Glenn-Egil Torgersen

Department of Educational Science
Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science
Campus Vestfold
Professor of Education. Ph.D. in Psychology. Works with pedagogy for the Unforeseen (DU) and Interaction Under Risk (SUR) with significance for innovative didactic processes in teaching, guidance and growing up/Bildüng, as well as cognitive and aesthetic approaches to learning processes. Lifelong member of the Royal Norwegian Academy of Sciences (DKNVS, group for Psychology and Pedagogy); ALL European Academies (ALLEA) - the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities; Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA).


  • Pedagogy for the Unforeseen (DU) and Interaction Under Risk (SUR), basic structures in DU, improvisation and crises as a phenomenon, implications for pedagogy/didactics, guidance theory, pedagogical innovation and mapping methods for DU competence (Unforeseen Methodology, UN-METH). Se also: Teaching the Unknown.
  • Read a short introduction about this research (from a lecture at the Royal Norwegian Academy of Sciences)
  • Theory formation/model construction in pedagogy (especially based on scientific-theoretical semantic and value-based theoretical views)
  • Emergency pedagogy in growing up/education/child protection ( BISU ), including individual and system-oriented  crises , implications for, and development of innovative curriculum theory/didactic relational models for DU-oriented phenomena/events
  • Teaching: PhD subject Pedagogical competence development and educational quality (10 credits), theme: University and college pedagogical professionalism with an emphasis on innovation
  • Representative USN's senior lecturer programme
  • Supervisor: Master's program Professional pedagogy/GLU Teacher education/Child protection/Educational management
  • Supervisor: Academic promotions/Promotion seminars/Top positions
  • Subject manager: The Unforeseen and Preparedness (DUB). Course description/info . Radio interview about the study . Report on the study .    Teaching "glimpse".
  • Project manager USN/IPED for the NFR-funded basic research project "Education for the Unforeseen & Innovation" (2021-2024), in collaboration with NIFU
  • Are you interested in "Pedagogy for the Unforeseen" (DUPED)? Master's thesis, PhD, research project, or just a chat? Contact!


  • Professor of Education
  • Docent qualification in Organization and Management/Educational Management
  • Ph.D. in Psychology (NTNU)
  • Cand.Polit., Cand.Mag., major in Pedagogy (UiO)
  • General teacher (assistant professor with promotion/science) (HiØ/UiB)
  • PhD supervisor course NAFOL (National Research School for Teacher Education, NTNU/UiB) 
  • PhD supervisor course/research ethics (University of Oslo, Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Only worked in, and towards professions/professional educations: Previously worked in primary school (teacher/classroom manager, practice teacher, municipal pedagogical supervisor), in teacher education GLU (HiØ) and in higher officer and leadership training in educational management and peace pedagogy (Norwegian Defence University College, Akershus fortress in Oslo)

Selection of ongoing research projects (with publication) - 2020 - :

  • MEETING THE CHALLENGES OF EXISTENTIAL RISKS THROUGH EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION: A PROPOSAL FOR AN EXPANDED CURRICULUM  (Scientific Anthology, Routledge). With Prof. Dr. Herner Saeverot (HVL), international basic research group. Book launch: 24 January 2022 (UN International Day of Education): Programme/Register
  • UNFORESEEN METHODOLOGY (UN-METH/ORG) (fine-tuning of validated form, measurement of organizations' competence for unforeseen events and innovation). Part of NFR project (12 million) with NIFU (2022-2024)
  • COMPETENCE FOR THE UNFORESEEN (among other things, main supervisor for PhD scholarship holder Marius Herberg at the Norwegian Defense Academy, affiliated with the NTNU Department of Psychology)
  • COGNITIVE LOAD (Learning and decision making in complex contexts and crisis, learning outcomes with ICT/Multimodality; Simultaneous information - sound, environmental noise, information in various forms - and significance for cognitive load (CL) and performance/learning effect; Pedagogical/didactical implications (cognitive redardation, working memory, improvisation, facilitation of learning, exercises, scenarios etc) and identification (graspability) of multimodal cognitive processes especially in short-term memory
  • GOTHIC PEDAGOGY: AESTHETICS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR EPISTEMOLOGY AND HIGHER EDUCATION (Bildüng, Cognition and Emotion/Mental Health) IN PEDAGOGICS (with prof Herner Sæverot (HVL) and Kristian Firing (NTNU). Also professional connection of my own practice/ experience as a (hobby) artist for 50 years (bass guitar) and songwriter in a number of bands and record releases, mainly within rock/goth as a form of expression (Sacral Disorder on Spotify/Tidal, including former bands as Street Heroes, Darktrail (music video Vevo)).The research project is Norway's contribution to ERASMUS + project:  ARTIST-LED LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION (ALL).. About 30 researchers from different countries in Europe are included in the ALL project. The participants are mostly academic staff at universities and colleges. The research is funded by ERASMUS + (Project leader: Tatiana Chemi (It) , Aalborg University). 
  • NEW INTERACTION THEORY (scientific anthology, ongoing).


Excerpts of latest publications:

  • Saeverot, H. & Torgersen, GE (2022): In: Saeverot, H.,  Meeting the Challenges of Existential Threats through Educational Innovation: A Proposal for a Global Curriculum.  New York & London: Routledge. ISBN 9780367894856)  Launched on UN Education Day, 2022.01.24).

    Chapter 1: Theoretical Foundation - outlines for a global curriculum: Turning existential threats into resources.

    Chapter 2: SSE-Based Frame of Reference. Outlines for a Global Curriculum: Turning Existential Threats into Resources.

    Chapter 7: Ideologies, Threats and Sustainability - How can Education and Knowledge of the Unforeseen Help Reduce the Threat Posed by Ideologies? 

  • Torgersen, GE & Boe, O. (2021) Are Tools in Multimedia Good for Learning Outcomes? A Study Grounded in Cognitive Load Structures. Frontiers in Psychology, 12

  • Magnussen, LI, Torgersen, GE & Boe, O. (2021). Role models and formation in the professional educations: Case study – Krigsskolen [Role models and Bildüng in the professional educations: Case study – Military Academy]. Nordic Studies in Education, 41 (1), pp. 24–46.

  • Helskog, GH and Torgersen, GE (2021). Toward a new pedagogy in higher education. HASER Revista Internaciona l de Filosofía Aplicada 1 /2021 pp. 13-35. 

  • Saeverot, S. & Torgersen, GE (2020). Time, Individuality, and Interaction: A Case Study. In: Howar, P., Saevi, T. Foran, A. & Biesta, G., Phenomenology and Educational Theory in Conversation. Back to Education Itself. London/New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780367209889 .

  • Torgersen, GE, Firing, K., Steiro, T. (2020). Make the Invisible Enemy Visible: Military Debriefing in the Time of Unforeseen. In Military Psychology Response to Post Pandemic Reconstruction , Rawat, S., Boe, O., Piotrowski, A. (Eds.). Rawat Publications: Jaipur, India. ISBN: 978-81-316-1181-4.

  • Torgersen, GE, Rawat, S., Boe, O. & Andrzej Piotrowski, A. (2020). Integrative Conclusions to Post-Pandemic Reconstruction. In: Military Psychology Response to Post Pandemic Reconstruction , Rawat, S., Boe, O., Piotrowski, A. (Eds.). Rawat Publications: Jaipur, India. ISBN: 978-81-316-1181-4. 

  • Boe, O. & Torgersen, GE (2020). Lessons Learned and Identified: Developing a Solidarity Combat Mindset Against Invisible Enemies. In: Military Psychology Response to Post Pandemic Reconstruction , Rawat, S., Boe, O., Piotrowski, A. (Eds.). Rawat Publications: Jaipur, India. ISBN: 978-81-316-1181-4. 

  • Boe, O., Torgersen, G.-E., & Skoglund, TH (2020). Does the Norwegian Police Force Need a Well-Functioning Combat Mindset? Frontiers in Psychology, 11 .

  • Steiro, TJ & Torgersen, GE (2020). Preparedness and Multiagency Collaboration—Lessons Learned from a Case Study in the Norwegian Armed Forces. Sustainability 2020, 12 (18), .

  • Khorram-Manesh, A., Burkle, FM, Phattharaporniaroen, P., Marzaleh, MA, Al Sultan, M., Mäntysaar, M., Carlström, E., Goniewicz, K. Santamara, E. David, J, Dobsen, R., Hreckoviski, B., Torgersen, GE, Mortelmans, LJ, de Jong, M. & Robinson, Y. (2020). Re-evaluating the Military and Civilian Healthcare Systems in Crises through a Dialogue and Study among Practitioners. Military Medicine , MILMED-D-20-00540R2. Oxford Academics: AMSUS, The Society of Federal Health.

  • Torgersen, GE & Carlsten, TC (2019). Preparing Strategic Military Leaders and Crisis Managers for Differing Degrees of Diversity: A New Strategic Model. In: Magnussen, L. (2019). Disaster, diversity and emergency preparation. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series. Sub-Series E: Human and Societal Dynamics – Vol. 146 . Amsterdam/ Berlin/Washington, DC: IOS Press, (pp. 127-147). .

  • Herberg, M., Torgersen, G.-E. & Rundmo, T. (2019). Competence for the Unforeseen: Social Support and Concurrent Learning as Basic Components of Interaction Under Risk. Frontiers in Communication – Disaster Communication, 4 (19). .

  • Torgersen, GE & Carlsten, TC (2019).  Preparing Strategic Military Leaders and Crisis Managers for Differing Degrees of Diversity: A New Strategic Model . In: Magnussen, LI (Ed.), Disaster, Diversity and Emergency Preparation. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, 146 . Amsterdam, Dordrecht: IOS Press, Springer Science and Business Media in cooperation with NATO Emerging Security Challenges Division. DOI 10.3233/NHSDP190032
  • Herberg, M., Torgersen, G.-E. & Rundmo, T. (2019). Competence for the Unforeseen: Social Support and Concurrent Learning as Basic Components of Interaction Under Risk. Frontiers in Communication – Disaster Communication, 4 (19).
  • Sørensen, JL, Carlström, ED, Torgersen, GE. et al. (2019). The Organizer Dilemma: Outcomes from a Collaboration Exercise. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 10(2)
  • Boe, O. & Torgersen, GE (2018). Norwegian “Digital Border Defense” and Competence for the Unforeseen: A Grounded Theory Approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 9 (555).
  • Magnussen, LI, Carlstrøm, E., Sørensen, JL, Torgersen, GE, Hagenes, EF, & Kristiansen, E. (2018). Learning and usefulness stemming from collaboration in a maritime crisis management exercise in Northern Norway. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 27 (1), 129-140.

Last published scientific anthology:

  • Torgersen, G. E. (Ed.). (2018). Interaction: ‘Samhandling’ under Risk. A step Ahead of the Unforeseen. Cappelen Damm Akademiske, Open Access/NOASP, (28 Chapters, 31 contributors).

Concise content: How can we as a society prepare ourselves for the unforeseen, the events and threats at the outer reaches of what we have trained for? The authors of Interaction: ‘Samhandling’ Under Risk elucidate new views on emergency management and understanding the unforeseen in society and learning processes by introducing the concept of ‘samhandling’, a Norwegian term that connotes interaction, collaboration, cooperation and coordination in one word. The book challenges traditional perceptions of ‘samhandling’ and new models are introduced with the questions: What are the basic structures of the concept of interaction under risk? How can interaction be created when conditions are unpredictable? The book is in English, published Open Access by Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

  • Torgersen, G. E. (Ed.). (2015). Pedagogikk for det uforutsette (Pedagogy for the Unforeseen). Oslo: Fagbokforlaget

Concise content: For institutions and individuals, many serious incidents may arise unexpectedly. Is it possible to plan, teach and train for something that is not yet known?. "PEDAGOGY for the Unforeseen" introduces new educational thinking in order to anticipate the unforeseen. To this end, the authors of this work challenge traditional views of knowledge, instructional models and the principles of experiential learning. The book is aimed at those with a background in the military, public administration and emergency management. It is also intended for students, teachers and researchers of pedagogy and organisational learning. Prof. Dr. Glenn-Egil Torgersen (Ed.) at the Norwegian Defence University College and the 19 other contributing authors are at the forefront of their field in terms of both research and practice.

 PÄDAGOGIK für das Unvorhergesehene (D)

Viele unvorhergesehene Ereignisse treffen Institutionen und Individuen unvorbereitet. Ist es möglich für etwas zu planen, zu lehren und für etwas zu üben das noch unbekannt ist? "PÄDAGOGIK für das Unvorhergesehene" präsentiert neues pädagogisches Denken, um das Unerwartete besser zu verstehen. Der Schlüssel dazu liegt in der Infragestellung traditioneller Auffassungen über Wissen, didaktischen Modellen und Lernen aufgrund von Erfahrungen. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die menschliche Kompetenzen im Bereich von Krisenmanagement und Verteidigungsorganisation entwickeln. Ferner richtet es sich an Studenten, Lehrer und Forscher in den Bereichen Pädagogik und Organisationslehre. Prof. Dr. Glenn-Egil Torgersen (Hrsg.) von der Hochschule der Norwegischen Streitkräfte und die 19 anderen Autoren sind führend auf dem Gebiet dieser Wissenschaft und Praxis.

 PEDAGOGIA per l'inaspettato (It)

Spesso istituzioni e persone responsabili della prevenzione dei disastri sono colti di sorpresa. 

