Miika Kujanpää

Miika Kujanpää

Department of Business, Marketing and Law
USN School of Business
Campus Hønefoss


Work package leader in the NFR-funded project "Motivational processes in occupational health" (MOTIVATION, PI Anja Olafsen).

Project member in the NFR-funded project "Remote work for all: Implications of motivation and job recovery for work-related health and performance in the context of home office" (REMOTE, PI Anja Olafsen)


Work and organizational psychology, leisure research, positive psychology, individual and group interventions, quantitative research, statistical modelling (Mplus).


Formal education:

University of Groningen (PhD in HR Management and Organisational Behavior, 2022)

Tampere University (PhD in psychology, 2022)

University of Tampere (Master of Arts in psychology & Licensed psychologist, 2017)

University of Tampere (Bachelor of Arts in psychology, 2015)


Relevant work experience:

Post-doctoral researcher, University of South-Eastern Norway (School of Business) 2021-

Doctoral researcher, Tampere University (Faculty of Social Sciences) 2017-2021


Stays abroad:
University of Zürich (2024)

University of Groningen (2018, 2020)

Purdue University (2017)

Leuphana University Lüneburg (2017)



Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

Applied Psychology: An International Review

Work & Stress

International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure

Human Resource Development Quarterly

Anxiety, Stress, & Coping

BMC Psychology

Nordic Psychology

BMC Nursing

BMC Public Health

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Finnish high school barometer

Swiss National Science Foundation


Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Miika-Kujanpaeae
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9881-4787
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miika-kujanpaa/

Publications in Cristin