WASH4ONEHEALTH is a student, staff and research mobility project where the goal is to improve quality of education between higher institutions of Norway and Ethiopia.
The partner universities in Ethiopia are Jimma University (JU), Kotebe University of Education (KUE) and Bahir-Dar University (BDU). They are selected based on the universities' growing demand to improve the quality of education programs associated with water, sanitation and environmental health.
The partner universities in Norway, University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) and Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) have extensive experience when it comes to student exchange programs in education and research on water treatment, environmental biotechnology and sustainable water and sanitation management.
USN and NMBU have several study programs and research projects on a variety of topics, including environmental science and technology and sustainable water and sanitation management, that can help to improve local resource utilization and environmental protection.
Both Norwegian universities have strategies to internationalize the study programs with collaboration and experience sharing with the southern universities.
WASH4ONEHEALTH project activities focus on developing a new MSc program, student mobility, internships, student supervision, staff training and research publications.
The project will result in:
9 new and revised courses and a new curriculum in integrated water and sanitation for one health.
30 Master and 12 PhD student exchanges (involving coursework, co-supervision and internships).
5 conferences and seminars.
15 jointly written scientific publications.
Hence, WASH4ONEHEALTH aims to leverage the strengths of each institution and extends transdisciplinary & long-lasting institutional partnership.