Loe (2014): Norsk reiselivsnæring 2025 – En scenarioanalyse, Menon-rapport 20/2014, Oslo.
Arnett, Dennis & Kåre Sandvik (2009): Business success factors in the Norwegian geomatics industry, Rapport 69, Høgskolen i Buskerud, Hønefoss.
Gulbrandsen, Boge & Kåre Sandvik (1999): Markedsanalysens bidrag til verdiskapning: Status og videre veivalg for analysebransjen (Eng: The contribution of market research to market strategy decisions), Rapport, Norsk Markedsanalyse Forening, Oslo.
Sandvik, Kåre (1997): Relasjonelle kontrakter i revisjonsbransjen (Eng: Relational contracts in the auditing industry), SNF-report 26/97. Rapport innenfor SNF-prosjekt nr. 6751 ‘Kvalitetsstyring, markeds- og kundetilpasning i tjenestesektoren’, finanisert av NFR.