È possibile pianificare, insegnare ed esercitarsi contro qualcosa che non sappiamo se e come accadrà? "Pedagogia per l'inaspettato" introduce un originale modello educativo per anticipare l'imprevisto che mette in discussione visioni e modelli didattici tradizionali, nonché l'apprendimento esperenziale. Il libro si rivolge a tutti coloro che si occupano di formazione in autorità ed organizzazioni preposte alla risposta a crisi ed emergenze, oltre che a studenti, docenti e ricercatori in pedagogia e scienze dell'organizzazione. Glenn-Egil Torgersen (Ed.), docente presso La Scuola Superiore di Difesa norvegese, e gli altri 19 autori sono i maggiori esperti nel campo sia a livello accademico che nell'applicazione pratica. 

PEDAGOGIA para o inesperado (Port)

 Para as instituições e inerentes responsáveis muitos incidentes podem ocorrer inesperadamente. Será possível planear, ensinar e exercitar para algo desconhecido? «A PEDAGOGIA para o inesperado» introduz um modelo educativo original para atecipar o imprevisto em relação inesperado. A clave neste trabalho é desafiar as visões tradicionais do conhecimento, introduzir novos alicerces e modelos para uma aprendizagem experimental. O livro é dirigido àqueles que se ocupam da formação na autoridade e organização governamentais , para dar uma resposta em relação a múltiplas dificuldades de ordem social possíveis crises emergenciais, assim como à attitude das estruturas e organizações militares. Também se propõe nas coisas essenciais, para estudantes, professors e pesquisadores nas áreas da pedagogia e aprendizagem organizacionais. Glenn-Egil Torgersen (Ed.), professor doutorado ligado à Universidade de Defesa Norueguesa, e outros dezanove autores peritos na matéria, foram pioneiros nesta pesquisa e sua aplicação prática.   

Педагогика для непредвиденных ситуаций (Ру)

Для государственных учреждений и частных лиц многие важные инциденты происходят неожиданно. Возможны ли планирование и обучение в условиях, когда мы не знаем, чего ожидать? «Педагогика непредвиденных ситуаций» представляет новый педагогический метод, позволяющий быть на шаг впереди непредвиденного. С этой целью мы бросаем вызов традиционным представлениям о знании, дидактическим моделям и методам обучения, основанным на опыте. Книга будет полезна всем тем, кто работает в государственной, образовательной и военной сферах, а также в организациях, занимающихся кризисными и чрезвычайными ситуациями, в том числе студентам, преподавателям и исследователям в области педагогики и изучения управлении организациями. Профессор Норвежского Колледжа Обороны Доктор Гленн-Эгиль Torgersen (Р. книги) и 19 других авторов являются выдающимися исследователями в данной области.

 Pédagogie pour l'imprévu (Fr)

Les institutions et leurs acteurs doivent soudainement affronter de nombreux événements graves et imprévisibles. Est-il possible de planifier, d'apprendre et de s'entrainer pour ce que nous n'avons pas encore identifié ? "Pédagogie pour l'imprévu" est une introduction à de nouvelles idées pédagogiques pour être préparé  à l'imprévu. Pour ce faire, on remet en question les connaissances traditionnelles, les modèles didactiques et les savoir-faire. Ce livre s'adresse à tous ceux qui travaillent dans le champ de la compétence décisionnelle, dans les organismes d'éducation, de gestion de crises et d'urgence. Il s'adresse aussi aux étudiants, enseignants et chercheurs en pédagogie et gestion des organisations. Le professeur Glenn-Egil Torgesen, de l'académie militaire, (éd.), et les 19 autres contributeurs sont d'éminents spécialistes dans ce domaine, tant au niveau théorique que pratique.

PEDAGOGIKA nieprzewidzianego (Pl)

Poważne zdarzenia często przytrafiają się instytucjom lub jednostkom niespodziewanie. Czy możliwe jest planowanie, uczenie się i ćwiczenie do czegoś, co jest jeszcze nieznane? „PEDAGOGIKA nieprzewidzianego” przedstawia nowe pedagogiczne myślenie o mierzeniu się z nieprzewidzianym. W tym celu autorzy podważają tradycyjne koncepcje wiedzy, modele dydaktyczne i uczenie się poprzez doświadczenie. Książka jest skierowana do osób pracujących w wojsku, administracji publicznej i zarządzaniu kryzysowym oraz do studentów, nauczycieli i badaczy pedagogiki i teorii organizacji. Prof. Dr Glenn-Egil Torgesen (red.) ze Szkoły Wyższej Norweskich Sił Zbrojnych i 19 innych autorów są wiodącymi ekspertami w tej dziedzinie, zarówno w zakresie badań, jak i praktyki.

Selection Chronicles/reports: