Migrant Work Inclusion - co-creating joint opportunities through employment and entrepreneurship (MW Inc)

Male immigrant working in a warehouse
(Photo: iStock) Copyright: iStock/Juanmonino

This project aims to improve the inclusion of non-western migrants in the Norwegian society through work.

Work is important for people's individual economic situation, and it is crucial for a sustainable welfare state.

Moreover, meaningful work strengthens individuals’ competences, belonging, networks and mental- and physical health. Work has a positive effect on trust and solidarity in society.

Two paths to work

There are two paths to work: To be employed or to establish one’s own business (through entrepreneurship). The aim of this project is to develop new knowledge about the interaction between the actors involved in the process of work inclusion of migrants.

Work inclusion research to date has focused only to a small extent on the interaction, collaboration and connections between migrants' and their experiences and resources, the various public support programs, and employer’s experiences / ideas / needs.

These actors, in what we call the working life ecosystem, often operate separately and are researched separately. The ecosystem for integration and employment concerns complementary services and actors who work together to create welfare in this relevant area. An ecosystem can be deficient or well-functioning, in the case of work inclusion, it is largely deficient.

About the project

In this project, we will develop insights and methods for how collaboration and co-creation can be improved so that migrants are better included in working life either as an employee, or by creating their own job through entrepreneurship. Values ​​and knowledge in the field of co-creation (co-creation / co-production) represent sources of such knowledge.

The project has a relational perspective. Several methodological approaches will be used. This provides opportunities to study co-creation from different angles; institutional ownership and anchoring (public / private), networking, organization, and management.

PROJECT START: Researchers, partners and organizations to be researched. Photographed during the kick-off for the project in February 2022. Some had to participate via the web, due to the pandemic and are thus not in the picture. (Photo: Jan-Henrik Kulberg / USN)

The project will result in new knowledge about challenges and opportunities and, not least, proposals for better co-creation between migrants, employers, and public support programs. We will develop methodological, theoretical and practice knowledge for increased innovation in local and regional inclusion work.

The results will provide new understanding and new practice for better inclusion of immigrants in working life. This knowledge will also have value for other wicked problems in the welfare state. Moreover, the project actively contributes to meeting the challenges set out in UN Sustainability Goal 10; to reduce inequality.


 co-creation illustrasjon.

MW Inc. -prosject

«Migrant Work Inclusion - co-creating joint opportunities through employment and entrepreneurship».


Professor Annett Arntzen


The Research Council of Norway (NFR) has allocated NOK 11,9 million for the project period 2021 to 2025, through the program "Research project in welfare, working life and migration (VAM).

USN and its partners themselves contribute NOK 3,154 million. Total budget: NOK 15,102 million.

Collaborative project:

MW Inc. is a collaboration between:

  • University of South-Eastern Norway
  • NAV Vestfold and Telemark
  • NAV Øst-Viken
  • NHO Vestfold and Telemark
  • Møre and Romsdal County Counsil
  • Vestfold and Telemark County Counsil


The researchers in the project: