Linda Madsen

Linda Madsen

Associate Professor
Department of Nursing and Health Sciences
Faculty of Health and Social Sciences
Campus Porsgrunn
Linda Madsen is an associate professor at the Centre for Care Research South, University of South-Eastern Norway. She is interested in care studies in a wide sense; with her research she cares for issues related to social welfare and housing, user involvement, animals and more than human environments, emergency and disaster response, corporate (social) responsibility, and production and visualization of knowledge and the political implications thereof. Madsen’s research is anchored within the fields of social anthropology and science and technology studies (STS). She holds a PhD from TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo, and she has studied and conducted fieldwork in Turkey. Based on her PhD project, she has published the book Translocal Connections of Bioinsecurity: Avian Influenza in Turkey and the Becoming of a Global Threat (Lit Verlag 2016). From 2016-2019 she held a postdoctoral position at the Institute for Sociology and the Centre for Security and Society at the University of Freiburg, Germany, where she participated in the interdisciplinary civil security research project, RESIBES - Resilienz durch Helfernetzwerke zur Bewältigung von Krisen und Katastrophen. She also taught courses on STS and corporate social responsibility (CSR) at the Liberal Arts and Sciences programme at the University College Freiburg (UCF).


Projects and affiliations:





PhD supervision 

  • Oda Woll Naug, Senter for omsorgsforskning, sør USN
  • Kristin Lunde, Senter for omsorgsforskning, sør USN
  • Christine Tricia Kulabako, Makerere University
  • David Onafruo, Makerere University 
  • Veronica Rusaanes, USN



  • Panndemic preparedness, response, policy and politics 
  • Biosecurity, bioinsecurity and risk
  • User studies
  • Care studies
  • Security studies
  • Politics of science and knowledge
  • Science and Technology Studies (STS)
  • Feminist technoscience
  • Multi-sited praxiography
  • More-than-human geography


Completed projects

Leve hele livet på institusjon (2020-2022), Utviklingssenter for sykehjem og hjemmetjenester-USHT (Vestfold) og Sandefjord kommune

Erfaringer med covid-19 i norske sykehjem [Covid-19 in Norwegian Nursing Homes] (2020-2021), Koronakommisjonen 

Individuell boligplan [Individual housing plan] (2020), in affiliation with Sandefjord Municipality and Telemarksforskning, Husbanken

RESIBES - Resilienz durch Helfernetzwerke zur Bewältigung von Krisen und Katastrophen, Bundesministerium für Bilidung und Forschung

Avian Influenza in Turkey and the Becoming of a Global Threat, PhD-prosjekt, Universitetet i Oslo



Briseid, K. M. og L. Madsen 2023: Problemer, taushet og tiltak. Om hvordan fastleger og regjeringen fremstiller problemene med fastlegeordningen for eldre pasienter med rusproblemer og psykiske lidelser, Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift Årgang 34, nr. 1-2023, s. 24–44,

Møller, G, S. Bekkelund, Heidi Haukelien og L. Madsen 2021: Individuell boligplan (IBP). Veileder i bruk av IBP

Madsen, L. 2021: Can a COVID-19-related curfew be justified on medical grounds? | Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (

Madsen, L. 2021: Kan et portforbud ved covid-19 begrunnes medisinskfaglig? | Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (

Klein, J. L. Madsen og V. Rusaanes 2021: Innspill til høring om portforbud

Jacobsen, F. F. et al. 2021: Erfaringer med covid-19 i norske sykehjem. Rapport fra SOF til Koronakommisjonen

Møller, G, L. Madsen og Heidi Haukelien 2021: Individuell boligplan (IBP) i Sandefjord kommuneRapport 

Hälterlein, J, L. Madsen, A. Schuchardt, R. Peperhove and L. Gerhold 2017: "Integrating volunteers in emergency response: A strategy for increased resilience within German civil security research4", pp.113 - 128 in  A. Fekete and F. Fiedrich (Eds.): Urban Disaster Resilience and Security. Addressing Risks in Societies, The Urban Book Series, Springer

Madsen, L. 2017: 'Biosikkerhet', in Store norske leksikon

Madsen, L. 2016: Translocal Connections of Bioininsecurity. Avian Influenza in Turkey and the Becoming of a Global Threat6Lit Verlag, Münster 

Madsen, L. 2016: ‘Report from the conference, ‘Epidemics entanglements: Exploring the interrelationbetween cities and infectious disease’7, Frankfurt/Main. July 24 – 25, 2014’, in Curare Journal of Medical Anthropology, Issue 37, Vol. 4 or Issue 38, Vol. 1+2

Madsen, L. 2015: Avian flu mobilities. Following bio(in)security in Turkey and beyond. Thesis submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Ph.D. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo. Akademika Publishing, Oslo


Selected papers and presentations

Madsen, L. 2023: "Heltidskultur" i politikk, forskning og praksis – forførende og forledende?, Forskningstimen ved Fakultet for helse og sosialfag, USN, 06.01.2023

Madsen, L . 2022: Being a family carer: The politics of time in life, health and research, ISP workshop, Bergen 30. oktober- 2. november

Høyem, A. og L. Madsen 2022: Ethnography in the institutional context of long-term home care services: the use and role of checklists and other texts in daily care, 30th Nordic Sociological Association Conference, Reykjavik 10. august

Madsen, L. 2022: The politics of time in health, Presentasjon på konferansen Afterlives of epidemics: Ends, Legacies and Hauntings, Universitetet i Oslo 8 - 10. juni

Madsen, L. 2022: Mot bærekraftighet: (Hvordan) kan vi problematisere det uomtvistelig gode?, Senter for omsorgsforskning seminar

Madsen, L. 2021: Caring for ELSA (ethical, legal, social aspects). Lessons learned throughout the RESIBES project. Presentation at the conference Health Care Work during Covid-19: Looking back and Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues of Security Critical Incidents, arrangert by the No-Fear EU project in Oslo November 17-19 2021

Madsen, L. 2021: Praksisorientert dokumentanalyse, presentasjon i seminar arrangert av NFR-prosjektet ROMEO - Rus Og Mental helse, og Eldreomsorgens Organisering

Madsen, L. 2020: Praksiografisk feltarbeid "der ute" og i tekster, presantasjon på seminar arrangert av forskningsgruppen Eldreforsk ved USN

Madsen, L. 2018: ‘A real world laboratory and the vital role of visuals in tracing the trail of a lethal virus’, EASST 2018: Meetings – Making Science, Technology and Society Together, 25. – 28. July, Lancaster University, UK

Madsen, L and J. Hälterlein 2018: ‘Managing the “wave of helpers”: socio-technical solutions for societal resilience’, EASST 2018: Meetings – Making Science, Technology and Society Together, 25. – 28. July, Lancaster University, UK

Madsen, L 2018: "Imaging bio(in)secure aqua- and agriculture situations",  17th Annual STS Conference Graz 2018
Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies
10, 7.-8. May 2018

Hälterlein, J and L. Madsen 2017: "Digitale Technologien und freiwilliges Engagement im Krisen- und Katastrophenschutz11", DITeS Tagung, Apps & Co zwischen Lenkung und Selbstermächtigung, Köln 24.11.2017 

Madsen, L. and J. Hälterlein 2017: "Collaborate Virtue: New Virtual Space for Volunteers in Emergency and Crisis Response12", DGPuK DigiKomm 2017, Stuttgart 10.11.2017

Madsen, L. 2017: 'From Corporate- to Collaborate Social Responsibility: Attending to the Matters of Responsibility in NGO-Industry Collaborations', Paper presented at the Third Nordic Science and Technology Studies Conference13 in Gothenburg, Sweden on June 2

Madsen, L. 2016: 'Security Studies Borderlands', 4S/EASST Conference: Science and Technology by Other Means, Barcelona

with Jens Hälterlein 10/2016: 'Koordination von freiwilligen Helfer_innen bei der Bewältigung von Krisen und Katastrophen. Erkenntnisse aus dem Projekt RESIBES', Interdisziplinären Workshop: Bewältigung von psychosozialen Problemen undKommunikationskonzepte im nuklearen Notfallschutz, organised by  Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz,  Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe and Centre for Security and Society , University of Freiburg

4/2016: ‘Tracking birds: Documents across scales’, Little Tools14 Workshop: The Sites of Documents, University of Oslo

Madsen, L. 2015: ‘Digital re-configuration of disease, sites and technology’, DELSI ‘Digital Epidemiology and its ethical, legal and social implications’ International and interdisciplinary symposium arranged by Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and Center for Technology and Society (TUB), Berlin

Madsen, L. 2011: ‘Mapping Bioinsecurity. Avian Influenza in and Beyond Turkey.’ Annual Conference Royal Geographical Society with IBG, London

Madsen, L. 2009: ‘Making of a Controllable Avian Flu – The Contribution of Turkey.’ 9th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference (NESS): Knowledge, Learning and Action for Sustainability

Madsen, L. 2008: ‘Avian Influenza and its Circulation between Global Plans and Local Practices.’ Seminar: Nature and Science, University of Oslo

Madsen, L. 2008: ‘Facts on flu?’ Joint Annual Meeting Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) and European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), Rotterdam

Madsen, L. 2008: ‘Performing global risk’, Scientific workshop: Natures we care for, Hamarøy, Norway

Madsen, L. 2006: 'Users and Producers of Food and Food Politics. Consumers as agents for environmental sustainability within the framework of a new political technology'. International conference: The technologies of nature-politics. Organized by Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK), University of Oslo, Oslo